posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 08:31 AM
Well what can i say, enjoy the read mates
What a strange old place is today�s Britain � �a group of islands 20 miles off Calais, joined by a tunnel�, in the dismissive words of a leader whose
realm has obviously become too parochial for his swelling majesty.
For here we see that the organ of the thinking socialist, the New Statesman, is carrying an article which has prompted the staff surrounding the
Labour leader at Downing Street to rush out a denial that the First Citizen is �potty�!
Seeking to determine �whether the Tories got it right� with that exquisitely controversial election poster of RobespiBlaire�s gleaming, demonic eyes,
the magazine asked psychologists and psychiatrists to give their views.
"One view emerged strongly: there appears to be something worryingly adrift in the mind of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, a man who doesn't really
know who or what he is," came the result.
"More technically, he is diagnosed as a psychopath capable of reinventing himself with remarkable dexterity, like an actor."
"What most people call 'spin', the routine lubricant of all political gearboxes, is, in Blair's case, eloquent self-delusion on a heroic scale. He
is one of the few politicians who has never told a lie because his belief in whatever he says � about public transport, hospitals, schools, weapons of
mass destruction � is total."
Rest of the article: