Solomono awoke to a gentle push on his leg. It was Pegasus. "I trust You slept well."
"A very good sleep i ndeed." Solomono replied. "Youve come about the Goodones?"
"How do you know that?"
"A goodone told me you would be coming, just before She vanished."
"I am worried. I really do not know what to expect. They may have the wrong boy..I think they do."
"The Goodones never choose the wrong person. They know exactly what they are doing."
Off they went. Solomono on the back of the magnificent Pegasus. When Pegasus flies, time stands still for him. He arrives, no matter how long the
journey, at the same time he takes off. He and his rider are never weary when they land. And so, even though they flew for weeks over many strange
lands, and seas, and mountains, the trip was over in the magical twinkling of an eye.
"We will land soon." Pegasus said.
"Where? I see only water." Solomono replied.
"When we touch down you will see the land of the Goodones. They and the land are invisible, but they will make the path visible to you."
And as soon as Pegasus set fpoot on the ground, Solomono could see their land..Much of it was black from fire, and a thick haze floated just above the
ground. There was no one to be seen.
"We will wait here." Pegasus said. "The wait will not be long."
As Solomono stood looking over the barren, burnt land, he thought about the Goodones and their sadness.
"We will be fine now that You are here." The voice came from a Goodone--the same Goodone that visited the big Whitehouse." Solomono thought.
"No" the Goodone said., "We all appear to look the same, but none of us really look like this."
Solomono and Pegasus listened to the Goodone.
"You will find a bow and arrow under the golden stone by the river. It is a magical bow, and will never run out of arrows--we call it Quicksilver. It
is the only weapon you will need to drive the invaders away."
"Where is the golden stone? The river? " Solomono asked.
"It will be where you look." With that the Goodone vanished.
"I suppose we should go look." Pegasus said, "and we need to walk, because if we fly the land will vanish beneath us."
The earth was dry and hard beneath their feet. With each step they took, a small cloud of black dust rose a few inches off the ground. When Solomono
looked back, he saw a small, long black cloud floating over the path he and Pegasus had taken.
"This place is dreadful." Solomono said
"Believe me," Pegasus replied, " it has not allways been this way."
"Youve been here before?"
"I came into existence here."
There was a slight glimmer just ahead. The two of them spotted it at the same time, and walked toward it. It was a very very small piece of gold. No
bigger than an acorn. Solomono wondered how Quicksilver could be under such a small nugget.
"Pick it up." Pegasus told Solomono
He did pick it up, and when he did, the ground shook a little and then raised up to form a small cube the size of a small shed. There was a door, and
it opened up.
"What do you want?"
Inside was a very small man. His eyes were brown and narrow, and they slanted somewhat. He wore a blue robe that reached the floor.
"What do you want I said!"
"I was looking for Quicksilver."
"Oh, so you look for Quicksilver do you? Well, You can not have it."
Pegasus pawed at the ground with his hoof. "But I must have Quicksilver." Solomono replied.
"I must have it." the little man mocked Solomono. "I must have it--I must, I must."
Solomono stood silent. "Well, you can not have it."
"But I was told..."
"Told!" the little man shouted 'told! Told what? Were you told I would give you quicksilver?
"Well, no."
"Well, no indeed. Therefore you can not have it."
Solomono was out of words and he turned and began to walk away. "Just where are you going?" the little man asked.
"Away from you , you rude little man"
The little mans mouth fell open and he began to cry. "I said you could not have Quicksilver, I did not say you may not have it."
Solomono did not know what to say. "You may have Quicksilver if You have the price."
"I do not have any money." " Money-money-money. Who wants money. I want the price!"
Solomono had reached the end of his wits. "I have no idea what you are talking about." "What do you have?" asked the little man.
Solomono felt something in his hand-"the little piece of gold" he thought. "I have this." he thought. "I have this." he said, as he held the little
gold pice out.
"Just the right price" the little man said, as he took the gold. "And here is Quicksilver. Its not Yours, but it is yours until it is finished with
you, then it will come back to me." He handed Quicksilver to Solomono, and the door closed and the cube returned to the earth.
"What did he mean?" "I do not know." replied Pegasus.
Invaders are allways cruel and destructive. They have no manners and hate everyone who does. Those who entered the land of the Goodones were the worst
of all. It was their intention to completely destroy the land and then use it as a place to keep their slaves--all the people they conqured. They were
angry because they could not find the Goodones. And because they were more angry than usual, they became very destructive. They were killing all the
animals and birds. They poisoned the water and set the forest on fire. Soon there would be nothing left.
Solomono and Pegasus scanned the horizon. They could see a huge black cloud.
"There must be hundreds of them." Pegasus said. Solomono realized at that point , that the cloud of dust was being created by the feet of the giant
alligators as they ran toward them.
He jumped on Pegasus' back and they were off into the air. Solomono held Quicksilver in his hand, and a quiver of arrows was strapped to his back.
When the invaders saw Solomono riding Pegasus toward them, they yelled and screamed. They got their weapons ready--bows--slings--spears--and fire
Solomono and Pegasus stopped in the air.
"Invaders" Solomono shouted "Leave this land or face the wrath of Quicksilver!"
The invaders replie by firing all the weapons they had. Pegasus, the magnificent horse dodged and swerved and all the weapons missed.
Solomono let loose an arrow--it made the sound "pha-Kow" as it left the bow. The arrow hit its mark, and a giant alligator fell dead to the ground.
Again and again Solomono loosed arrows.."pha-Kow-phaKow-phaKow" until all of the giant alligators were dead. Solomono did not shoot one invader.
The invaders beganto run in fear. "Stp!" Solomono shouted. The invaders stopped running, and stood trembling before the mighty Solomono.
"Leave this land and never return. Hurt no one again. If you do, there will be more more than ugly beasts dead on the ground."
The invaders bowed and begged for mercy and promised never to return, and to never again hurt other people. With that said, they ran away.
"You did very well" Pegasus said
"I was very afraid" replied Solomono
"Sometimes fear is a good ally."
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