posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 10:27 AM
In trying to understand what this world is and how it all works, the complexity is seemly limitless. Look into one topic deep enough and it just keeps
getting deeper. When looking into some of these instances of premonitions, maybe there are some limits as some events maybe fixed somewhere? Some of
these things can be a bit hit and miss at times so who really knows?
I consider this world as so complex, not even god really knows where it is all going? Even a a really super duper AI system is going to fall short in
an analogue universe. It might get close, but a computer limited by numbers will never be able to process the number infinity, only a rough
approximation of this concept. The value of Pi is still being calculated and growing in length at about +7 Million digits last I heard. There is a $1
Million bounty on anyone that can proved there is a final prime number and what that is.
For God to get us and it there, some rules have surfaced, the structure of reality, matter, energy, chemistry, biology. Still some gaps in
understanding how it works, doing better than a few hundred years ago. The law of the jungle is a popular one. It does play rough, makes the winners
tough. History books is full of booms and busts, like the growth rings of a tree.
To hold and build a civilized society, the law of man is important. The Bible is an important document here for the city we have today. I know it is
getting a bit fractured with interpretations and points of focus. For the general life, standards and teaching of Jesus, it provides a good,
respectful approach to people. It's not always easy giving someone who steals your shirt, your shoes.
With the current Australian legislation around 2 Million pages, tough one to keep up with. The 10 Commandments by Moses is a good start, but even that
is under attack these days. With all the challenges going on, it is important to remain aware of any spiritual aspects and what implications may
exist? Some say nothing exists and are driven by their own personal gain. Some say something exists and are mindful of their greater community.