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Alarming increase in excess mortality in Canada.

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posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

A water main break is definitely a bigger problem, however, would you ever fix a water main problem with a solution that then causes millions of peoples faucets to leak for extended lengths of time and leave them having no solution to that problem?

Better yet, would you mandate that all people leave their faucets running to alleviate pressure on the water main as a solution?

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: andr3w68
a reply to: Xtrozero

A water main break is definitely a bigger problem, however, would you ever fix a water main problem with a solution that then causes millions of peoples faucets to leak for extended lengths of time and leave them having no solution to that problem?

Better yet, would you mandate that all people leave their faucets running to alleviate pressure on the water main as a solution?

Now you want to mix in the mandates and other really bad decisions like masks and lockdowns and that is a totally different conversation as to whether the vaccine is bad and the virus is no big deal type of debate.

We can all agree that the way the Government has been handling it all could not be worst even if they tried to actually be worst...

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Okay, fair enough. I will stick to only the topic at hand.

I agree that it is the spike protein, for the most part, that is to blame for the issues people have. The error I see with your statement is that the mRNA does NOT stay at the injection site like is claimed. Last I heard they didn't inject it into lymph nodes, and it has been found in pectoral/breast LN tissue up to 8 weeks after injection, maybe longer. They stopped taking samples at 8 weeks but found detectable levels of spike protein AND mRNA when they did biopsies during this study.

We performed
in situ hybridization with control and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
mRNA-specific RNAScope probes in the core needle biopsies
of the ipsilateral axillary LNs that were collected 7–60 days after
the second dose of mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2 vaccination and
detected vaccine mRNA collected in the GCs of LNs on days
7, 16, and 37 postvaccination, with lower but still appreciable
specific signal at day 60


What this tells me is that you are likely exposed to spike proteins for much longer periods of time from the vaccine than you are from a natural infection. What happens when they continue to want you to take boosters? You just never stop making spikes?

going back to your analogy, This is like trying to fix a water main break by installing a much higher throughput water main right outside everyones home and letting it flow, wide open.
edit on 20-4-2022 by andr3w68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: andr3w68
a reply to: Xtrozero

Okay, fair enough. I will stick to only the topic at hand.

I agree that it is the spike protein, for the most part, that is to blame for the issues people have. The error I see with your statement is that the mRNA does NOT stay at the injection site like is claimed. Last I heard they didn't inject it into lymph nodes, and it has been found in pectoral/breast LN tissue up to 8 weeks after injection, maybe longer. They stopped taking samples at 8 weeks but found detectable levels of spike protein AND mRNA when they did biopsies during this study.

What this tells me is that you are likely exposed to spike proteins for much longer periods of time from the vaccine than you are from a natural infection. What happens when they continue to want you to take boosters? You just never stop making spikes?

So there is a couple of key points here. The mRNA and spike protein from the vaccine isn't different than from the virus. Typically RNA has a half life of 8 hours. There is some info it can get stuck in the lymph nodes in suspended animation not doing anything for a longer period of time, but not making protein.

Protein has a half life too that is easily measurable and it is a few weeks unless something like the RNA in a lymph node suspends it too for longer periods, but also not really doing anything.

With that said some can make it to the blood stream, but think about the levels compared to the virus when the vaccine is producing protein for a day in your arm and the virus is producing protein for weeks throughout your body at a massive level

posted on Apr, 21 2022 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: VulcanWerks

Exactly this. The number is very small for 0-44 age bracket... we're talking about deaths in the hundreds for an entire country with a population of 38 million.

Excess deaths - Statistics Canada

posted on Apr, 24 2022 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: Sander1976

People are starting to wonder what is going on in Canada. "It's horrible," Dowd said. “Why do young people drop dead?” Brown notes that the sudden increase cannot be explained by suicides, overdoses, cancers, etc. “The vaccine is the culprit,” Dowd said bluntly. According to him, the fact that the media and authorities do not ask questions about this indicates that they have something to hide. The investor pointed out that the corona vaccine has been developed hastily and regulators have been taken over by Big Pharma. "They knew this was a junk vaccine, but they didn't expect it to kill so many people in such a short time." Brown believes this health crisis should be investigated immediately.

Okay so just going to throw out the actual possible reasons and just run with its the vaccine's fault. Very science. Very smart.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 04:38 AM
I wonder if included in their morality is subliminal messages on TV, wire taps on their phones....then their conversations ( their subject matter ) repeated on the subliminal TV their TV specific to them in their homes.

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 08:49 AM
The shots are dangerous to all and fatal for many.

Why is POTUS and Gates pushing the shots?

posted on Apr, 25 2022 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: andr3w68
a reply to: Xtrozero

Okay, fair enough. I will stick to only the topic at hand.

I agree that it is the spike protein, for the most part, that is to blame for the issues people have. The error I see with your statement is that the mRNA does NOT stay at the injection site like is claimed. Last I heard they didn't inject it into lymph nodes, and it has been found in pectoral/breast LN tissue up to 8 weeks after injection, maybe longer. They stopped taking samples at 8 weeks but found detectable levels of spike protein AND mRNA when they did biopsies during this study.

What this tells me is that you are likely exposed to spike proteins for much longer periods of time from the vaccine than you are from a natural infection. What happens when they continue to want you to take boosters? You just never stop making spikes?

So there is a couple of key points here. The mRNA and spike protein from the vaccine isn't different than from the virus. Typically RNA has a half life of 8 hours. There is some info it can get stuck in the lymph nodes in suspended animation not doing anything for a longer period of time, but not making protein.

Protein has a half life too that is easily measurable and it is a few weeks unless something like the RNA in a lymph node suspends it too for longer periods, but also not really doing anything.

With that said some can make it to the blood stream, but think about the levels compared to the virus when the vaccine is producing protein for a day in your arm and the virus is producing protein for weeks throughout your body at a massive level

Wrong, according to big pharma, if you can even believe a single word they say, it's the s1 subunit of the spike protein, not the full spike protein.

There are already multiple studies that show the mRNA is present in the body for at least 60 days, and the spike protein in the body indefinitely, as in forever.

The free floating spike protein s1 subunit and the virus with spike proteins attacted to it are not the same thing. The virus is monolithic and the spike proteins are the tiny inflammatory proteins the virus has. So what you do is generate many fold the number of the worst part of the virus and let it travel throughout the body. A new study shows the spike protein is in the blood stream from the "vaccine".
edit on 25-4-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

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