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May The Fourth Be With You Musk Edition

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posted on May, 4 2022 @ 07:38 AM
So this week was dominated by the Elon/Twitter soap opera until the SCOTUS leak.

There was healthy debate about what Musk is doing. Just search ATS for those threads.

One of the few arguments I heard that gave me pause, reminds us of Neurolink/Starling conspiracies.

I had to think on it for a bit.

Growing up, I loved Star Wars. I still do, just not the Disney crap. I loved the tech and the fact that it took all of them working together to defeat Evil...and many sub plot morals.

Many, if not most, of us on here, loved Scifi and tech growing up. If we are honest, my cell phone is a Star Trek communicator. That is only 1 of many examples of real world scifi tech today.

Musk had the same social influences as us, and he obviously loves scifi and tech like us. If his motives are pure, he is trying to bring us to a better social reality. If he has hidden motives, this tech could be dystopian. But truth be told, it is the human with bad intentions who takes something neutral and uses it for personal gain at the expense of innocent humans.

I have always said, science is the study of God's mind.

So in the end can we trust that Musk is trying to help humanity? Can we trust the tech he produces? And more to the point, can we trust humanity with this tech?

posted on May, 4 2022 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

Good questions you ask. Seek the trooth you are. Find answers in the future you will. Problem with future is already done. Difficult to undo if bad the answers are.

edit on 5 4 2022 by beyondknowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2022 @ 08:40 AM
The human trials are to begin or have begun on computer/brain tech that Musk was suggesting. Everything has a an up side and a down side. Imagine plugging in your brain when you walk up to the witness stand or in front of a senate hearing and are incapable of lying. That may be a good thing. Now imagine bluetooth enabled thoughts placed in your brain for control purposes...a bad thing.
Difficult to know where Musk s going with all this to be sure.

posted on May, 4 2022 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

Nicely posed thoughts Mr. Boy, all leading to your summation

can we trust humanity with this tech?

That is the thing ain't it. Humanity. Can we trust ''humanity'' while there is not enough humanity? Humanity as the entirety of the human race, of the human condition is a runaway train without the aspect of being ''humane'' which is the condition of being compassionate, sympathetic and generous in behavior. In short, do we accept from ourselves the excuse of ''just being human'' or do we strive always to achieve those greater aspirations of being.

posted on May, 4 2022 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: theatreboy

So in the end can we trust that Musk is trying to help humanity? Can we trust the tech he produces? And more to the point, can we trust humanity with this tech?

I think we can be reasonably confident that he won't make the situation worse than what anyone else has done, that bar is pactically just rolling around on the floor waiting for someone with initiative and audacity to raise it above knee height. He's clever, he's motivated and he's honest. If nothing else, the simple fact that his business endeavors make world leaders pee themselves is encouraging.

edit on 4-5-2022 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2022 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: theatreboy
So this week was dominated by the Elon/Twitter soap opera until the SCOTUS leak.

There was healthy debate about what Musk is doing. Just search ATS for those threads.

One of the few arguments I heard that gave me pause, reminds us of Neurolink/Starling conspiracies.

I had to think on it for a bit.

Growing up, I loved Star Wars. I still do, just not the Disney crap. I loved the tech and the fact that it took all of them working together to defeat Evil...and many sub plot morals.

Many, if not most, of us on here, loved Scifi and tech growing up. If we are honest, my cell phone is a Star Trek communicator. That is only 1 of many examples of real world scifi tech today.

Musk had the same social influences as us, and he obviously loves scifi and tech like us. If his motives are pure, he is trying to bring us to a better social reality. If he has hidden motives, this tech could be dystopian. But truth be told, it is the human with bad intentions who takes something neutral and uses it for personal gain at the expense of innocent humans.

I have always said, science is the study of God's mind.

So in the end can we trust that Musk is trying to help humanity? Can we trust the tech he produces? And more to the point, can we trust humanity with this tech?

we do know Twitter was used for political gain up till Musk bought it. What he does from here is anyone's guess. But to ignore what it was, a propaganda arm of the DNC, is disingenuous. It seems the reason the left is freaking out over this, is they all knew they had complete control over all information on Facebook, Twitter, and the others. With the loss of control will come information which counters the lies.

Should the public ever figure out what the Florida law preventing grooming, and the SCOTUS decision are really about, they will be angry for being lied to. Being used as a tool just seems so....dirty.

posted on May, 4 2022 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: theatreboy

I read Elon's background and he is a very charismatic brilliant businessman.
I don't know what he will do with twitter in the future but as a halfassed futurist I think....and hope....

that twitter will be an open source global resource platform to bring all people of Earth together in the spirit of
Peace and Love via starlink.

or perhaps a weapons system to blow our enemies to smithereens.

but in reality I see twitter becoming a google clone, for a small fee of course. Capitalism doing business like a boss!!

S&F for the inspiration for another TV series treatment!! I wish I had Musk's money, I wouldn't have to beg venture capitalist for $$$ to start my projects.

edit on 4-5-2022 by olaru12 because: syntax

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