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Just Wait Until The Food Shortages Start

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posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
A flashlight and a baseball bat (or good sized lump of wood) and it’s roo for me and roo for you


Your a man of sound mind Rickymouse.

a reply to rickymouse.

I’ll stick with my .308

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 06:50 AM
I do worry if things get worse, with people getting robbed in the parking lots. I think we are a ways off yet.
Thankfully, I don't buy meat anyway, since we have 1/2 a cow, and a whole pig in the freezer I'm about to start canning up.

I had no idea eggs were so expensive at the store! I have chickens, and sell my eggs for a 1.00 a dozen, and have a hard time getting rid of them sometimes, because everyone around me has chickens. Have lots of duck eggs too. 2.00 a dozen.
edit on 20-4-2022 by chiefsmom because: addition

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: Montana

Interesting thread.

Yesterday I went to Walmart and they had NO beef at all, none.

They had a little bit of pork and some chicken.

But their meat section was about 90% empty.

I thought maybe their refrigeration went out, but there was some meat in the meat section so it had to be working.

Signs of things to come for sure.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
I do worry if things get worse, with people getting robbed in the parking lots. I think we are a ways off yet.
Thankfully, I don't buy meat anyway, since we have 1/2 a cow, and a whole pig in the freezer I'm about to start canning up.

I had no idea eggs were so expensive at the store! I have chickens, and sell my eggs for a 1.00 a dozen, and have a hard time getting rid of them sometimes, because everyone around me has chickens. Have lots of duck eggs too. 2.00 a dozen.

I'd have chickens except my HOA doesn't allow them. I look at pictures of coops and dream of having chickens. But I am too old to contemplate a move except to a senior living apartment and no chickens allowed there either.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 06:56 AM
The other day at the store there was a woman literally yelling and crying because they were out of her brand of eggs. Madness.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Bread, milk, eggs, rice, potatoes. All in good supply.

The shortages are mostly just supply chain issues with the food processing businesses.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
All in good supply .....when?

edit on 20-4-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
So will everyone else.

People say that all the time (that everyone will be in the woods trying to take wild game for meat).

Hunters and campers know different. You average suburbanite will last maybe 10 days to a month. They'll give up once they realize there's no one coming to the rescue ... and the life they once lived is over and done with. The only people with half a chance are going to be the few who have really prepared themselves. Are you one of them? There's a simple question I ask to ascertain who has that Chance In Hell of making it through the great purge: "What model NVG do you own?"

The day SHTF, is the day people will be staking (and defending) new land claims. The only form of dispute will likely be a bullet to the face ... and then that's settled. Won't be no law. Won't be no cops. It'll be everyone for themselves.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
a reply to: vNex92
Here in Germany they tell us that rape oil is rare and expensive now because of that Ukraine thing. Problem is, we never imported rape oil from the Ukraine. They tell us wheat is rare and expensive because of that Ukraine thing. Problem is, we didn´t import wheat from the Ukraine. They tell us that gasoline for cars is expensive because of the Ukraine thing. Problem is, crude oil prices are sinking again since a while and it´s our taxes and the green new deal agenda (part of the great reset) that raises our gas prices without an end...


these are global commodities. those that DID buy from Ukraine will be competing for supplies from US and other sources.
rich countries will pay more. poor countries will do without.
we might end up with bidding wars for food.
as I recall bread riots led to the Arab Spring. regional leaders are watching and worrying.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I don't get the bulk of my food from grocery stores, I'm not worried.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: rickymouse
I am type 1 diabetic. I am stocked up for a while but for me, once insulin is gone, so am I..I am going to get dog food today for my best buddy..

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: infolurker

How fast can the system fail?


At the first sign of collapse, there isn't a man alive not going straight home
to his family with a load of food on his truck. That's just how it is.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: whatnext21
a reply to: rickymouse
I am type 1 diabetic. I am stocked up for a while but for me, once insulin is gone, so am I..I am going to get dog food today for my best buddy..

That is always a problem. And they won't let people buy too much medicine in advance. I do not know what the shelf life of Insulin is, maybe it can only be stored for a few months or more. But who could afford to stock up on it nowadays with how much it costs.

Hopefully you never have to experience a time without it. I do know natural ways to help reduceh type 2 risk, but not Type 1

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine2
At the first sign of collapse, there isn't a man alive not going straight home to his family with a load of food on his truck. That's just how it is.

On that day, everyone who CAN bug-out ... had better bug-out.

Otherwise, batten down the hatches. Your neighbor might get hungry faster than you realize. That's the moment of decision for you. You're either a team ... or one of you is gonna be a victim.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Just stacking up on provisions will only make one a target for
the mass of humanity growing hungry. If you can't lock your
"Team" away long enough to let the dust settle? Let the masses
die off? Food will be useless with out a sustainable haven. And once
it jumps off, most likely out of the blue. To late.

I bet people start killing each other almost immediately.
The trust factor gone whole new set of rules.

They don't have to nuke anything.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Geez... The grocery store I use is currently selling Rib-eye roasts for an average of $70.00 which is a savings of $120.00 based on the weight. My wife used to chuckle at me for grabbing a couple bags of beans and rice every time we went to the grocery store, but now she throws them in the basket herself.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: infolurker

Baby formula

Pet food

Milk, bread, eggs.

Oh, its not going to be pretty.

I urge everyone to reach out to local farms if you can and start building a network.

Dog food is on the rise, too.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: LastFirst
The high quality eggs, the 5.99 dz. ..pasture raised are hit or miss at the store..

Which causes more people like me to grab 4 dozen instead of 2.. because half the time I strike out..

How many other items are already hard to get?

I buy my eggs from some friends at three bucks a dozen, they aren't pasture raised though, they just run all over the yard and go into the coop when the women calls them to go back into the coop. They are well trained....but if you thank them for the eggs they lay and tell them they are great tasting....boy do the chickens get upset and run to the coop.

There are eggs in the store at around six bucks a dozen, but the eggs from these people are nearly organic, and the chickens are healthy which means they are exceptional tasting eggs...better than I have got from anyone else or any store around here for as long as I have been in this area...thirty years or more. I think it is the bugs they eat and the meal worms they eat during the winter, meal worms are very expensive too.

My parents get 16 to 20 eggs a day. They had to buy another fridge just to keep them all in, and sell them for $2 a dozen. I get them for free, but at $2, it's a helluva deal. Plus, last Summer, one of the chicken farms like Tyson or something closed down and they couldn't sell the chickens (some kind of illegal act) so the guy was killing them. His wife made him stop and he reached out to a friend of a friend and my parents got 26 more chickens for free (gave half to my Aunt). So they have brown eggs (dark and light), green eggs, blue eggs, and white eggs. You get a color assortment of eggs.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 12:16 PM
I live in the middle of no where Manitoba. Locally all the farmers had land going back to the founding of this area. Over the last two years literally every one I know who is a farmer around here got a knock on the door and was greeted by a man in suit with a cheque book. They all revived offers far far to good to pass up and sold. My child hood friends parents sold their farm 19million, almost 5 million more then they would have asked for. Another well know land owner in these parts who own the overwhelming majority of farm land sold for 72million. Well over 20million more then he ever dreamed of getting. None of the farmland is locally owned anymore I know this isn’t just the case in my town either.

Purely anecdotal but the sheer level of coincidence running in one direction these last few years is concerning to say the least.
a reply to: JinMI

edit on 20-4-2022 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: LastFirst
The high quality eggs, the 5.99 dz. ..pasture raised are hit or miss at the store..

Which causes more people like me to grab 4 dozen instead of 2.. because half the time I strike out..

How many other items are already hard to get?

I buy my eggs from some friends at three bucks a dozen, they aren't pasture raised though, they just run all over the yard and go into the coop when the women calls them to go back into the coop. They are well trained....but if you thank them for the eggs they lay and tell them they are great tasting....boy do the chickens get upset and run to the coop.

There are eggs in the store at around six bucks a dozen, but the eggs from these people are nearly organic, and the chickens are healthy which means they are exceptional tasting eggs...better than I have got from anyone else or any store around here for as long as I have been in this area...thirty years or more. I think it is the bugs they eat and the meal worms they eat during the winter, meal worms are very expensive too.

My parents get 16 to 20 eggs a day. They had to buy another fridge just to keep them all in, and sell them for $2 a dozen. I get them for free, but at $2, it's a helluva deal. Plus, last Summer, one of the chicken farms like Tyson or something closed down and they couldn't sell the chickens (some kind of illegal act) so the guy was killing them. His wife made him stop and he reached out to a friend of a friend and my parents got 26 more chickens for free (gave half to my Aunt). So they have brown eggs (dark and light), green eggs, blue eggs, and white eggs. You get a color assortment of eggs.

We get brown eggs, green eggs, blue eggs, tan eggs, but no white eggs anymore, they gave away the chickens that had white eggs because the chickens ate way more food but laid larger eggs. Since I am their only unrelated customer, I get between eight and ten dozen every two weeks...I kind of like the smaller eggs better, medium eggs have just as much nutrition as the extra large ones. Most people don't know that. Eggs from chickens that run around eating bugs outside taste better.

I bet that your parents don't break even at two bucks a dozen, between the heat in the chicken coups, and the foods they eat coupled to times they are molting, they don't make any money on the eggs at all, just get their own eggs for free. They also keep the chickens till they die of natural causes...I pay for their retirement benefits when I buy eggs. Most people I know killed their chickens after three years because they didn't lay much eggs anymore and the food cost more than the value of the eggs. Not this woman, she said she does not want her kids getting rid of her when she dies, so she doesn't want to make soup out of her friends. He owns a backhoe to dig graves with though. They have regular funerals like we have when our pets die.

Some of her chickens are seven years old and they are still laying a couple of eggs a week...but that is not profitable. She also has some roosters so the eggs are all fertile.

I like the feeling of knowing that the chickens our eggs come from are treated good. But that is just a fringe benefit, the fact that they taste good is the reason I buy them. When the chickens are producing lots, she gives me nine or ten dozen for the cost of eight..which is kind of nice. I bring eggs to both daughters, and two granddaughters and my brother gets a few dozen if we have extra.

I give the eggs away...figure it out, twenty four bucks and I get two dozen for home...that is a buck an egg.
But then again I spend eighteen hundred on a half a grass fed organic cow and I give half of that away as Christmas presents to relatives. Still, we live on our social security and a small pension and some stock dividends, we so far have not had to touch our savings much. Living within your means is not hard once you abandon the Rat Race and learn that the most important things in life don't need to be paid for.

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