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Celebrity Covid Doctors and the Trump Train

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posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 09:01 PM
I've mentioned the phrase celebrity covid doctors a few times in my posts.  
What if they are part of an agenda at play?
This video does an excellent job of showing how the celebrity covid doctors are all connected to each other and to Trump.  The video highlights the oddity that most of the celebrities are anti-vax and Trump is not.  I think its also a bit odd that they are free to speak at will but Joe Doctor down the road would have his license revoked for the same actions, buy hey.
What if they're all controlled oppositionand the Trump Train is a trap (like Q)?

These celebrities could easily be seen to have the purposes of steering conversations away from rational explanations and to attempt instilling mass protests and/or rebellious behaviors.
This would be how they keep the people divided, while targeting certain demographics.  For example, they associate all of the controlled opp celebrities with the Trump Trap.  Then, label Trump followers as anti-government / anti-vax conspiracy theorists and eventually domestic terrorists.

The celebrities would also be there to make sure that the conversation stays away from in-depth analysis of the patents and intellectual property rights over patenting of humans.  If side effects occur from the vaccines, the patents are the obvious rational place to look, especially for supposed Phd's, but they stay on the fringe explanations, fear mongering, and calls for protests instead.

They could be wanting a demographic in society to protest,  act in a certain way, or believe in some irrational ideology (snake venom, hydra vulgaris) just so that it can be labeled in some form and attacked for "national securit".  Maybe, they need a reason  to drop the boot and enact more tyrannical controls and gun confiscation. The Trump trap and the celebrity covid doctors may be part of that.  That's for you to decide.

Any hypotheticals about why these celebrities are all connected?

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

I am not sure about any association to Trump or a conspiracy to radicalize trump supporters, but I always believe there is a profiteering angle for these people. Anything to make a buck.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

Any hypotheticals about why these celebrities are all connected?

They all share a similar ideology, that being pro choice, pro freedom, anti fear, anti propaganda, oh, and anti experimenting on people with stuff that they had to change the definition of the word vaccine to be able to call stuff vaccines.

Given that I share a similar ideology, does that mean I'm a celebrity to, WOOOHOOOO.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: 7vendle

Radicalizing Trump supporters may just be a way of targeting Christians.

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: Wisenox
I've mentioned the phrase celebrity covid doctors a few times in my posts.  
What if they are part of an agenda at play?
This video does an excellent job of showing how the celebrity covid doctors are all connected to each other and to Trump.  The video highlights the oddity that most of the celebrities are anti-vax and Trump is not.  I think its also a bit odd that they are free to speak at will but Joe Doctor down the road would have his license revoked for the same actions, buy hey.
What if they're all controlled oppositionand the Trump Train is a trap (like Q)?

These celebrities could easily be seen to have the purposes of steering conversations away from rational explanations and to attempt instilling mass protests and/or rebellious behaviors.
This would be how they keep the people divided, while targeting certain demographics.  For example, they associate all of the controlled opp celebrities with the Trump Trap.  Then, label Trump followers as anti-government / anti-vax conspiracy theorists and eventually domestic terrorists.

The celebrities would also be there to make sure that the conversation stays away from in-depth analysis of the patents and intellectual property rights over patenting of humans.  If side effects occur from the vaccines, the patents are the obvious rational place to look, especially for supposed Phd's, but they stay on the fringe explanations, fear mongering, and calls for protests instead.

They could be wanting a demographic in society to protest,  act in a certain way, or believe in some irrational ideology (snake venom, hydra vulgaris) just so that it can be labeled in some form and attacked for "national securit".  Maybe, they need a reason  to drop the boot and enact more tyrannical controls and gun confiscation. The Trump trap and the celebrity covid doctors may be part of that.  That's for you to decide.

Any hypotheticals about why these celebrities are all connected?

Uhhh they just happen to share the same beliefs.

There are plenty of 'celebrity doctors' that oppose Trump and are on the 'get dozens of injections' train.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 12:14 AM
Trump great, trump smart.. he picks the best people, makes the best decisions.

And if he doesn't it is someone else's fault.

Right wing is so pathetic to only see faults in someone on the other side.

All the while back slapping their scamming predator, and knee jerking against their perceived enemy..

Too braindead to even consider being had..
edit on 20 4 2022 by LastFirst because: Clarify point


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