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Ukraine has been a Practice Run for what is Coming

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posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 03:32 PM
Not a lot of people know the depth of what happened in Ukraine but it’s past is plying out right now in the US. The first thing was an intermingling of Nationality between the western ideals and the eastern ideals, which is basically liberalism and communism. With those being further broken down with far-left and far-right which gives you four separate political ideals. Then from the North there’s was the Borotba, which is socialism. So this gives you five with all of them having mixtures of different religious beliefs intertwined with each other’s political beliefs as crossovers. Their only commonality being that none of them had a majority favoring the current government structure, which had a constitution that it was governed by and adhered too. Most saw the politicians as corrupt and working for the elites.

The Government was in talks with the EU on having a free trade zone deal which would bring jobs and help boost the economy. The problem with the deal was that eastern Ukraine would suffer massive job losses and economic value because it would cut off Russia. So when the government took into account the fiscal loss of the deal, which was tens of billions in losses from losing Russias business, which the IMF credit of 1 billion Euros didn’t seem to be enough when considering the de-industrialization of Ukraine. And if the Ukraine government allowed in Western businesses the government would have to allow in Western government control to guarantee their security which they opposed.

When the government announced that the deal wasn’t happening is when the protest began, which became muddied by propaganda from both sides with Western governments using paid operatives to take more drastic measures. Confusion and chaos soon became rampant although only 13% of the country was involved in the protests and the subsequent government takeover of police stations and government offices. The president fleed and a deal was struck to allow him to comeback only if new elections would be held before the years end. The right took control of certain aspects of the government, with the far right inserting themselves into control over smaller communities. The elections solved little and failed to unite the country because the turmoil caused government to become susceptible to bribery and threats. All this political turmoil being influenced by outside countries all wanting to get cheap deals and use money to get favoritism pulled Ukraine from all directions and thus split it into pieces. Ukraine is a civil war between multiple factions being funded by outsiders trying to get the upper hand so they can profit from its commodities.

All of this should be a warning as what is coming for the US and don’t think it’s not intentional or planned. People may think it’s impossible but look at Ukraine 13% of the population made a decision for the entire country. Think about how many political divisions there are in the US. The amount of religious divisions. The amount of gender identities they are making people believe. Every news story is meant to further divide. Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated. Mask vs Maskless. Pro-Russia vs Anti-Russia. Left vs Right. Lockdown vs Anti-Lockdown. Green Vs Capitalist. White vs Black. Once you have so many small fires going all you need is more accelerant to turn it into a bonfire.

It’s not difficult to cause discourse in a society. All you do is make them poorer. Make food harder to procure. Make them work longer hours more jobs but receive less in return. Bring in other nationalities so they can then blame them for where they are at and have less. This breeds envy, jealousy and above all hate. And that’s the goal-to fuel the fire with Hate. So in the next 7 months that is what will be done to bring it all to a point of explosion.

News organizations and politicians are already putting out how the Republicans are going to sweep the November elections. Now imagine if that doesn’t happen, whether by cheating or not, how are 70+ million going to respond after seeing that they were cheated and an election stolen from them the last two years (doesn’t matter if it’s true or not it’s still been portrayed as it was)? Ukraine only took 13% of its population to force a new election for government control. 70 million is 20% of the population.

Will States breakaway like in Ukraine and choose not to be part of the government leading to inner battles over government control? Will the cartels start taking over southern parts of Texas? Cubans takeover southern Florida? An East Coast breakaway? Southern breakaway? Western breakaway? Will the US become a civil war between political sides, religious sides, and cultural sides? How could it not when division is being engrained into the mindset of people by the government? Can there be unity after they have let the constitution be forgotten and hasn’t been upheld in years? Will people want a new constitution and others want to stick to the old? So many questions with no answers in sight.

It is when a nation tries to define what is good and what is evil that it becomes broken by that very belief that a definition can be found that will be exact and accepted. All great nations die by suicide. Every president except for Jefferson said his job was to keep us safe. Jefferson was the only one that was right because he said the presidents job was to keep us free. Safety requires control and the more danger is perceived the more control will be asserted. Thus all great nations fall and ours will be no different. Peace will find the world someday when man is at peace with himself.

“My loyalties will not be bound by national borders, or confined in time by one nation's history, or limited in the spiritual dimension by one language and culture. I pledge my allegiance to the damned human race, and my everlasting love to the green hills of Earth, and my intimations of glory to the singing stars, to the very end of space and time.” Abbey

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 03:38 PM
It’s a bit later than John Titor said but is the US heading to a civil war……what was the divergence? 1-2% or something…….a reply to: mcsnacks77

edit on 9-4-2022 by Akaspeedy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 04:39 PM
Living in such a global society rapidly spreads disease, as covid has shown. With all the immigration happening around the world, we can only hope TPTB have a plan to deal with all the highly contagious diseases coming from Ukraine, Latin America and Afghanistan- such as TB and Hep A.

People are getting close to sensory overload with war, politics, inflation, covid and possible food shortage/crisis I think we can expect some societal breakdowns globally. It's going to take a lot of MSM propaganda to keep the lid on the powder keg that's rapidly filling up.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 04:41 PM
No civil war because Americans live in a hate free society. SORRY TO DISAPOINT YOU.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 04:46 PM
First off, S&F for an excellent and well written OP, ty!

originally posted by: mcsnacks77

All of this should be a warning as what is coming for the US and don’t think it’s not intentional or planned.

Bolding mine.

To that point, it is both exciting and scary to be a CT today...we have the opportunity to see all these different little conspiracy theories start to be proven true. It is scary to see how they all tie together....little bits and pieces of our freedoms stolen-and more often than not given away in the name of security. And as you look at the picture emerging, the image is down right terrifying.

More to the point, you can now clearly look back at the facts we know now, and see when this started, who started it and why.

Without hijacking the thread, after WWI. I am working on something for RATS and will expound on that in a week or so in it's own thread.

Peace will find the world someday when man is at peace with himself.

Not to be a jerk, but man can't be at peace until (wo)man can be sensibly and properly defined AND agreed upon.

That goes right back to how we have been deluded and played against each other. Separated, we find ourselves with less people standing with each other against the evil being done to mankind.

The game was played as a 2-step forward 1-step back long term game. Knowing that nobody would want to live in servitude, the edges were pushed, people yelled NO! but didn't want to be considered a hater, racist, or the monster of the issue, so they gave a little in compromise. Those pushing this agenda forward moved 1 step closer to the end goal. And those who started it knew they would not see the end result bc it was a multi-generational plan.

Wow....just did a quick proof read (any errors i still missed, sorry. Had the real job, a gig, and the real sleep for 38 hours...I am tired)...

Thinking about it this is really a dark post. Sorry.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
No civil war because Americans live in a hate free society. SORRY TO DISAPOINT YOU.

This must be sarcasm, or maybe you don't live here.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

The PRESENT U.S. Administration have been LYING Out their A Holes to the American Public about the Conflict Between the Russian REPUBLIC and the Fascist Controlled Ukraine .

" US Officials Admit They're Literally Just Lying To The Public About Russia "

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 09:00 PM
awesome thread there OP
you bet the usa is on the list of planned destruction
the ukraine surely is a honing of skillsets

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: Akaspeedy
It’s a bit later than John Titor said but is the US heading to a civil war……what was the divergence? 1-2% or something…….a reply to: mcsnacks77

Oh f.... Titor predictions.. didn't alot of those pan out.. coast to coast back on the day had that stuff.

Do you recall what the results were?

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 09:04 PM
3 sided conflict.. euro/USA banksters,
Brics banksters, Ukrainians trying to rebel against both?

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: LastFirst
3 sided conflict.. euro/USA banksters,
Brics banksters, Ukrainians trying to rebel against both?

Ukraine is defending itself from a brutal foreign invader attempting to steal land.

Is anybody else brutally invading Ukraine to steal land?

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 09:19 PM
Thank God! I was worried for a second. I can stop prepping. Whew.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Akaspeedy

46% believe a civil war is coming and 43% said it wasn’t. With 11% saying not sure. There are 434 million guns owned by the citizens so things could get out of hand at any time.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: nugget1

MSM has been promoting civil war since last year. They really ramped it up in January on the one year anniversary of J6. They are mostly using it as a reason to take away the second amendment tho.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

Man was meant as a general term to refer to human. Even in the man/woman role they have to be at peace with how they were designed. Each have a role which both were ok with until media starting making women feel like they were inferior. Another psychological trick designed to cause a division in society. Men have power and strength because they are designed as protectors. They can’t show weakness because the world is a harsh environment. Women are designed to carry along the future race. To nurture and express their feelings so that kids don’t turn into psychos. And without these two units together the dynamic fails and with them society, as we can see looking around.
Two parent household is the foundation for a successful society but building a nation requires cheap labor, always has. I can tell you from personal experience how difficult it is raising kids when you grow without parents. You are completely lost on structure but at least my kids will have seen that I was trying, miserably but still effort.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: mcsnacks77

The PRESENT U.S. Administration have been LYING Out their A Holes to the American Public about the Conflict Between the Russian REPUBLIC and the Fascist Controlled Ukraine .

" US Officials Admit They're Literally Just Lying To The Public About Russia "

I fear China is also. They opened a new 50,000 bed facility for “Covid” but if they are looking at food shortages they might just start eliminating people who are a burden to them. Seems strange how they are the only country that has a severe outbreak. There was a report in 90s that said when overpopulation was so bad it was going to cause famine that governments would start going into hospitals and giving people a deadly amount of opiates.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: LastFirst

There were some that funded socialists, some that funded far-right nationalist, some funded leftist, some funded communism, it was just so many groups but they weren’t that big is the thing. They had sides claiming kidnappings and beatings that never happened just so they could use it to blame the other. They never figured out who shot the protestors during the maiden protest. That on top of over 90% of country didn’t trust their government.

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: lasvegasteddy

The Ukrainian government even declared eastern separatists as domestic terrorists and created a anti-terrorist task force that it used to start attacks against Donetsk. And later turned into them bombing the cities to “root out the terrorists.”

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: mcsnacks77

yeah after watching a couple russell bently and oliver stone videos
i was quick to shut down any creditability offered by western media or influence

posted on Apr, 9 2022 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: Akaspeedy

46% believe a civil war is coming and 43% said it wasn’t. With 11% saying not sure. There are 434 million guns owned by the citizens so things could get out of hand at any time.

Speaking of guns...SHTF do the math scenario...

The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny by JAMES WESLEY RAWLES


The following essay on possible gun confiscation is a purely conjectural gedankenexperiment about the future that extrapolates from recent history and current trends. Nothing herein is seditious (per 18 U.S. Code § 2384), nor a call to arms, nor a threat to our government or to any individual, agency, or group.

Lotta numbers packed in that article.

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