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Two Key Indicators And The Reason Why mRNA Vaccines Were A Success

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posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

It's better to die from the "vaccine?"

I'll take my chances.

Hope you are young and healthy then. Whatever you think about the vaccine the actual virus is massively worst. It really gets me when people say the vaccine will kill them and then blow off the virus like it's nothing.

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

What about the less obese EU nations with well over 90% of their populations vaccinated yet still have some of the highest case numbers and death numbers of all countries. And now we have a lot of data showing that the vaccinated are becoming the majority in hospitals. If we vaccinated everyone and people were still getting sick, who would you blame then? You can't just blow off the realities to fit your agendas.

Because you do not want to use math. Getting sick for a little while is much different than getting sick and having major complications or dying.

Here is a math question for you...

If a country is 100% vaccinated what is the percentage of people in the hospitals with COVID that are vaccinated?

What none of you think about is the numbers would be 10 times more if everyone was unvacced. In America only about 10% of the people who end up in a hospital are vaccinated. What this means is if America is 60% vacced and 40% not vacced then they make up 85%+ of those who end up with serious illnesses. Can you see how that is really really bad? One hospital said that if everyone was vacced they would only have 20 people in the hospital and not the 200 they actually have.

If we go with your point "that the vaccinated are becoming the majority in hospitals." looking at England we see that about 91% of the population is vaccinated with 80% of the people in the hospitals vaccinated. That leftover 9% unvacced is mainly younger healthy people who will 99.99% of the time have no issues with the virus. What is really bad here is a very small percentage of that 9% is actually a whopping 20% ending up in the hospitals.

If I said that this one group that makes up less than 1% of the population will makeup 20% of those who get serious ill you would think wow we need to protect them.

At the end of the day, whatever is going on in England it would be 10 times worsts if everyone was not vaccinated. You and others really need to think about that one point more.

edit on 10-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

As we just learned the vulnerable are either dead or vaccinated. So who is dying now?

In America, the unvacced... You need to remember we had a huge lockdown too, and now we are back to normal with a variant that I think I read is 30 times more transmittable. There is still a crap load of unhealthy people out there, go walk down the street is it all 40 years old or less healthy skinny Also 40% of America is still not vacced so that is what 150 million?

Out of 330 million only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy, lots of fat people out there that this virus likes to play havoc on.

The vaccine is very simple, do you want to reduce your chances of serious illness or not? Everyone will get it sooner or later, so do you want to be in the group that get a bad flu for 3 days and it is over or do you want to roll the dice.

All I have ever said time and time again that if you are young and healthy blow off the vaccine as you are 99.99% going to not have serious illness with it. If you are older and/or have some health issues while being over weight etc you better think about what is best for you in the end to not end up in the hospitals or die when the vaccine can greatly reduce that to happen.

Is my view really that far-off for you?

edit on 10-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 08:13 AM
I'd wait for least 5 years and then look at "mid term" data.
There could be long term effects that become apparent over decades.

Bendectin did a great job at stopping morning sickness

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: acackohfcc
I'd wait for least 5 years and then look at "mid term" data.
There could be long term effects that become apparent over decades.

Bendectin did a great job at stopping morning sickness

Did you do the same routine with all vaccinations?

posted on Apr, 10 2022 @ 11:05 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

As we just learned the vulnerable are either dead or vaccinated. So who is dying now?

In America, the unvacced... You need to remember we had a huge lockdown too, and now we are back to normal with a variant that I think I read is 30 times more transmittable. There is still a crap load of unhealthy people out there, go walk down the street is it all 40 years old or less healthy skinny Also 40% of America is still not vacced so that is what 150 million?

Out of 330 million only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy, lots of fat people out there that this virus likes to play havoc on.

The vaccine is very simple, do you want to reduce your chances of serious illness or not? Everyone will get it sooner or later, so do you want to be in the group that get a bad flu for 3 days and it is over or do you want to roll the dice.

All I have ever said time and time again that if you are young and healthy blow off the vaccine as you are 99.99% going to not have serious illness with it. If you are older and/or have some health issues while being over weight etc you better think about what is best for you in the end to not end up in the hospitals or die when the vaccine can greatly reduce that to happen.

Is my view really that far-off for you?

We just went over the fact that the demographic that accounts for 90% of the deaths was either dead or vaccinated. That means there should have been dramatically less deaths in 2021 but there were EVEN MORE. Or are you saying 400k children and 18-40 year olds died?
edit on 10-4-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

We just went over the fact that the demographic that accounts for 90% of the deaths was either dead or vaccinated. That means there should have been dramatically less deaths in 2021 but there were EVEN MORE. Or are you saying 400k children and 18-40 year olds died?

All you do is look at simple numbers and pick what fits your narratives the best, you never go below the surface to ask why. If the newer strain is 30 times more infecting and we have gone back to a normalized life style how can you not say even with deaths higher than last year it still was a huge success when the death rate could have been much higher if people were not vaccinated.

In America there is still a huge percentage of the population not vacced so kind of hard to ask why are their more deaths this year than last when we look at the new strain is 30x more infectious and we have pretty much normalize.

If we look at England who has an extremely high vacc rate it is a different story. Look how the death rate line has flatten out after the vaccines came out. About Mar last year was when the vaccines were really in use and the death rate is 40k from march to march compared to 170k total. Once again we are talking about a new strain too as mentioned above.

edit on 11-4-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2022 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Why are you so anxious to take a shot for a virus with a 99% survival rate?

posted on Apr, 12 2022 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I will not take them. (Moderna & Pfizer) period.

There are plenty of other safe and effective vaccines for Covid, we just can't have them in the United States.

Wonder why that is?

There is also the best vaccine on the planet and that is the human immune system. I had Covid and my God given immune system took care of it. These pushers of poison don't take that into account. They just scream for daddy Biden to give them another booster. I hear this latest booster lasts a few weeks, if that.

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