R 1 Verses 1,3 tell us the prophecies began soon, “things which must shortly come to pass… for the time is at hand.”
R 2 Letters to the church eras of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos and Thyatira; historically fulfilled from 33-1514 AD
R 3 Letters to the church eras of Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea; historically fulfilled from 1514 AD to present.
R 6 1st Seal: White horse = Roman Empire conquering nations under Trajan 98-117 AD & Gospel spreading rapidly.
2nd Seal: Red horse, bloody civil wars with 32 different Emperors, most killed by the sword. 185-284 AD
3rd Seal: Black horse, economic despair from high taxes to pay for wars, farmers stopped growing. 200-250 AD
4th Seal: Pale horse, 1/4th of Romans died from famine, pestilence; at one point 5,000 dying per day. 250-300 AD
5th Seal: Diocletian persecuted Smyrna church era saints for ten years, blood crying out for vengeance. 303-312 AD
6th Seal: Political upheaval in the declining Roman Empire while the leaders battled each other. 313-395 AD
R 7 Sealing of 144,000, the saints, before trumpet war judgments, which led to the fall of the Roman Empire.
R 8 1st Trumpet: Alaric and the Goths attacked from the north, the path of hail, and set it on fire. 400-410 AD
2nd Trumpet: Genseric and the Vandals attacked the seas and coastlands, the blood of sailors in water. 425-470 AD
3rd Trumpet: Attila and the Huns scourged the Danube, Rhine & Po rivers area, dead bodies made water bitter. 451 AD
4th Trumpet: Odoacer and the Heruli caused the last Western Emperor (sun), Senate (moon) to lose power. 476 AD
With the Western Roman Emperor (restrainer of 2 Thes. 2) removed; the son of perdition Popes took power.
R 9 Two woe judgments against the central 1/3rd and eastern 1/3rd of the Roman Empire. 612-1453 AD
5th Trumpet: Locust & scorpions point to Arabia, the rise of the Muslim army. Islam hides Gospel from Arabs. 612-762 AD
6th Trumpet: Turks released to attack Constantinople with large cannons (fire, smoke, brimstone). 1062-1453 AD
R 10 The little book is the printed Bible, which was needed after the Dark Ages when Scriptures were banned by Popes.
R 11 7th Trumpet: Martin Luther measured Roman Church; found that it’s an apostate church, not part of true temple.
The two witnesses are the Scriptures and saints who proclaim the pure Gospel and testify against the antichrist Popes.
Papal Church pronounced Christendom dead in 1514 AD. Silence for 3.5 years. Then Luther posted his 95 Thesis, which
sparked the Protestant Reformation and brought the witnesses back to life. Millions of Catholics were saved.
R 12 Satan used the Roman Empire to try to wipe out the early Church, Satan was cast down as the Empire collapsed.
R 13 The antichrist beast Popes reigned in power 1,260 years, 538-1798, is the little horn of Daniel 7, son of perdition.
The false prophet Jesuit Superior General rose to power from land (earth) of Vatican and has created many deceptions.
R 14 Points to great harvest during the Protestant Reformation & wrath on Catholic countries who obey antichrist Pope.
R 15 Overcoming saints victorious over the beast. Prelude to 7 vials and judgment on those who support Papal Rome.
R 16 1st Vial: The foul sore of atheism was poured out on Catholic France, leaving them with no hope, led to revolution.
2nd Vial: The French Revolution started in 1793, killed 250,000, as France had obeyed the Pope and killed saints.
3rd Vial: The French Revolution spread to rural areas of France, where Protestants had been killed in river areas.
4th Vial: The bloody Napoleonic wars shed the blood of countries who had revered and obeyed the antichrist Pope.
5th Vial: Judgment on the seat of the beast. Papal States invaded in 1798, Pope imprisoned, removed from power.
6th Vial: The Turks vast domain dried up, they were only left with Turkey. They lost control of Palestine in 1917 AD
Lord Rothschild (Gog) used WW II to justify creating Zionist Israel, which he filled with fake Khazar Jews (Magog); who
are called the Kings of the East, because they originate from the kingdom of Khazaria which was in eastern Europe.
Three unclean spirits: Communism, Nazism & Political Zionism are used to cause three World Wars; created by Satan
(dragon), Jesuit General (false prophet) & Pope (antichrist), to push New World Order, where Satan will be exalted.
WE ARE HERE. WW III and a worldwide economic collapse will lead to the NWO of the 7th vial, great earthquake=major
political upheaval, 3-way split of world government: military (Wash D.C.), economic (London) and religious (Vatican).
R 17 Describes the harlot Roman Catholic Church which is led by the 8th king, the antichrist beast Popes of Rome
R 18 Roman Church (Babylon) will be desolated, burned with fire. Messiah warns to come out of her influence.
R 19 The bride is ready! False prophet Jesuit General and antichrist Pope effectively captured, army cast down.
R 20 Satan restrained while the saints reign, then Lord Rothschild (Gog) and Khazar Jews (Magog) come against
Messiah’s saints (Holy Jerusalem). Satan captured and Gog and Magog destroyed. Rev 073021
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