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Plandemic 3 Is Coming To Rock Your World

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posted on May, 2 2022 @ 09:44 AM
No one cared what Dr. Deborah Birx had to say during her book tour this year.

Not until this weekend when she announced Covid-19 would surge this Summer, as everyone's "vaccines" wear off.

Now she's a hot commodity!:

The "experts" don't understand how their warnings carry less and less weight, as the months pass.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
No one cared what Dr. Deborah Birx had to say during her book tour this year.

Not until this weekend when she announced Covid-19 would surge this Summer, as everyone's "vaccines" wear off.

Now she's a hot commodity!:

The "experts" don't understand how their warnings carry less and less weight, as the months pass.

Maybe she will sell more copies than Jill Biden. Meaning, 251 copies sold?

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 11:28 AM
Terrifying! They experimented on the whole planet.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 07:03 PM
When it began I started to question how lethal it was because they were giving ridiculous numbers and everyone that I knew was fine. Then I remember the aftermath of a hurricane, it was so bad that many corpses where left to rot in trailers because they "didn't" have the staff to handle the situation and during the "pandemic" they didn't have such problems. I remember getting sick pre-vaccine once or twice, never had any symptoms, so I began to wondered if those who were dying were people who's health was already in jeopardy because each year lots of people die of different diseases.

During 2021, all if not most of my family took the jab, I didn't and often get told by my dad who's a Doctor to take the jab and how it's the fault of those without it. By that time he could barely move around because he have to get kidney treatments. That didn't stopped him from driving or working, he never needed any assistance until he was diagnosed with covid and was put on a hospital bed 6 months after taking the jab.

His stay in the hospital was so bad that he had to sign the papers to get out because he felt like he was in prison and because he had covid the nurses barely visited him. He only had a ventilator machine and got out: barely breathing(had to buy an oxygen unit), without the ability to barely move around and an ugly skin eating infection in his butt cheeks that took months to be cured.

In 2021 I got sick 3 times, last time was after a concert in which everyone was required to show proof of being jab. I didn't went to the concert but got ill because 2 family members got ill. Never felt any symptoms but remember having a terrible cough that lasted for almost a week and I though that I was immune because I'm a smoker. Still haven't taken the jab, since then I get allergies almost every month or runny nose just by scratching my eyes but they go away fast with a few candies.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 05:15 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
This was without a doubt in my mind a biological weapon that got loose in China where it was getting worked on. It makes no difference if it was unintentional or not, everyone ended up a victim and that is something that should unite us against them.

I wonder who is in cahoots with who. China's one-baby policy obviously didn't work (considering their population numbers). Old people ... well ... we've outlived our usefulness ... and just consume .... right?

This virus was generated in the US, completed in the UK, shipped to Canada (where it was handed off to the PLA) ... before it was released in the wet market. At what point in 'that' storyline ...where they actually turned it into the weapon ... hasn't been divulged.

The mRNA vaccine (not a vaccine) is just another element of government horror being foisted upon us. You don't know what's in that vial. I don't know what's in that vial. The person giving you the jab didn't know what was in the vial. And, neither did Donald Trump (Mr. Operation Warp Speed himself).. All we know is that governments declared National Emergencies (legally awarding themselves extraordinary powers ... thanks again President Trump) and TPTB acted swiftly almost everywhere on Earth ... like it was all planned out ... well before we heard the first of it (sorta like what went down on Jekyll Island. Just look at the source of that link ... they freely admit it more than a hundred years later).

And, don't forget, it was Anthony Fauci's fingerprints that were found all over the AIDS epidemic. And, it was Anthony Fauci (working under Manchurian Candidate 0bama) who got told to cease his efforts weaponizing what would be unleashed as COVID-19 upon the world.

Past time for some of this:

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