posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 09:03 AM
This one has interested me deeply as a UK citizen, who actually does have a former MI6 man in our extended family, who is very active with the Church
of England (a former cathederal warden in a major city) & remains so in his retirement.
Basically, the phrase "Don't worry, we're on the side of the angels" has been used as a reassurance when counselling prospective native or foreign
sources, denoting that their cause is righteous, and does not intend harm to anyone specifically who has no reason to fear harm (IE - if they aren't
nasty people involved in bad stuff, then nothing bad will happen to those who are engaged on the periphery of the operation, or amongst the unknowing
public masses).
From my own experiences (I will not go into great detail about how I come to think this way, to save space in the OP), it seems that there is a very
specifically Christian network in the intelligence agencies of the West, which literally views what they do as a righteous cause before God, that they
are serving God by serving the highest ideals of their nation, and they actively seek to shut down operations which are rooted in 'darkness',
wherever they can, or at minimum, to maintain overwatch of such operations, and to provide supply lines/information portals which benefit any on the
side of 'the good' who happen to tangle with the bad guys. This would set them directly against the Great Reset globalists, though they may be
unfortunately in the minority position at the current time.
My question for you, is whether you had personally been aware of anything like this, which has a very definite root in the church/es? In my case I'm
aware that the Anglican church seems to play a role with MI5/6, and they may have a hand in 'special operations' which require the particular sort
of services that only an anointed man (or woman) of God could provide (such as exorcism). Have any of you been aware of specific networks or
activities that align themselves as being part of a 'godly conspiracy', a good cause 'on the side of the angels'..?
And furthermore, what do you know/ think of the idea that actual bona fide angelic beings might have interacted with members of our security services
(& perhaps other branches of government), for the purpose of actively stopping certain nasty activities from taking shape/ stopping dastardly plans
from being executed..? I would assume it's a very rare event - but otherwise, where did the phrase originate, and with it such a stamp (or seal) of
authority, an assurance that only a truly righteous cause would be associated with the use of that phrase? It goes without saying that the most
senior branches of healthcare & security services in the UK & elsewhere would be aware of the existence of, for example, actual demonic possession
occurring in members of the armed forces, various other sectors which might be exposed to such things, for whatever linked reasons, including maybe
the unexpected outcomes of the idle games of the nobility (seances, ouija, trance mediums) which then led to high status individuals dealing with
rather exotic spiritual disturbances in their lives - even to the point of being a threat to the State's interests perhaps.
Old time intelligence operatives (going back to the time of Francis Bacon) were involved in the practice of alchemical experimentation, contacting
one's holy guardian angel, and so on, basically magic sponsored by the State. I also know from experience that the State does employ actual psychics
for certain operations, though it's mainly low level surveillance stuff that I've seen first-hand. So how much does magic & mystery play a part in
modern day statecraft, and is there a concerted Christian imperative which seeks to 'capture every [action/thought] for Christ', aiming for the
proper 'righteous' fulfilment of all operations unfolding in the service of the realm at a given time? Food for thought perhaps.
Cheers, FITO.