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Rationalizing Snake Venom Origins

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posted on Apr, 14 2022 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

1p36 Deletion Syndrome is listed in the Pfizer documents.
But, 1p36.13 has a few genes and its difficult to identify C1orf134.

posted on Apr, 15 2022 @ 01:43 AM

originally posted by: Wisenox

First, I found covid-snake articles in an attempt to find out what protein in the venom they were referring to.  I found this:

COVID-19 kills patients using an enzyme similar to neurotoxins in rattlesnake venom

Looking on GeneCards for PLA2G2A, we see that the cytogenic band for the protein is 1p36.13.

Snake venom, or use of the patent?  You  decide.

I think there is a misunderstanding here. Covid does NOT possess snake venom in it. Covid is a virus. Snake venom is not a virus.

The rattlesnake research is linking the way people die of Covid. In otherwords, they were specifically looking at those who died from Covid (not the 98-99% who lived after Covid). And what they found is that those who died from Covid had massive organ failure. So they were trying to find the CAUSE of the massive organ failure and they found an enzyme THAT ALREADY EXISTS IN THE HUMAN BODY in massive amounts.

This enzyme, part of the human immune system, exists in EVERYONE, in small healthy amounts. But when there are mass quantities of this enzyme in the human immune system then the immune system is attacking and destroying its own organs.

Which is what happens--in similarity--when someone is bitten by a rattlesnake. The way to live through a rattlesnake bite is that you must tie a tourniquet above the bite (leg or arm) to stop or cut off venom from flowing in the blood to the heart. Then you have to calm down and keep your heart rate down. That's because if the venom reaches your heart then it goes throughout your entire circulatory system. The human immune system then releases the enzyme in abundance as an attack against the venom. Which destroys your organs.

Same is true of those that died of Covid. The Covid virus with its spike protein got into their organs. The human immune system launched a massive retaliation its own enzyme. And the human immune system destroyed their organs while trying to combat the Covid.


The Ancient Crete (pre-Minoan) cure for snakebite was SAGE or Salvia pomifera subsp. pomifera. The Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian cure for snakebite was common SAGE or Salvia officinalis. It's not an old wives tale. Sage has been scientifically investigated and has proven itself to be effective in a lab against rattlesnake venom.

Chart Showing the Effectiveness of Sage (salvia officinalis) as an anti-venom to Rattlesnake Venom

Medicinal Qualities of Cretan and Greek Sage Species

Sage works to calm the cytokine storm from the immune system. The enzyme which destroys the organs is released during a cytokine storm. But sage does more than that with Covid. Sage actually kills the Covid virus. Sage is antimicrobial.

Sage and Perilla Teas Could Help Treat Covid

Salvia officinalis: Antimicrobial activity against coronaviruses and other pathogens

To stop the cytokine storm from Covid, which destroys the organs when the human immune system releases the enzyme, treat Covid the way you treat rattlesnake venom, or treat Covid the way you would stop a cytokine storm from a rattlesnake bite.

You could also use the common Native American treatment for rattlesnake venom, used by the 5 Civilized Tribes of the South (Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole and Natchez) and the Iroquois. They used Eryngium Yuccifolium or a plant called Rattlesnake Master. It kept those tribes alive for thousands of years from snake venom. Also proven to be an anti-venom.

Effectiveness of Native American Plant Eryngium Yuccifolium Against Rattlesnake Venom

I still think the purple/blue form of Eryngium might be better like the Choctaw Eryngium Aquatica.

Been looking for the Incan equivalent for Eryngium and I found it.... Eryngium foetidium which is used in Brazilian and Incan diet regularly as a spice which they call Culantro. They are the only group that regularly eats their anti-venom as an herbal spice in their diet. Not sure if it helped with Covid, but eating anti-venom (Eryngium foetidium or Culantro) on a regular basis sure has reduced deaths from snakebites.

Brazil only has about 1815 deaths from snakebite over 16 years with their use of eryngium foetidum in their diet. Compared to India which has 11,000 deaths PER YEAR from snakebite. So apparently if you use the eryngium species as a spice in your regular diet, it protects people in the Amazon jungle against snakebite.

posted on Apr, 15 2022 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: MapMistress

The point is that the studies do not specify if subjects were vaccinated.
The subject of snakes wasn't a thing until recently. I don't remember anything about snakes before Ardis and I've been pretty up to date with the vaccine stuff.
To me, the snake story holds the possibility of simply being a cover story for vaccine side effects. After all, patients with comorbidities dying of organ failure is not definitive of snake venom mechanisms of action.
Venom does not explain why children were unaffected, as snake venom is not age discriminatory like covid. Higher levels of melatonin aren't stopping venom-like actions in the body, nor does venom fit the asymptomatic nature of covid.
For example, if venom was a real consideration, then it doesn't explain why the number of 'long covid' patients has remained low. More people would be symptomatic. In fact, the entire list of covid symptoms would read differently if venom-like mechanisms of action were imparted by covid.
The snake theory doesn't hold water. There simply would have been more clinically significant symptoms in patients of all ages were it to be true. The combined list of effects would have pointed experts toward venom-like activity rather than flu-like activity.
The fact that the enzyme already exists in the body is exactly what the study I linked to states, and that particular enzyme shares a locus with a gene in the patent (C1orf134), which has been interestingly removed from gene banks.
Since i the protein already exists, it performs a function in the body, and if the patent is expressing, silencing, modifying, or creating antibodies towards said protein, then illness will be the result, and would likely exacerbate comorbidities resulting in death.
The protein in the body performs immunity functions that would eliminate the vaccine lipid nanoparticles, giving vaccine producers a motive to affect the protein in the body.
So, with the snake theory you have to rely on, once again, leaps of faith for a covid explanation. Conversely, the motive and ability to induce venom-like activity exists in the patent as a rational reason that is right in front of our faces. If the patent was/is being employed, then putting out snake garbage ahead of symptoms appearing is a likely move that would be made by the people wanting to cover it up with plausible deniability.
Lastly, the snake theory doesn't explain the wide range of vaccine symptoms.
The vaccine is supposed to be producing the pathogen from covid, so it should be reflecting a unified set of side effects that coincide with the snake theory, but it doesn't. Conversely, the use of the patent does explain the wide range of side effects, such as Pemphigoid, low CD4 counts, 1p36 Deletion Syndrome, etc...
If you had the ability to cure yourself and your people of every major illness and give yourself a 125+ year lifespan, would you test the technology on you? Would you be the Guinea Pig to find out what happens when you mess with genes? I doubt the elites would. They would likely set up a giant experiment and test each aspect of their mRNA technology on the general population. That way they know the safe ways of treating themselves. The patent can do this for them and they want us and our children to be their Guinea Pigs.

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