posted on Apr, 23 2022 @ 04:40 PM
Last night/early this morning I had a dream where I was talking to a friend of mine who I knew had terminal cancer. I hadn’t seen her post for
awhile on Facebook, but had heard from other friends that she wasn’t doing well. She fought like hell against the cancer, several years. Then I told
an email from another mutual friend that she had passed away. My dream last night was my friend talking with me and some other friends. She was
smiling, laughing, and looked great. She told us all not to worrry, that she was in a good place and was doing well, was happy and fulfilled. I
hadn’t talked to her in quite some time, so to dream of this was revealing to me. I believe she was visiting her friends in dreams to let us know
she’s doing well. It lifted my heart that she visited us all. She is just that kind of person. I’m so grateful that she visited me to let me know
she’s okay.