posted on Apr, 13 2022 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to:
It's great that you have that memorabilia to remember your Father and his legacy.
The image is a very wide panorama. It's wider than A3 and just under A1 size. Any good printing shop will have an A1 line scanner. Basically, the
document to be scanned travels through the linear laser scanner, as opposed to a flatbed scanner where the document stays put and the laser moves.
Unless the picture is in a poor state and falling apart, it should be safe to have it scanned in this way.
Alternatively, if you want to try again with your home scanner you need to push the resolution as high as possible. Around 600 dpi should be ok. As
F2d5thCavv2 rightly advised, go for the png format. TIFF is also an option and will produce better printed results once it's digitised.
If you manage to scan it in sections, overlapping a little each scan, then I'm sure there are many Photoshoppers here who could stitch all the scans
together to reproduce the entire picture. I, too, would gladly do it for you. I can even fix any blemishes, stains, cracking, etc. once it's digital.
In fact, it could be a nice challenge for us digital artists to see who can get the best result.
If you manage it, please upload the images to some cloud based file sharing service (Google Drive, etc.) so we can grab them. Don't upload to ATS as
we would need the highest resolution images possible.