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New COVID-19 diagnostic breath test given emergency approval by the US FDA

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posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: scrounger -- Further questions about this proven test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are best asked of your medical doctor, not on the internet.

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Uphill -- here is the manufacturer's website for the COVID-19 breathalyzer:

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Uphill

It also means that the right treatment can be started for the patient much more quickly, minimizing the very serious complications of this disease.

Treatment for the infection? What's that didn't think they have a treatment for the immune response they need to test for?

posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: Uphill
a reply to: scrounger -- Further questions about this proven test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are best asked of your medical doctor, not on the internet.

o so now when again called out you say "are best asked of your medical doctor not on the internet"

so all the previous posts supporting/defending it was all a figment of my imagination?


when you go to deflection you really go whole hog on the denial now dont you?

too bad ATS posts are not attached to the "memory hole" that alot of main stream news outlets have.


posted on Apr, 29 2022 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: Uphill
a reply to: Uphill -- here is the manufacturer's website for the COVID-19 breathalyzer:


AGAIN dont even come close to the issues i presented and common dude..




posted on May, 9 2022 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Uphill -- later in 2022, the US and international press will be able to report hospital results, questions, problems, and forthcoming new features of this new testing machine. When the US FDA grants emergency approval, that means conditional approval, pending further experience and data gained by widespread clinical use of this testing machine. This is the development cycle which always follows "emergency approval" decisions.

"Dude" is not me. I am not a dude ... not male ... everyone, please refer to me as Uphill, which is what others here on ATS always have done. And I will post follow-up information on this thread, as soon I see more data.

posted on May, 11 2022 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: Uphill
a reply to: Uphill -- later in 2022, the US and international press will be able to report hospital results, questions, problems, and forthcoming new features of this new testing machine. When the US FDA grants emergency approval, that means conditional approval, pending further experience and data gained by widespread clinical use of this testing machine. This is the development cycle which always follows "emergency approval" decisions.

"Dude" is not me. I am not a dude ... not male ... everyone, please refer to me as Uphill, which is what others here on ATS always have done. And I will post follow-up information on this thread, as soon I see more data.

thank you for showing an "offence" to what people (maybe mistakenly) pronoun you..

now that you got that off your chest care to comment on the reply you got?

along with i have to add


seems to me something like this should go though STANDARD APPROVAL PROCESS.
not make the PUBLIC the "test subjects".

especially given the ramifications of the tests.


posted on May, 11 2022 @ 06:57 PM
As a poster pointed out
the device is getting EMERGENCY USE APPROVAL

im sorry but given the results of such a test can

deny someone travel on airline, train, bus
deny someone ability to work
deny someone ability to go to school
deny someone surgery
deny someone to be with a dying loved one
deny a PARENT to be with a child IN THE HOSPITAL
deny a person to be with a loved one in the hospital, nursing home, ect.
used as a source for "covid numbers climbing" and all the RESTRICTIONS THAT RESULT.

Given the above that WILL NOT MIGHT happen.

why then is this given "emergency approval for use" aka THE PUBLIC IS THE TEST SUBJECTS.


nothing more, nothing less


posted on May, 23 2022 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: scrounger -- "everything" about COVID-19 does not involve emergency approval, but there have been some emergency approvals granted during this pandemic, not just in the US, but in many other countries.

First, an inevitable part of any novel ("new") virus (like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19) is a lack of knowledge about how it spreads, a lack of knowledge about what treatments(s) are most likely to reduce that infection in humans, and a lack of knowledge about what medications can help control or end that infection. Thus, during the initial spread of COVID-19 in Europe, hospitals in several countries were overloaded with extremely sick people -- including many health workers, some of whom died -- which guaranteed that any available "emergency approvals" of health equipment, medication, etc., were likely to be seriously considered, and some emergency approvals did occur. Remember, for example, that in the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was hospitalized with COVID-19, and as he admitted afterwards in a press conference, his disease outcome "could have gone either way."

Second, the OP of this thread is about new technology for diagnosing COVID-19. Many important questions about this pandemic can be raised, but in this thread my priority is to respond to issues directly related to this new diagnostic equipment.

posted on May, 25 2022 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: Uphill
a reply to: scrounger -- "everything" about COVID-19 does not involve emergency approval, but there have been some emergency approvals granted during this pandemic, not just in the US, but in many other countries.

First, an inevitable part of any novel ("new") virus (like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19) is a lack of knowledge about how it spreads, a lack of knowledge about what treatments(s) are most likely to reduce that infection in humans, and a lack of knowledge about what medications can help control or end that infection. Thus, during the initial spread of COVID-19 in Europe, hospitals in several countries were overloaded with extremely sick people -- including many health workers, some of whom died -- which guaranteed that any available "emergency approvals" of health equipment, medication, etc., were likely to be seriously considered, and some emergency approvals did occur. Remember, for example, that in the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was hospitalized with COVID-19, and as he admitted afterwards in a press conference, his disease outcome "could have gone either way."

Second, the OP of this thread is about new technology for diagnosing COVID-19. Many important questions about this pandemic can be raised, but in this thread my priority is to respond to issues directly related to this new diagnostic equipment.


first yes it is novel/new and yes it was killing people

but you dont do something just to do it and then HOPE it is the right thing.
you dont make the "treatment/cure" worse than the disease.

we knew even then that covid HAD A HIGH SURVIVAL RATE OVER 95 PERCENT (and in some groups more).
WE KNEW that most (not all) dying from it had two to 4 OTHER MEDICAL COMPROMISES that they died WITH NOT FROM COVID.

we literally shut down whole countries, states and cities and had draconian measures that DID NOTHING to make it better

but did increase unemployment, failed businesses , drug OD and suicides.

that DENIED EDUCATION for two years to our children that had THE HIGHEST RATE of survival (993.99 or better), LOWEST CHANCE IN INFECTION (unless medically compromised) and LEAST LIKELY TO TRANSMIT IT to others.

we DENIED possible treatments (yes would not be effective for all) because "the experts" didnt want them and/or "orange man bad".

yes a two week or month period to see what was going on is prudent.. but its been PROVEN OVER AND OVER the mandates were WRONG ACTION and DID MORE HARM BY FAR THAN GOOD.

as for about "diagnostic equipment" guess what.. its all part of the CONTINUED overreaction and doing more harm

as i presented before given that a "positive test" can cause so much things to be denied you damn well need the device TESTED AND APPROVED BY PREVIOUS STANDARDS... not "emergency approval" and if we got it wrong.. oh well too bad for you.

again do i need to point out a test device for a disease that
a. the CDC states the reported death count ONLY 6 PERCENT DIED FROM COVID
b. that the other 93 percent DIED WITH NOT FROM COVID (thus putting the death count less than the common flu)
C that unless you have SPECIFIC AND/OR 2 OR MORE medical compromises your survival rate is 97 to 99.9 plus. that 80 percent (and more) get covid but have such minor or NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL that ADVANCE MEDICAL INTERVENTION is not needed. That many DONT EVEN KNOW THEY HAD IT and recovered fine?

Again you could get a "positive" reading that if true (and lets be honest alot are not) you still dont know if your contagious, active, over it but have lingering indicators but we are gonna
deny you travel
deny you going to school
deny you working
deny you being with (ex) your child in the hospital
deny you visiting your elderly relatives
deny you being at a loved one bedside when dying
deny you going to church
shut down businesses, churches, ect again if enough do.
ect ect ect?

sorry charlie but your claim is defending BS panic ranting emotional actions that have to date AGAIN DONE NO GOOD BUT DESTROYED ALOT


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