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Top Doc Claims 30% Of Pilots Would Fail Medical Exam Due To Vaxx Induced Cardiac Issues

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posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:30 AM
Doctor Peter McCullough estimates 30% of pilots have vaccine induced injuries that would cause them to fail a routine medical exam. This should be concerning to anyone who flies on commercial airlines as we are starting to see pilots suffer ill effects while piloting aircraft. The United Airlines Pilot Incapacitation bulletin states that pilots with any of the following criteria must be removed from the flight schedule:

▪ Persistent chest discomfort
▪ Severe pain
▪ Loss of consciousness, confusion, difficulty speaking, difficulty walking
▪ Seizures
▪ Any injury, illness or medical issue which renders the pilot unable to safely operate the aircraft or perform assigned duties

Pilots are starting to speak up about their vaccine related injuries to U.S. Freedom Flyers. Most recently, Captain Snow's heart stopped just a few minutes after the critical descent portion of the flight. Previous to this Pilot Greg Pierson suffered a stroke after being coerced to get the shot last year. Snow and Pierson are joining a growing group of pilots who have had life changing injuries. Currently, most affected pilots are hesitant to speak out since it could mean being removed from flight qualification.

“I’m afraid if we keep going down this path, at some point it’s going to end in catastrophe,” he said.

“If passengers actually knew what was going on at the airlines and the FAA, they would be livid, and everyone would be jumping on a class action suit against all of them,” he said.

Yoder stated that Dr. Peter McCullough noted that if the pilots were regularly tested, many of them would fail the health tests, and they would have to be grounded.

“He [McCullough] said that if every vaccinated pilot were to be screened, there would be somewhere around a 30 percent loss in manpower,” Yoder told Kirsch.

Yoder noted that Snow would be speaking out soon, and when he does “you’re going to hear some very interesting details that are going to be very damning for American Airlines, the Allied Pilots Association, the FAA, and everyone else involved.”

Yoder also mentioned two other pilots who have bravely come forward to talk about their vaccine injuries.

Pilot Greg Pierson has spoken out against the COVID vaccines ever since he suffered a stroke after getting the jab under duress, last year. Pierson said during an interview last December that if his stroke had occurred while piloting a plane, he could have caused a crash.


SOURCE[/url ]

[url=]U.S. Freedom Flyers

edit on 26-4-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:00 AM
They are screened regularly. A class 1 FAA medical, which is required to hold an ATP cert, is required every 12 months. If the pilot is over 40 years old the class 1 medical cert is only good for 6 months. Class 2 and 3 have more relaxed deadlines, but they do not qualify one to hold an ATP cert.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Doctor Peter McCullough estimates 30% of pilots have vaccine induced injuries that would cause them to fail a routine medical exam.

Estimates ... total BS.

People have been vaccinated long enough now to sort'a ... kind'a ... maybe ... see this for themselves.

Do 3 out of 10 people that you know express the symptoms

▪ Persistent chest discomfort
▪ Severe pain
▪ Loss of consciousness, confusion, difficulty speaking, difficulty walking
▪ Seizures
▪ Any injury, illness or medical issue which renders the pilot unable to safely operate the aircraft or perform assigned duties

Yeah ... I didn't think so.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
Only the first two of those listed conditions could plausibly be associated with the Covid vaccines. That would be those individuals who developed acute myocarditis/pericarditis. Only about 1 or 2 vaccinated individuals out of 100,000 reports such symptoms.

The most common side effects of Covid vaccination (or any vaccination, for that matter) are soreness at the injection site, headache, fever (sometimes), general feeling of lassitude, etc. Those are basically all the symptoms of interferon being produced in your body by your immune system ramping up in response to the antigens produced by the vaccine. Those same symptoms are produced by any vaccine and any viral infection ("flu-like symptoms") and do not constitute an "injury". The 30% figure is bogus.

Also, FYI, the FARs have required the reporting of crew member incapacitation events for many years. That requirement has nothing to do with Covid or its vaccines.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 11:52 AM
I see the vax lovers are all out in droves. Personally I wouldn't want to fly with a vaxxed pilot. Far too many people are having sudden heart priblems, all starring to sky rocket exactly after the death jabs were forced onto people.
You can cry, rant, insult and be on your high horses if you wish but boy am I glad, every day that my immediate family isn't joining the global guinea pigs.
My experience is from knowing hiw this shot works and from working in the pharmaceutical industry (R&D) where our protocols were strict for approval of much lesser drugs.

Enjoy your unknown future.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 12:51 PM
Anecdotal evidence is no evidence at all.
By your own standards that you have laid out for me
this is what I know. I have ten very good friends, five are vaccinated
for covid 19.
One had a massive stroke three days after the shot,
his wife feeds him with a spoon.
Another died of a heart attack 2 months after his booster.
Neither had any preexisting conditions.
As far as I can see by this "Evidence" 40% of the people I know
have had a severe reaction to the vaccine.
So yea, I guess I do think so.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer
1 or 2 in 100000?Try educating yourself and stop the denial.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: abigredneck

As far as I can see by this "Evidence" 40% of the people I know have had a severe reaction to the vaccine. So yea, I guess I do think so.

Last office I worked in had 42 people in desks. 100% were vaccinated ... 0 people have fallen ill. The teams I worked with recently in Africa ... we all had to get vaxed to claim our tickets home ... one guy is dead (no one knows why) out of 48.

I freely admit I didn't 'feel right' for a couple months after getting jabbed. Either I've gotten used to it, it went away, or it was just my imagination overacting, because I wouldn't have taken those shots unless I had to. I would NOT recommend them now ... for the same reason I didn't wanna take them then. They don't work on COVID ... so what do they do?

There's 22 million people working for the US government. They all had to take the shot unless they were among the elite. Figure that's very liberal estimate of 21,500,000 govies who got poked. You want me to believe 6,450,000 Bureaucrats medically retired and we didn't hear anything about it?

C'mon man!!

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: abigredneck

As far as I can see by this "Evidence" 40% of the people I know have had a severe reaction to the vaccine. So yea, I guess I do think so.

Last office I worked in had 42 people in desks. 100% were vaccinated ... 0 people have fallen ill. The teams I worked with recently in Africa ... we all had to get vaxed to claim our tickets home ... one guy is dead (no one knows why) out of 48.

I freely admit I didn't 'feel right' for a couple months after getting jabbed. Either I've gotten used to it, it went away, or it was just my imagination overacting, because I wouldn't have taken those shots unless I had to. I would NOT recommend them now ... for the same reason I didn't wanna take them then. They don't work on COVID ... so what do they do?

There's 22 million people working for the US government. They all had to take the shot unless they were among the elite. Figure that's very liberal estimate of 21,500,000 govies who got poked. You want me to believe 6,450,000 Bureaucrats medically retired and we didn't hear anything about it?

C'mon man!!

Nobody said it would cause the average person to retire. Pilots are supposed to be held to higher standards. They may pass their normal medical exams, but if the doctor knew the hidden underlying conditions that would cause them to fail it. For example, they may pass an EKG, but still experience chest pains, and purposely not admit it.

If you look at at high performance athletes, they are like performance cars where any "loose bolt" will cause the engine to blow. The average person isn't like this, and could be unaware of their condition for a long time. It doesn't mean it has to have happened yet or could be years in the future. We have no long term safety data.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 02:45 PM
Pilots wont be needed. They have been able to remote control planes for decades. Off topic, but I had a silly thought that what if the whole 9/11 closing and locking the cockpit doors was really just so that this could be tested without anyone knowing that the cockpit was empty on select flights.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Doctor Peter McCullough estimates 30% of pilots have vaccine induced injuries that would cause them to fail a routine

Loss of consciousness, confusion, difficulty speaking, difficulty walking
▪ Seizures......
That covers all of the rest mentioned, on it's own!
The amber nectar is a more likely ssssusupect..on it's own...'hic'

edit on 26-4-2022 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Doctor Peter McCullough estimates 30% of pilots have vaccine induced injuries that would cause them to fail a routine medical exam.

Estimates ... total BS.

People have been vaccinated long enough now to sort'a ... kind'a ... maybe ... see this for themselves.

Do 3 out of 10 people that you know express the symptoms

▪ Persistent chest discomfort
▪ Severe pain
▪ Loss of consciousness, confusion, difficulty speaking, difficulty walking
▪ Seizures
▪ Any injury, illness or medical issue which renders the pilot unable to safely operate the aircraft or perform assigned duties

Yeah ... I didn't think so.

Sorry, but it is starting to show up in the UK that the covid "vaccines" ARE making things WORSE

Fully Vaccinated have a higher Covid Hospitalisation-Rate than the Unvaccinated

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 10:06 PM

edit on 4/26/22 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Everyone I work with has to be double vaxxed and boosted. None of them have the symptoms you listed. Where is the data suggesting 30% of everyone vaccinated has those symptoms?

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:51 AM
Last time, outside of 9/11, any of the big three had a fatal crash was in the 1990's. If 30% of pilots were losing consciousness I'd think maybe a couple of planes would have crashed by now.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: M5xaz

Which is exactly what you would expect, even when the vaccine worked. Those with more risk factors are more likely to be vaccinated.

Don't be lazy, break the data down into various risk groups, look at what percentage of those risk groups are vaccinated, and then what percent are hospitalized FOR covid. If your evidence is more 90 year olds are getting hospitalized than 20 year olds then you might as well be saying water is wet and ice is cold.

Since you are so lazy and uninterested in the truth or facts, I will do some of it for you.

Week 13 data.
Vaccinated 80+ population: 95%
Unvaccinated 80+ population: 5%

Vaccinated 80+ covid hospitalizations per 100,000: 217.88
Unvaccinated 80+ covid hospitalizations per 100,000: 123.5

Unvaccinated 80+ are 10.77x more likely to be hospitalized for Covid than vaccinated 80+

That's the data YOU just linked.

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 11:07 AM
“Top doc”.

Meaning someone who is being sued and has a restraining order against him by his former employer?


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