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My response from a Nellis AFB Deputy Public Affairs guy

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posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 04:13 PM
"I am sure you have heard this before, but I can only confirm that the
Air Force has a classified facility at Groom Lake, Nev. I cannot comment on
anything that may or may not go on there.

As for unidentified flying objects, the Air Force posture is that the
vast majority of UFOs can be identified and associated with everyday
physical events. There are a few UFO reports that remain unexplained, hence they are true UFOs. This does not mean that they are of extraterrestrial origin.

I have spent a lot of time on the Nevada Test and Training Range and
have never seen an alien. I have seen pictures of aliens at the Little A'Li
Inn in Rachel, but the locals assure me the pictures are of dubious origin
and are there solely to impress the tourists."



He's obviously not been to the more secret places within Area 51, either that or he has but won't talk about it. At least I tried. My NASA docs/memos should be posted by tonight on ATS. If not by tomorrow at the latest.

[edit on 1-4-2005 by meshuggah1324]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 04:40 PM
ah well, at least you tried mesh. I would guess he's telling the truth but that he hasnt got high enough security to know about black projects etc. Do you have any contacts in Las Alamos Labs? That would appear to be a prime location now, even a lower class guy there who may not nessecarily know anything, might have noticed strange things going on in the base.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 04:45 PM
OK, I got the NASA docs/memos on my computer. Can I email them to someone on ATS for them to post on ATS? U2U me with your email address. I have tried to host them on but it won't let me. It says there's something wrong with them! This is starting to piss me off!

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
OK, I got the NASA docs/memos on my computer. Can I email them to someone on ATS for them to post on ATS? U2U me with your email address. I have tried to host them on but it won't let me. It says there's something wrong with them! This is starting to piss me off!

Okay here are the documents you uploaded to me to reformat.

I'll edit in what more blurry ones say later.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:34 PM


TO: AX-l/Dave Williamson

FROM: LC-5/William M. Allen


George Chatham of the Congressional Reference Service
of the library of Congress has a question on Dr. Frosch’s
letter of December 21 to Dr Press.

The first paragraph of this letter contains the statement
“we stand ready to respond to any bone fide physical
evidence from credible sources”. Chatham wants to know if
NASA regards photographic negatives, documented with tech-
nical data on the camera used, as , “physical evidence”.
He believes NASA is uniquely qualified to evaluate imagery.

Chatham Previously called me about the statement attributed
to you by the Associated Press that “a photograph is not a
measurement”. As a former photo Interpreter and an experi-
enced photographer he is convinced that a properly docu-
mented photograph is evidence.

Is NASA prepared evaluate documented imagery of UFO’s
If not, what is the rationale for the decision not to do so?

Cc: SC-4/Dr. Henry

Honorable Tony Coelbo
House of Representatives
Washington, Dc 20515

Dear Mr. Coelbo:

Dr. Frosch has asked me to respond to your August 18 letter on behalf of
Mr. Tom Marsella and Mr. Brad Hunkenship who are producing a documentary
about Unidentified flying objects (UFO’s).

Although NASA is the focal point for answering public inquiries to the
White House relating to UFO’s, it is not engaged in a UFO research program,
nor is any other government agency.

I am enclosing an Information Sheet (Number 78-1) which Describes present
policy. Page seven lists some organizations. Which review UFO sighting
reports. Your constituents may wish to communicate with one or more of

While some of the astronauts did see some things there has never been a
confirmed UFO sighting. In vertually every case there was a more feasible
explanation then UFO’s; such as debris, rocket stage panels, etc.

The Febraury 1977 issue of Space World, Vol. –2-158, published by Palmer
Publications, Inc., Amberst, Wisconsin S5460, contains an excellent article
on “Astronauts and UFO’s-The Whole Story.” We are enclosing a copy of
the article which we believe will be of interest to Mesers , Marsella and

I hope this information will prove usefull.

Honorable James J. Florio
House of Representatives
Washington, Dc 20515

Dear Mr. Florio:

This responds to your letter of July 28 to administrator Beggs on behalf
of Mr. Fred Schaefer concerning unidentified flying objects (UFO’s)

First, you asked if UFO sightings were investigated by NASA. In short,
they are not. NASA has no pictures, files or sighting reports and is
not conducting a continuing UFO investigation. Second, you requested
NASA’s opinion on what responsibility the Government has in cases where
UFO’s are detected in air traffic lanes or around defense installations.
We suggest that, for the most appropriate response to these queries,
you contact the following organizations that have jurisdiction in these
matters: the Federal Aviation Administration and the United States Air
Force (which you have already done).

We regret that we cannot provide a more positive reply. However, if we
can be of future assistance, please let us know.

[edit on 2-4-2005 by bordnlazy]

[edit on 2-4-2005 by bordnlazy]

[edit on 2-4-2005 by bordnlazy]

[edit on 2-4-2005 by bordnlazy]

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 12:59 PM
These docs/memo letters simply show that the government was still talking about and interested in UFO's in the 1970's well after 1968.

I'm glad they got posted on ATS!

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:08 PM
Good work mesh, they are good to read if nothing else. It seems in mid-70s NASA was close to opening up a formal project into the matter, but in the end decided not to. They say no other government agency deals with ufos but then im sure the NASA guy would be out of the loop concerning black projects.
Did anyone notice the underlined paragraph that stated Los Alamos Labs has a piece of material being studied 'that could be a piece of a UFO'. If someone could get some contact with someone working at Los Alamos then we could get some details. It seems this is the prime place to investigate.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:11 PM
Yes, I was impressed with these when I first read them. I knew I had to get them on ATS. I underlined that sentence because I wanted to point it out. Piece of UFO. WoW!

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
Yes, I was impressed with these when I first read them. I knew I had to get them on ATS. I underlined that sentence because I wanted to point it out. Piece of UFO. WoW!

All I can say is wow. These letters are very interesting Indeed, Where did you find them? Good Job Locating Them

[edit on 2-4-2005 by bordnlazy]

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 01:56 PM
NASA - The US Space Admin FOIA

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 02:14 PM
A question, if I may? I've been browsing the two most recent threads that meshuggah has running, but I'm confused.

Meshuggah, just who gave you these documents? An unamed contact? NASA? Other?

And in what format did you receive this information? Fax? Snail Mail? Email?


posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 02:19 PM
I received these from a NASA FOIA request that I filed with them 1 year ago. It took them 1 year to send me this! It was through the mail. Then I faxed them to someone on ATS. Then they emailed them to me in zip-file form because I don't own a scanner and that would be the only way to get them on my computer. But I'm very stupid when it comes to computer stuff so I couldn't post them. So I finally sent them to someone on ATS who posted them. Hope this clears things up for you.

[edit on 2-4-2005 by meshuggah1324]

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 02:22 PM
PS - Nellis AFB has nothing to do with this. He just posted them here. I was thinking it would have it's own thread, but this will do....

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
I received these from a NASA FOIA request that I filed with them 1 year ago. It took them 1 year to send me this! It was through the mail. Then I faxed them to someone on ATS. Then they emailed them to me in zip-file form because I don't own a scanner and that would be the only way to get them on my computer. But I'm very stupid when it comes to computer stuff so I couldn't post them. So I finally sent them to someone on ATS who posted them. Hope this clears things up for you.

Ah thanks! In fact, I think others reading this thread will also appreciate this clarification.

Thanks for getting this information out to us on ATS


posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 04:18 PM
This is very interisting stuff! nice work!

Unfortunately I can't ready some of them, they are almost impossible to read.
Can you quote what it says on them?

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 04:22 PM
MESH I have an idea. Try and find Steven Speilbergs contact information and ask him if their is any truth to the rumor of what reagan told him while at the E.T screening.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by pompano
MESH I have an idea. Try and find Steven Speilbergs contact information and ask him if their is any truth to the rumor of what reagan told him while at the E.T screening.

What did reagan tell Spielberg?

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 05:46 PM
meshuggah1324 are these the same documents you tried to e-mail me two days ago? Very interesting info thanks for posting them

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 07:45 PM
Mesh, great work in getting the documents to ATS (kudos to bordnlazy for the assist).

Any idea what book or reference is referred to in the Memorandum from the D/S Chief, Ground Operations Safety, third paragraph...

[Enclosure 2) "Celestial Passengers UFO's & Space Travelers" on pages 26 through 32" ]

Is that some kind of book? Did I miss it mentioned elsewhere?

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 08:33 PM
You guys are more than welcome. Yes, these are the docs/memos I tried to send you jimi. Maybe if everyone on ATS sent in a bounch of FOIA requests they'd get the hint! It takes a little work, but without it nothing happens, ya know.....?

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