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2022 animal model of COVID-19 damage to the central nervous system of higher mammals

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posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 04:02 PM
Here is the link for a summary news article and the accompanying April 2022 journal article (in Nature Communications) on central nervous system damage from COVID-19 in two species of monkeys:

These species include Rhesus macaques and African green monkeys. The animals included in this study were all elders, since the SARS-CoV-2 virus has hit Homo sapiens hardest in elder members of our own species. Rhesus macaques are considered the gold standard of species that compare most closely with H. sapiens, at least in terms of our central nervous system.

Notice that this journal article was in its review phase for 18 months, a long time as these articles go. That suggests the reviewers looked high and low before giving the green light for this study's publication.

The article's detailed findings on types and locations of central nervous system damage from the virus/disease suggest that by the end of 2022, much of the public controversy over the severity of COVID-19 may be over.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 04:28 PM
I sure wish some of the anti-vac, pro natural immunity crowd would actually read some real science plus the referenced article below the study that tells ya getting the virus is one hell of a poor way to think you have immunity. Another issue grossly overlooked is long-term Covid which mainly attacks younger people. Some people may never get over certain effects of being infected. Never!

Denny - second booster n having fun

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: DaCook and everyone, the one thing I am certain of with this pandemic is that we're looking at a long duration, months if not years. If so, it behooves us to start collecting more animal models of how illness progresses with this novel virus.

I just bought another box of Nitrile exam gloves and two more spray bottles of anti-bacterial/anti-viral surface cleaner. It's nerve-wracking enough having to deal with viral surges, but worse when I'm out of some basic cleaning supply items.

edit on 4/16/2022 by Uphill because: Added one space.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 04:47 PM
Not sure why this would be surprising. It only takes a casual look at the world around us today to realize that something has made humanity borderline (or in many instances now so borderline) crazy.

If the the SARS-CoV-2 virus was really designed as a biological weapon, it seems obvious to me that the governments of most countries were the initial primary targets for infection. IMHO.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: DaCook

The jabbed are still getting covid. This is something which concerns us all.

Thanks, Fauci, NIH, EcoHealth, and Wuhan.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: DaCook
Some people may never get over certain effects of being infected. Never!

Denny - second booster n having fun

Never, huh? We're only two years into it. Have you got a time machine?

Sorry if this is snarky but I got flu in 2006 that took me out for a good six months and I still have damage to my sense of smell all these years later. Covid is not much different from all the other colds and flus, for most people. The fear and hype are the problem and the very fact the governments are relentless about pushing the vaccines is highly odd.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: DaCook
I sure wish some of the anti-vac, pro natural immunity crowd would actually read some real science plus the referenced article below the study that tells ya getting the virus is one hell of a poor way to think you have immunity. Another issue grossly overlooked is long-term Covid which mainly attacks younger people. Some people may never get over certain effects of being infected. Never!

Denny - second booster n having fun

Hey da kook I am am anti vax and have read much of the science around natural immunity. You must be a disinfo bot, because there are a number of studies from respected sources that clearly show natural immunity is long lasting and superior to the clot shot in conferring protection. How about reading the science here:
And here:
or here:
I could go on but it's obvious you don't have a clue.
edit on 16-4-2022 by bladerunner44 because: misspelled

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 06:46 PM
As far as we know damage from the virus is caused by the antibodies.

Which means the vaxxed could have the same issues from the vaccine.

Now we understand the chinese zero CoVid policy...

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: DaCook
Some people may never get over certain effects of being infected. Never!

Denny - second booster n having fun

Never, huh? We're only two years into it. Have you got a time machine?

Sorry if this is snarky but I got flu in 2006 that took me out for a good six months and I still have damage to my sense of smell all these years later. Covid is not much different from all the other colds and flus, for most people. The fear and hype are the problem and the very fact the governments are relentless about pushing the vaccines is highly odd.

Exactly any respiratory illness is likely to cause significant damage and recovery time. I had double pneumonia in my 30s and it wrecked my lung capacity bigtime

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: DaCook

The jabbed are still getting covid. This is something which concerns us all.

Thanks, Fauci, NIH, EcoHealth, and Wuhan.

This was and has always been an expectation.
Similar to the rapidity of influenza variations showing up constantly. Though this is not influenza, it does share the ability to mutate, this is a constant .
Influenza shots have to be updated all the time, to keep up.
Same with Covid.

Introducing some kind of immunity, without actually doing it via a real infection is preferable, reducing symptoms, length of infection, which in turn can reduce the ability to infect others. This can also reduce secondary infections in the sinus, lungs etc.
You can let your immune system do this on its own. But the physical cost is higher and more risky than getting vaxxed.

The argument “people got vaccinated and still got Covid”
Is no argument at all. It’s a feature of mutation and infection.

It’s now looking like those that lost smell and taste, may have some permanent brain damage. Though there is still research happening on that symptom.

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: DaCook
Some people may never get over certain effects of being infected. Never!

Denny - second booster n having fun

Never, huh? We're only two years into it. Have you got a time machine?

Sorry if this is snarky but I got flu in 2006 that took me out for a good six months and I still have damage to my sense of smell all these years later. Covid is not much different from all the other colds and flus, for most people. The fear and hype are the problem and the very fact the governments are relentless about pushing the vaccines is highly odd.

Trust me…. I am not the the person who wrote the long term research paper.

Former medical person and used to spend quite a bit of time in the ER and seemed like I caught whatever was going around. After a few years my immunity evidently stepped up and almost never got anything seasonal. However, about maybe 15 years ago on a flight from Spain, a person about three rows ahead of me in first class was coughing so hard he was beet red. Felt so sorry for him.

Well, you kinda know the rest. My streak ended and it was by far the worst upper respiratory infection I have ever had in my life. Took a good month to stop coughing up green stuff. Horrible. I’ve not had anything since. Guess what doesn’t kill ya does make ya stronger. I do believe in natural immunity, however; also believe in medical studies.

Nothing odd about the medical community wanting people to be safe. The government pays for a bunch of medical expenses. Nothing odd about it at all.

edit on 16-4-2022 by DaCook because: Auto spell

posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: bladerunner44

originally posted by: DaCook
I sure wish some of the anti-vac, pro natural immunity crowd would actually read some real science plus the referenced article below the study that tells ya getting the virus is one hell of a poor way to think you have immunity. Another issue grossly overlooked is long-term Covid which mainly attacks younger people. Some people may never get over certain effects of being infected. Never!

Denny - second booster n having fun

Hey da kook I am am anti vax and have read much of the science around natural immunity. You must be a disinfo bot, because there are a number of studies from respected sources that clearly show natural immunity is long lasting and superior to the clot shot in conferring protection. How about reading the science here:
And here:
or here:
I could go on but it's obvious you don't have a clue.

Hey troll….. ever hear of meta analysis? Wait for it, my turn now.


posted on Apr, 16 2022 @ 10:16 PM
Here is an article that might help to control the damage. There are others listed below this too. I read some research that supplementation can also help a little to correct damage on the central nervous system, but it only helps a little, it is no miracle cure.

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: bladerunner44

Yo Badrunner44 troll................

How about a little bit of pragmatic anecdotal information you can stick in your antivax pipe? Something you don't have to Google and maybe even something simple enough for you to understand.

My son who is fully vaccinated did catch Covid about 6 months ago has long term Covid. He is the young, fit type and is always in shape. We both routinely hit the gym 5-6 times per week. Simply part of our lifestyle. Now, he claims he has no energy, doesn't want to workout, always tired, does not focus as well, and keeps hoping the symptoms will go away. After 6 months they have not. If you think that is the plan, then go for it.

I'm the first to admit that I feel the vaccine is overrated in regards of preventing disease, however he obviously did not die, nor did he require hospitalization. In his own words:" Like the worst cold I have ever had in my life."

If catching Covid is the answer.......... knock yourself out Mr. Natural.


edit on 17-4-2022 by DaCook because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-4-2022 by DaCook because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: spacedoubt

My Pfizer "vaccinated" husband got covid lost his sense of smell and taste. Had a friend who got the J&J jab and also lost her taste and smell. I never did test positive, but my Pfizer "vaccinated" daughter did.

Why, if the vaxx needs an update, are they still pushing it into people's arms?

edit on 17-4-2022 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 03:11 PM
Guess you have to look at it from the prospective “is the glass half full or half empty?” No one in your family died. That wasn’t always the case in the beginning. Plus, didn’t hear anything regarding side effects from the vaccine itself. Pretty easy to explain as they are fairly rare.

My son is at Coachella, but lives currently in Miami and on Tuesday is scheduled at the university of Miami to undergo more testing regarding the long Covid syndrome. Think we may have a long road ahead as it is a pretty complicated puzzle to solve. Darn good chance just like the common cold that it may be a lingering problem due to how the family of the virus constantly evolves. My personal belief is just like the common cold, there may not be a natural immunity resulting from being infected as the beast morphs into a different threat.

I’m a glass half full person by nature. The death rate is dramatically lower now from what appears to be the result of the vaccines plus better social practices. For all practical purposes we had no cold n flu season last year.

Going to say it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. Lot of really sharp people with their nose to the grindstone trying to help all of us. They may just find that missing scale in the dragons armor. In my 30+ years of being intimately involved in the medical community, in no way could list the advances I have seen in just my lifetime. This isn’t even the same game as it was.

edit on 17-4-2022 by DaCook because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: DaCook
I sure wish some of the anti-vac, pro natural immunity crowd would actually read some real science plus the referenced article below the study that tells ya getting the virus is one hell of a poor way to think you have immunity. Another issue grossly overlooked is long-term Covid which mainly attacks younger people. Some people may never get over certain effects of being infected. Never!

Denny - second booster n having fun

The bigger issue here is not if you will get COVID, but when you will get it. The anti-COVID vax people say well if we are all going to get it then just let it happen and don't care about the vaccine. What they do not think about is when you get it how long you have it will really determine you long term issues. I'm 62 vaxxed with one booster and I basically got it for 2 days with the third day I could tell I was getting better. By day 5 it was all gone, no lung issues etc though the first two days it went right to my lungs.

My unvaxxed workers 20 years younger than me in good health had it for 8+ days saying it was the worst flu they ever had. Even today months later they have lingering issue that I really contribute to the duration and level of their infection. They also were very aware and used all the alternate treatments being a part of that crowd that sees them better.

At the end of the day it is all about minimizing the duration and level of the illness to not have long term issues.

edit on 17-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 03:28 PM
This happened to me too! The Epstein Barr virus is now a well-known cause of health problems and can reactivate if the conditions are right. Many others, like Lyme disease, can take years to get rid of. The can also cause permanent damage.

I think the difference is in engineering. I believe this virus was targeted at specific members of society, and who the hell knows what it will do next.

Most anti-vaxxers I know are not typically anti-vax, as much as anti-control. Sure, some are just for the sake of being so, but I think most are just thinking a little more critically.
a reply to: igloo

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: bladerunner44
because there are a number of studies from respected sources that clearly show natural immunity is long lasting and superior

I think everyone agrees with this in the long run, but how do you get there safely? Add in the elderly, high risk, fat people that don't make it past the virus to have a long lasting immunity, what do you do with them out side of just roll the dice.

If the vaccine reduced ill effects by only 50% that alone would keep a lot of people out of the hospital and reduce long term issues. It really isn't about not getting it, we all will at some point. It is about that initial interaction with it to maybe only have it a few days compared to weeks. Which way do you want to go with it? A few days, or weeks, or worst...

edit on 17-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2022 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: spacedoubt

My Pfizer "vaccinated" husband got covid lost his sense of smell and taste. Had a friend who got the J&J jab and also lost her taste and smell. I never did test positive, but my Pfizer "vaccinated" daughter did.

Why, if the vaxx needs an update, are they still pushing it into people's arms?

Yeah I hear these stories all the time, but have never met one in real life. Meaning “the vaxxed people all got Covid, but me, the unvaxxed person did not “

I think, to date, I know aprrox 60 or 70 people who had Covid, and others who just told me stories of family members.

The aftermath was that the vaxxed faired better than the unvaxxed. Every time, but that’s just my experience in a job
That has high public exposure on occasion.

On the vax update, they are working on a broader genetic spectrum version. The big issue is what genetic components to target, due to rapid mutations, caused by massive numbers of human incubators. And this is still happening.

Now, in the US it feels like we are on the downswing, the reality is that with home testing, and less reporting, we have no idea how many positives are out there.
Could be a ticking time bomb, or possibly not.
But, we’re human, we mostly care about today, and the next week.

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