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Plandemic 3 Is Coming To Rock Your World

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+22 more 
posted on May, 1 2022 @ 01:14 AM
The Plandemic 3 trailer is one of the most amazing and well produced trailers for a documentary I've ever seen. In the beginning we see the massive billion dollar covid vaccine advertising campaign with it's star studded cast of high profile actors singers and celebrities. Some of the videos are a borderline religious experience with the covid vaccine playing the role of the second coming of Christ. Others are feel good or comical take on well known music videos and movie scenes. The whole thing seems so overproduced and disingenuous, yet this compilation and it's music fades as the harsh reality of vaccine victims and their relatives are presented painting a picture of a hidden reality of victims whose voices have gone unheard.

The core of the documentary will focus on the medical apartheid that is threatening to destroy this world with failed policies, experimental drugs and mandates. Plandemic 1 had over a billion views, which is more than any other independent film in history. This documentary will be available to stream on May 4th and looks to be buzzworthy.


edit on 1-5-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Thank you for bringing awareness.

Regarding the trailer, it breaks my heart to see these people with side affects of the vaccine. Statistcally the side effect rate is low but that's not going to make me forget about these folks.

Effective immidiately there should be a CDC response If you are 0 - 50 you should not get the experimental vaccine. 50 - 80 you should consult your doctor. 80+ recommend it.

+4 more 
posted on May, 1 2022 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

Not only the side effects but actually listen to the people that plead to politics and everyone else so invested in "get the shot and over it" mentality for their personal medical restrictions. For example it was clear from medical records I do react sensible to shots of all kinds, even medication.

Yet nobody listened to people like me and even got ridiculed. I just came home from hospital after coming down with myocarditis and that since January it looks like.

What happened in January? The 2nd jab, it started right after that. Yet STILL, I was getting buns at the bakery this morning and a neighbor asked me where I was the last two weeks. I gave him a quick update and when I said after the 2nd jab, the person got defensive. Probably vaccinated and went into mode of denial it could be related. To a point I almost got angry because suddenly the talk went to how ya been to "what you tell me I discount". It was visible, the rejection of the thought they too could be in line for this experience.


And that's funny the state I reflected I am currently in. Currently I deny myself to come to a conclusion where this sudden myocarditis comes from. I don't allow myself that currently, was it covid I had in 2020, was it the current infection I went through, was it the jab or undiscovered heart problem?

Self reflecting I am keeping myself in denial by intent because I know the next steps that may be on the road. Hopefully the rage phase where I get angry at the world and the sheep that enable-enforced this too on me isn't going to be too long. That I can write like this about it shows me how much I distance myself currently from the condition but already bordering on the rage.

I am aware that I have been duped by fear. Not fear of infection but I just could not function in society and get entry to anything other than food or pharmacy stores. They played on our utmost basic instincts and used the group-think-fear to push people like me, that are reliant on themselves and have another little soul reliant, to push us over the edge and comply.

Currently I know that this rage will be eating me up, I will either be able to get over this betrayal or it will eat me up. For that I have to make believe myself currently that it all isn't that worse and not project to much into the future. What is already here is a deep disgust for people that can not think on their own. Towards those that could if they wanted but are lazy in their head.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: litterbaux

I am aware that I have been duped by fear. Not fear of infection but I just could not function in society and get entry to anything other than food or pharmacy stores. They played on our utmost basic instincts and used the group-think-fear to push people like me, that are reliant on themselves and have another little soul reliant, to push us over the edge and comply.

I am ok after 3 vax - BUT - I too feel duped and am angry and will refuse any more vaccinations.

There are people on ATS who will tear you down, rip you to shreds, and say they warned you and that you are to blame. But you are not. They are ass**@@s whose self-righteousness precludes their ability to have any empathy for people like you and me who regret getting the vaccines.

You did what you thought you had to do at the time. You were duped with overwhelming messaging and threats from the government, employers, etc.

The vaccine pushers who told you that they were good for you are to blame. Worst of all it was Doctors, the CDC, the Dept of Health, the government itself that was telling you that you would probably die or catch it an kill a loved one, if you didn't take the vaccine. They lied to you. They are squarely to blame for your health problems now.

You are right to be angry and don't listen to those on ATS who have told me I have no right to be angry I was duped and threatened into taking the vaccine. You do have a right to be angry.

I hope you get better and that after reading this the jerks who were mean, self righteous pric%@ to me are nice to you.

edit on 5/1/22 by The2Billies because: format

+1 more 
posted on May, 1 2022 @ 06:49 AM
Shame on those who pushed the narrative for political gain, monetary gain, or clout. You will get whats coming for you.

For all those who vaccinated out of fear, loss of work, coersion, mandates, you have my sympathies. We should never be forced to make a choice from fear alone.

All those who needed it for health reasons, or who were in high risk categories, are the ones we should have focused on. This should have never been pushed onto the world.

I never seen all those atrocious music videos before this movie was made. OP is right, this was straight up propaganda.

I'm interested in watching the entire movie.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

I can muster enough understanding to forgive those to a degree, if it happens. I think it happened one time now but that was a member I do not care the opinion about. Because we never conversed and therefor I know the member does not know me or my history and was not worth much energy to answer. Besides I didn't do it for medical reasons and was one of the loudest voices here on ATS when it was against normalizing that mRNA vaccine as perfectly safe.

The understanding about those that think they need to bash on people like you and me comes from acknowledging we humans are tribal people. I myself am guilty of it, a few months ago we two had a huge argument because of that. If it helps them staying strong, I can overlook that #ty behavior towards me though. Not to excuse my own behavior though, it's still wrong. That does not make it right but if it helps them staying strong... meh.

I won't even start to think about the deeper personality because as they think I am a pushover, those that know me, know I am by far not. And I can always fall to the same false conclusions about someone else and surely did although I try not to judge people, always see the reasoning behind.

Live and let live

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

There are people on ATS who will tear you down, rip you to shreds, and say they warned you and that you are to blame. But you are not. They are ass**@@s whose self-righteousness precludes their ability to have any empathy for people like you and me who regret getting the vaccines.

I personally have not seen this on ATS, but pay them no mind. A lot of pressure was put on the public to comply or else. Not many people were in a position to lose their jobs or a lot worse, and many did it for their family, not for themselves. I don't blame anyone for succumbing to the full on blitz against the public.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 07:59 AM
The propaganda never ends. I just looked over an NPR story about how a woman's mother died of COVID because she was anti-vax and believed conspiracy theories she saw on videos. Just an effort to support the new Ministry of Truth bureau me thinks.
edit on 1-5-2022 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Corrections

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: litterbaux

I am aware that I have been duped by fear. Not fear of infection but I just could not function in society and get entry to anything other than food or pharmacy stores. They played on our utmost basic instincts and used the group-think-fear to push people like me, that are reliant on themselves and have another little soul reliant, to push us over the edge and comply.

I am ok after 3 vax - BUT - I too feel duped and am angry and will refuse any more vaccinations.

There are people on ATS who will tear you down, rip you to shreds, and say they warned you and that you are to blame. But you are not. They are ass**@@s whose self-righteousness precludes their ability to have any empathy for people like you and me who regret getting the vaccines.

You did what you thought you had to do at the time. You were duped with overwhelming messaging and threats from the government, employers, etc.

The vaccine pushers who told you that they were good for you are to blame. Worst of all it was Doctors, the CDC, the Dept of Health, the government itself that was telling you that you would probably die or catch it an kill a loved one, if you didn't take the vaccine. They lied to you. They are squarely to blame for your health problems now.

You are right to be angry and don't listen to those on ATS who have told me I have no right to be angry I was duped and threatened into taking the vaccine. You do have a right to be angry.

I hope you get better and that after reading this the jerks who were mean, self righteous pric%@ to me are nice to you.

You are spot on.

The vaccinated, the non-vaccinated, the whole world, is a victim of GOF studies that weaponized a virus that initially infected only three workers in a bat filled mine. This was without a doubt in my mind a biological weapon that got loose in China where it was getting worked on. It makes no difference if it was unintentional or not, everyone ended up a victim and that is something that should unite us against them.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
The propaganda never ends. I just looked over an NPR story about how a woman's mother died of COVID because she was anti-vax and believed conspiracy theories she saw on videos. Just an effort to support the new Ministry of Truth bureau me thinks.

I should start a betting pool on the likelihood of the vaxxed getting victim's-rights-reparations that gets funded by the unvaxxed who can still physically function, for employment taxation purposes, of course.
That is if we survive nuclear war.
That Ministry of Truth the Bidenistas have set up is redundant to the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

What worries me is the future.

We know they are going to continue this. They will have new vaccines for the later variants that they will try to force on us.

I don't have a problem with vaccines. I have a problem with MRNA vaccines.

If you haven't noticed, in the US we are not allowed to get any of the newer vaccines like NovaVax. In Canada there are like 6 that are available. Here we only have the 2 MRNA vaccines and maybe you can get J&J but I doubt they will stay in the game long.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

Anyone who ridicules you and is downright rude and nasty to you is not true to their beliefs in your body your choice! I feel bad that you were duped and if you look at my post history you'll see I too was duped by big pharma 2x at the behest of my doctors but it wasn't totally their fault. We were all lied to at the expense of ourselves and our health so people could simply make money. Now at 35, the rest of my life, monthly I have to see 2 neurologists and 2 psychiatrists because of the major fear of early onset dimentia. I see 2 because 1 is chosen by me and 1 is chosen by them so if there are discrepancies, they can look into them. But I am always weary now of my doctors and all medicines I put into my body.

I emphasize with the vaccinated that felt no side effects and those who's life's are now completely ruined because of it. The fear campaign we saw from both sides and our friends, neighbors and businesses was downright depressing and disheartening above all else. HIPPA was violated in many many ways and everyone just stood by and allowed it. Any privacy we once may have had is now gone. Any ounce of real freedoms we once had are now at risk. We stand in a sad state of affairs.

On top of everything our governments are beating the war drums and young kids who aren't even old enough to understand that there truly is nothing is better than sex, will be sent to their deaths in droves all to enrich those who already have everything. We are hearing the drums of another covid round coming. Inflation has decimated the middle and lower classes. Our country truly is in trouble and it's clear the ones at the top are too busy protecting themselves and their assets qnd not concerned with the people they actually represent.

At this point nothing is honestly a surprise. I don't know what tomorrow holds but it should be quite interesting given all that we are seeing. But first and foremost. Stand by each other and respect one another's decisions..because if we don't then we never really understood the idea of the freedoms we were lucky enough to be born into. Protect one another and respect one another. Not everyone is truly open minded even if they say they are they are not. Work to understand each other.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: dleeb

Thank you for your lovely words.

I hope you get the neurological issues worked out.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

I don’t think anybody can gauge how much damage the vaccine has done. Nobody has that information and you cannot trust mainstream media outlets for statistics.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 06:54 PM
My sympathies to anyone who took the vaccine and was injured but it blows my mind how people who frequent a conspiracy site did not get the message that it was risky.

You have a former Vice President of Phizer standing on a soap box warning everyone not to take it. You had several researchers and doctors who were involved in the invention of mRNA vaccines warning everyone not to take it. You had a whole bunch of other doctors saying the same thing, telling you stories about their own patients. I have friends that I sent these videos to - they ignored every one. It baffles me. Reason should lead you to believe that if several doctors not associated with each other are saying similar things, then there may be something to it.

These are not just nobodies .. they are former VP of Pfizer, Nobel Laureates .. how the heck do they get ignored?!

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Looking forward to the 2024 movie that focuses on how much healthier the non-Covid-vaxxed are, from 2021 thru 2023.

Trump or Biden had better come clean, and tell us what happened to the vaccines. The formulas were changed in early 2021.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 10:00 PM
They have some big names in the movie, and some people are going to ask themselves what all these doctors and whistle blowers have to gain by putting their careers at risk.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Timely post as I was just skimming through Medical Apartheid book.

Far from being an aberrant problem of medicine under Southern Klan power, eugenics was a funded project of the Carnegie dynasty in the US...mainstream as can be:

I think the basis of medical skepticism in the US comes down to class power. Even the world famous cancer research powerhouse in Houston, MD Anderson, employed an imported Nazi to run irradiation experiments on patients that pulverized their bone marrow:

Excerpts taken from Harriet A. Washington's "Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present" (2007) Wiki page on the book.

Hard to believe that wicked bitch was a candidate for US Vice President back in 1984, and Nancy Pelosi was the DNC Chair.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 08:46 AM
I personally didn't get vaccinated. I don't know much about medical science and even less about virology, but I can recognize marketing campaigns that are trying to push crappy products. I took a stance that I will not tell anyone else what to do, because the point I was fighting for was that it should be everyone's personal choice, without any external pressure.
I feel sorry for people who chose the vaccine, while keeping the same principle on not telling everyone else on what to do. I feel less sorry for the people who tried to pressure others on taking the vaccine by ridiculing their choice or threatening them with the loss of livelyhood.
The fight has always been about the freedom of choice, and anti-vaccine people who were telling others on what to do, aren't any more righteous then the ones who told people to get the vaccine.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: litterbaux

Statistically the side effects are off the charts compared to any other drug in history. And never before has a drug with this many complications/deaths been allowed to stay on the market.

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