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The Catholic Church never recognized the 1717 Grand Lodge as relating to the former Masonic tradition, your version of Freemasonry is a total fraud.
The modern signification of Freemasonry in which, since about 1750, the word has been universally and exclusively understood, dates only from the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England, 1717
In other words you're a LARPER.
That portion of the Rite which is connected with the legend of the Tyrian Artist, is well worthy the deep and earnest study of thoughtful men. Against the notion that it is the representation of a scene that actually occurred in the Temple, it may well be urged that, outside of Masonic tradition, there is no proof that an event, such as is related in connection with the Temple-Builder, ever transpired; and, besides, the ceremony is older, by more than a thousand years, than the age of SOLOMON. There are characters impressed upon it which cannot be mistaken. It is thoroughly Egyptian, and is closely allied to the supreme rite of the Isianic mysteries.
OSIRIS, ISIS, and TYPHON are the three principal figures in the ancient Egyptian mythology. TYPHON—i.e., Evil—made war upon OSIRIS—i.e., Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. A fierce conflict long raged between these spiritual forces, of which all the combats, antagonisms, and disorders of the outward, visible world, were only far-distant.
ISIS set forth, on her woful pilgrimage, to find the remains of the beloved OSIRIS. After many disappointments and trials, her efforts were crowned with success. The great day of triumph came. TYPHON (Evil) was destroyed by HORUS; the tomb of OSIRIS opened, and HE—Order, Truth, Justice—came forth, victorious, in the possession of immortal life, and harmony, peace, and joy prevailed through the universe.
This myth is the antetype of the Temple-legend. OSIRIS and the Tyrian Architect are one and the same—not a mortal individual, but an idea—an IMMORTAL PRINCIPLE! In Egyptian Freemasonry, OSIRIS was the type of Beauty, Goodness, Order, and Truth. So, in the Temple-myth, the Tyrian is the symbol of Beauty and Order, and of that Creative Art which is ever ready to seize the Ideal, and incarnate it in material forms—that divine art which robes the physical world in immortal splendors—embellishes and beautifies life—idealizes all Nature, transforming dull and prosy reality to a sunny, flowery dream; TYPHON was slain, and the iniquitous triad of the Temple met a deserved doom.
Freemasonry was just Catholicism with trimmings and you weren't even aware that it had been appropriated from Catholicism...
...thus creating an Order generally understood to be actively destroying the World
...groups such as the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis.