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A South Carolina death row inmate picks a firing squad over the electric chair

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posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 01:55 AM
Who cares, dead’s dead right? It’s not like the choice leads to any other outcome.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 06:45 AM
Good choice.

Less likely to be botched. Instant if done by well trained shooters and I am sure they will be

We should reconsider the death penalty. Activist judges have turned it into a farce. A hanging the next day at dawn is an immediate deterrent. 30 years of appeal followed by some sterile state ran murder is frankly both fruity and disturbing. Its cruel and unusual to keep someone in limbo that long, anticipating death and false starts? All techniques of torture. Another problem is a catch 22, it irrevocably denies all future appeals and potential breakthrough evidence. Do it right or not at all

edit on 4/18/2022 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: JBurns

Lol people are hesitant to kill because of “science” exonerated 5 because of dna 20 years ago versus immediate execution.

There is something to it though sometimes they find the person with the smoking gun in hand covered in another’s blood and piss I say do it as soon as the details are hashed in a fair trial, not tomorrow.

posted on Apr, 18 2022 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: Brotherman

Agreed! Most people know "death" doesnt really mean death and evem when it does, its never soon enough to actually scare someome into not committing these crimes sadly. Heck even Life without parole doesnt seem to actually mean they will die behind bars anymore

I would personally dispute the death penalty or frankly life being an option for a one-off homicide. Really, most people who arent serial killers will kill their one victim and never kill again. Whether the victim deserved it (ie: provoked it) is mostly mot relevant since statistically they will not kill another person. So for them, we need more of a return to the 1800's where you had to justify a homicide but not go through all the sterile kid-gloved sissy moderninity.

For instance, a productive citizens shoots a gang banger dead. IMO it shouldnt be evaluated as legal or not. It should be looked at as a total set of circumstances, whether he has a halfway decent explanation and most importantly what the overall impact is. Putting some two bit gang banger in the ground as just one of many examples should not be "murder" under any circumstance or even a crime.

My problem is the government carrying out the executions.
edit on 4/18/2022 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2022 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: ColoradoTemplar

Im kind of on the fence. If I had a choice given by the state I would probably select lethal injection. I know its morbid what do you think?

I don't know about 'morbid', death is a natural cycle for the bodies. A body is born, it has to die. You go through an incarnation, then return. It's just neutral, normal thing to me, nothing morbid about it.

However, that someone has the RIGHT to actually execute someone, now THAT's a morbid thought. No one has the right to murder anyone, but people have forgotten how human rights word. 'Death penalty' is the stupidest, most evil thing imaginable; no one has the right to do that!

If we go past this completely ridiculous non-ethic 'we can do it but you can't-crap, let's see..

Electric Chair makes you convulse in a painful way that could burn and fry things in your body, all the while making your muscles hurt, you would be in exreme pain as your shoulder gets disclocated or bones break due to the violent spasms and such. I would NEVER voluntarily let anyone do this to me.

"Lethal Injection" sounds so peaceful and good, doesn't it? They know how to obfuscate HORROR behind 'flowery words', don't they? In any case, from what I have heard, this is also a VERY painful and scary experience, as one of the injections basically paralyzes you so you can't visibly move, but you still feel the pain of the other injections, which make you WANT to move, but you can't, so it's horrible agony.

What this should be called, is agonizing POISON that way-too-slowly kills you. It looks peaceful because you are paralyzed, but inside, you are screaming of pain and horror. I would NEVER let anyone do this to me, it's not peaceful from what I have heard. I can't prove it, but even a small change that it's like this, is enough to choose something better.

Firing squad isn't bad - multiple bullets violently entering your physical body at high speeds would result in a very quick death, probably relatively painless (although the sound would be deafening, as guns are RIDICULOUSLY loud (but because movies, most people don't realize it)).

MY favorite would be the Guillotine.

It's so quick, it's so devastatingly effective, it would just basically take you out of the physical body instantly and there would be no pain, harm or injury to you. The body would cease to function the millisecond the head is cut, and it is, as I said, QUICK, so there is no possibility of survival or any complications or anything. I mean, what if you don't QUITE die from the 'lethal injections', but no one realizes it, because your heartbeat is so slow, and you are in a trancelike paralysis with eyes closed - in HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE PAIN AND HORROR, not only physically, but emotionally and psychologically as well?

There's no possibility of that in guillotine. The same questions can be asked about the firing squad - what if they miss vital organs, or just damage them greatly, but don't QUITE kill ya? You could be paralyzed and bleeding for hours until you finally die - how painful would that be?

I am a bid advocate of the head stuff. If someone blows your brains out with a powerful gun of some sort, a sniper or revolver from a close range, ther'es really no possibility of survival or pain. It's also very quick.

If you destroy the head, or severe it from the body completely, it's so fool-proof, there's no coming back after that. No possibility of pain, and it's quick.

Now, having said all this, I would never condone 'death penalty', It's 100% WRONG, as murder is 100% WRONG!

Also, I want to point out that the Universe, the Hand that Created you is merciful. When death is imminent, the pain is usually either lessened or completely removed by you actually being allowed to leave the body BEFORE the 'painful incident' happens.

Let's say you are driving down a cliff (accidentally or otherwise), you might actually find you start falling upwards instead of downwards, because of this mercy of sparing you the pain of 'dying' - you are just taken out, and that's it.

People who drowned, have described the experience very pleasant, after the panic is over and they just 'let go'. They want to always die by drowning from that point on. (Don't mind how these people were able to tell these stories after dying - people never die, only bodies do. But if it helps, in some cases, it was a 'near-death' experience, in others, 'channeled' text from higher realms, in others, hypnotic chronological regression into past lives and such, there are so many ways to get this kind of information)

So however your body dies, i am sure the Cosmic Mercy will make it more pleasant than it might look to the other people. And you will all experience this thing called 'death' - ALL of you will. So will I, of course. It's as natural a part of life as breathing or sleeping. It will happen eventually to everyone.

What AWAITS you is what people should be talking about and preparing for, not the METHOD of how it's done, especially hypothetically, but what can you do, this planet's people are very narrow-, and close minded, and don't seem to want to talk about anything elevated or great about the Universe.

posted on Apr, 20 2022 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Supposedly you are conscious for a few seconds after being beheaded by guillotine. You can see and process things until brain goes from lack of oxygen and blood. Reports of severed head blinking and eyes looking around from back in day when guillotine was more widely used.

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