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The blood of vaxxed people.

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posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Sander1976

But what if this intern was told to hush hush. I've seen multiple reports about this, if only I could check this myself, but I can't.

The problem is that there are hundred of millions of interns in hundreds of different countries, and tens of millions of people who'd need to tell them to keep quiet, and hundreds of thousands of people who'd need to tell the people in charge of the interns that they needed to tell the interns to keep quite, and tens of thousands of people who'd need to tell those people that they need to tell everyone in charge of interns to keep quite. The paper trail alone would be a mile wide. You'd practically be able to see it from orbit.

We're not talking about a handful of plucky biology grads in a horror movie who are the only people who can save the world because they're the only ones who have all of the pieces of the puzzle, you're talking well trained, well educated, and highly motivated people all over the world.

You'd need people are multiple levels, from the interns up to the senior executives to A) be aware that there was a problem and to B) Keep quiet about it.

That's simply not going to happen.

If only 0.01 percent of them had a conscience, or were simply be too stupid to keep their mouth shut, we'd be knee deep in whistleblowers.

Look at it this way, I don't have any involvement in vax research or anything even remotely similar, and despite what certain people have been saying I have absolutely no involvement with Pfizer or any of the other companies that produce vaccines, but we do have strict protocols to follow in regards to samples, and a strict reporting protocol. If a senior exec were to come to me and were to tell me to instruct people not to report something, or to break these protocols, I'd be on the telephone to report an ethics breach as soon as they'd stepped outside. And if I were to pass these instructions on, people would be straight on the phone to report me.

There is absolutely no way this wouldn't be reported, absolutely none. You could bribe, you could threaten, you could do anything, but there would always be someone moral enough to ignore the orders, or confident enough that they could survive any threat, or who would simply think that this must be some kind of anti-bribery exercise to see if people could be bribed or threatened into not reporting something. Someone would report it.

If I had proof that the vax was harming people I'd do my level best to find a way to get the information to Project Veritas or Wikileaks, or even Alex Jones if I thought that it would do any good. I've had the vax and so have my family. If there was something wrong with it, it would be personal.

The social and political shaming put on every human being during this last few years was complete. It took independent truckers to kick off our chance to speak out. Other than the tiny number of people on conspiracy sites, most humans toed the line and kept silent if they disagreed. No one could speak out. No media would report it. No governing body listened. This stifling of individual and alternative concerns is by far the biggest problem we have on the planet and also the reason that so many, like you, feel it would be a simple thing to report and that the authorities would care.

If the authorities don't care, they will make damn sure that those under their thumbs will not accept reports of concerned scientists, reporters, doctors, etc. If enough people take the bait, those who don't cannot speak out without being fully shunned and effectively eliminated by pulling their credentials.

Constantly approaching it as if through rose coloured glasses will not help the understanding.

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: igloo

The social and political shaming put on every human being during this last few years was complete.

Only if you believe twitter, my personal experience has been quite the opposite.

There are a few shrill voices screaming in our ears but the vast majority of people are level headed and on mostly the same page. They put up with the restrictions that they think might help, but that's about it.

If you think that everyone has surrendered their free will you've obviously missed the threads from people on this forum complaining about people holding weddings of block parties during lockdown.

Plus, for many of us life has been pretty much back to normal for going on a year.

In fact since about November 2020 the only real issues that I've had are some extra forms to fill in, some mask wearing in stores, and them closing the toilets at my gym. Most everything else has gone back to normal.

We're so heavily vaxxed now that covid is literally being seen as the flu, kids don't even need to stay off school if the have it, it's just considered good manners to stay home.

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

In a sense, this is old news, but I'm really glad you posted it.

The blood of those who've taken the shots has been shown to be really weird for at least a year now.

The serum itself has been shown to contain graphene oxide and various other strange things. That is why it is best described as a bioweapon.

The shameful part is that in the US at least, blood banks have accepted donations from injected individuals, and that means the US blood supply has been contaminated for more than a year. Was that an accident or done on purpose?

I don't know, but effectively that blood has been given to any person who has received a transfusion during this last year.

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Your forgetting that only a handful of labs are even allowed to test vaccines. The risk of being shut down is huge because it breaks parents and legal issues due to the laws that were put in place to protect vaccine manufacturers.

Thousands of people if not tens of thousands of people lost their jobs, and theft of said drugs even to take to a 3rd party lab is a felony where people could lose their license and jail time. People talk, they do nothing otherwise if it risks their life. The percentage of people who would risk anything for society is about 2%. Everyone else is to interested in self preservation.

People were afraid to speak up, more and more people are coming out since the pfizer release. Even Robert Malone clearly stated the vaccines are dangerous and early results were leading to enhancement dependency.

I can compare the covid vaccine to lethal injection. What I am seeing happening with people randomly dropping dead, instantly, weeks, months to years after said injection all have 1 thing in common. Based on historical records of lethal injection. Those that did not die developed a "bubble" of chemicals. This bubble of chemicals would randomly be absorbed without a distinct time table. Then they would "drop dead" seemingly out of no where.

These cases and historical records were through the roof when religion was a major part of society. As it was seen as divine intervention that the said person was not killed immediately by the shot.

One such record the body held onto the lethal combo of chemicals for 7 years before they died.

Most people that died instantly had the injection into the veins, because they didn't ensure it to hit targets by aspirating just like those that would die to lethal injection.

Anyone else can go days,weeks,months and years even before the body absorbs the chemicals of said vaccine which has been prove possible following lethal injection historical records of survivors.

The random collapses, deaths out of no where is identical to lethal injection. Where the body doesn't react until it hits the heart. Depending on absorption rates, you are often looking within 24/hrs(occurrence seems to be more around 10ish hrs after leakage begins, after very minor symptoms - less for athletes) after it leaks into the blood stream. This again will depend on absorption, athletes have higher absorption rates then non. Which is why many of them started dropping dead soon after absorption began.

Then you have to account the fact no two bottles of vaccine held the same combo of ingredients, this is proven by tracking all vaccine lots that had negative effects.

So putting two and two together you are literally playing Russian roulette every time you take a shot. With the 12th shot almost certainly will kill you. This is based off a rather large database of adverse reactions and deaths.

Imma be told again this is a load of horse crap, but tell you what read into it. Look at how it works. There is no difference poison is poison. The question remains is how lethal was your dose.

But why

Is it linked to a bigger picture? Yes, the global food crisis was already coming without lockdowns, without the Ukraine war. Because of droughts and the phosphorus crisis. Crops were going to be reduced by 2/3rds yield. So the real question remains, are these lethal shots more merciful then letting the "10s of millions expected to die to starvation(which is already in progress, - there is no question 10s of millions are already in "peril")" with even higher rates occuring by the end of the year.

A reduction in population is immediately required wether or not we like it. Or we will have world wide societal collapse, which would be the end of 90% of the world due to things that need to be controlled like nuclear power plants. People don't realize that if society collapses in a similar method of the Aztecs. Where we return to our "roots". All life not just humans would be impacted, almost all wildlife would die - thanks to our technological advances. A mass extinction would occur.

Why else would they be handing out drugs, needles, promoting gay(non-birthing rights - sorry to be blunt, but the fact is in an over population environment it is scientifically proven repeatedly to increase "pretty boy, self absorbed, and increased same sex mating, and violence in society - watch the utopian experiment, which is based off society experiments and countless simulations) to the extremes they have been. It all caters to population reduction.

These experiments started in the 1940s through 1980, and everything that has been occuring in today's society was predicted. The drop in fertility 2 out of 3, gay rates are 1 in 4. It had gotten so bad they actually wanted women to give up career to focus on birth rates. It didn't take them long to realize it would change nothing. As we are at a tipping point, it's all down hill from here.

I have nothing against the LGBT community. But I follow science, and there are true scientific reasons for what is happening. Like they say this wasn't a choice. It was built in because nature corrects over population no matter who or what species they are.

Isn't nature grand? It regulates humanity, animals, weather, everything. With society the way it is, wars just wasn't enough any more. Humans have always been destructive, but no matter how we look at it. It was always a form of population control.

In our society, where we want peace. It's just not viable, this is why we as a nation push wars else where. This is why Ukraine and Russia are being blocked at every turn for peace, while we throw more and more weapons at them instead of inviting both leaders to a dinner party to settle differences on neutral ground.. Wars reduce population, which increases supply which will stop nature from punishing humans for over breeding. (That's the theory; if enough people die. They believe humanity *might* just be saved.) Even Elon Musk and his mindful ramblings clearly stated our window to save humanity is small.

The sad part is it doesn't even end there.. droughts this year is suppose to be so devistating.. that even if there was zero lockdowns, and everything was flowing perfectly. Based on historical records leading up to today. Water, drinkable and usable water is next to nothing.

So do I think they would prevent on purpose information from being spread and shared to prevent panic, violence and more in hopes people can come together and help each other instead of fighting for the last crumb of food or drop of water to death. Over hunting and killing every person and animal people come across.

That answer: Yes, you do not tell a society that is so self entitled that their world is going to come to an end unless at least 30-40% the population sacrifices itself over the next 10years.

The most merciful way of doing this is by injection, or virus. Where natural selection remains key. People mistake overpopulation with the number of people that exist. Over population in a world with plentiful resources, where everyone can be equal and thrive. Show the exact things that I have already listed. It is a biological trigger that gets activated, because "being" which use to be about surviving and spreading genes becomes no longer needed.
edit on 7-4-2022 by BlackArrow because: Fixed wording and sentence structure

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Salander

It was done on purpose, if you read my last post you will see why. All of this was planned no one doubts that anymore. But most people don't get to what end, what extreme.

A lot of this is because people are self entitled to the point they wouldn't be bothered to take responsibility for things they do, buy, waste or otherwise. Several years ago there was campaigns to reduce waste. It did nothing on the grand scale. If you can't get people to reduce the amount of food they buy only to throw away. What makes you think you can get people to do anything else needed for humanities survival.

By compromising the health industry, you get rid of the largest waste of resource on the planet. People who would of been dead without it. This within itself, has been an industry where it's about keeping people alive no matter the cost.

This is not the way life was made to be with a planet with such a large population. You breed to replace you and your mate and you die. But with technology and other advancements, we keep people alive unending. We break life's cycle. We praise illnesses in offspring like down syndrome, retardation. Where decades ago, those kids would of been put to death, as it was more merciful.

With advancements, we as a society we're able to push these things aside. Still provide and take care of the weakest in society, in turn corrupting the pool. Weaking humanity as an entirely. Forcing an over population that triggers the brain of millions of people to no longer see the need or desire to do the one thing every creature on life does. Breed and spread genetics.

(You can read more in the second half of the post above "but why" bolded so you can find easier.)
edit on 7-4-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: BlackArrow

I do agree this is planned and nature will sort out these population issues one way or another.

Here in Australia I am not seeing any major overpopulation issues. Land is not a problem here, lots of it. Could easily fit a billion people instead of the 25 or so million if the infrastructure was in place. It would take a lot of work, but with a billion people lots can get done.

If it was not for immigration, our population was in decline before all this covid mess. Fertility rates have be gradually declining, With the economic pressures those that do have a family generally have 1 or 2 maybe 3 kids, not the 7 or 8 kids of past generations.

One issue I see from those that signed of on this plan is that these are people that want to control it all, but when given the chance it is too much for them. Rather than letting go of that ego and finding that faith in God that things will sort themselves out, they would rather just kill em all in the aims to continue to own it all. Just in a more manageable form for them, or so they think.

Going deeper down the rabbit hole and the prevalence of a more satanic culture does rise. This is also a contributing factor as they sit in their high chair and claim to make the hard decisions. If they really did believe overpopulation was a problem why don't they start with themselves? From their practices have they been captured by demonic entities? Is there some kind of covert alien invasion going on? With the way some of this nano tech is going does the Borg have its eye on the planet?
edit on 7-4-2022 by kwakakev because: added last paragraph

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

You fell for the land narrative of overpopulation. Overpopulation isn't measured by land mass. It never has been, and that is where people get hung up on it. We don't need to be arm in arm, or sleeping side by side 12 to a bed to be overpopulated. That is deceptive narrative to it's true meaning.

It is a biological reaction measurement, seen in many many species and experiments. A switch that gets flipped on that reduces fertility, and increases same sex pairing.

This only occurs when the overpopulated species no longer has the sense to continue genetic transfer because the population is so large it becomes no longer required for a species survival.

Most of these experiments have been done with rats, mice, and rabbits. Where observations can be seen and noted within 6 months to a year. Even things like chickens, have been known to stop producing eggs when population is to high in an area. Most of the times they kill them in favor of egg laying hens that don't get nature's trigger, most egg layers are killed if they miss x number of days doesn't matter the age.. In a sense trying to breed the default out of them.

Further wildlife observations were discovered within the complex nature of the wolf. It has been seen in many lion tribes despite land mass as well. So don't be confused by the land mass narrative many people get hung up on.

All it took was 1 person to say, "I can walk around and not bump into someone, oh look room for more houses here." Then people hung on that like it was fact and dismissed true science, and it's triggers on the topic.
Increase in same sex "it's a choice!"
Decrease fertility "it's everything".

But these can be proven in a lab, things that are driven by instinct. With the best food and water, land mass available.

That is the true meaning of overpopulation. This is proven, it is repeatable, and it is always seen with the same outcome. This is 1000% true science, that has nothing to do with land but 100% to do with species survival.

Hope that helps.
edit on 7-4-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: Sander1976

In a sense, this is old news, but I'm really glad you posted it.

The blood of those who've taken the shots has been shown to be really weird for at least a year now.

The serum itself has been shown to contain graphene oxide and various other strange things. That is why it is best described as a bioweapon.

The shameful part is that in the US at least, blood banks have accepted donations from injected individuals, and that means the US blood supply has been contaminated for more than a year. Was that an accident or done on purpose?

I don't know, but effectively that blood has been given to any person who has received a transfusion during this last year.

Can you provide links to back up anything that you've said?

Even a grad student could see if there was graphene in someone's blood. It's not hard to spot.

Strange that no one has ever managed to extract even a single monticule of graphene from either the vax or a vaxxed person.

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: kwakakev

You fell for the land narrative of overpopulation. Overpopulation isn't measured by land mass. It never has been, and that is where people get hung up on it. We don't need to be arm in arm, or sleeping side by side 12 to a bed to be overpopulated. That is deceptive narrative to it's true meaning.

And yet very few people are dead, if this is about depopulation then it's a truly rubbish way of going about it.

You could literally depopulate faster simply by making abortion easier. Or by putting lots of porn on Netflix, y'all don't get nobody pregnant if you're too busy spanking it.

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You sound like my sister and I respect your opinion.

My relatives have small factory of juice and liqueur and they at regular basis takes samples to pharmaceutical laboratory to obtain a certificate of resale. Those samples that are taken for inspection are not the same as the product that goes on sale.
I of course speak what's going on in my country, because of that I'm skeptic.

edit on 7-4-2022 by Lora73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Very few people? We have over 6million deaths so far.
Another 50-60million expected to die from the baby boom. This isn't counting the ticking time bombs, that can go off at any time.

Then your also forgetting the starvation rates that will be skyrocketing, with death tolls in the "10s of millions" that are currently in peril. (which I quote from Bloomberg).

Then add the water shortage that is about to hit, harder then a semi going 80mph. The devistating effects are far from over.

So, now that is sumed up I think they are doing a very good job without drawing attention to the fact this is being done. The more people doubt it the more they get away with it. Because that will allow them to do more.

Like release murderers on the public, (check).
Drug the people so they don't pay attention (check)
Increase access to illegal drugs promoting overdosing (check)
Make life miserable increase suicide rates (check)
Try and start a civil war (check)
Try and start a racial war (check).
Increase illegal migration avoiding the betting process in turn letting actual terrorist into the country for future use (check)

Cancel life saving operations for whom they see fit (check).
Corrupt the blood supply (check)
Make it legal to spread deadly diseases without telling partners (check)
Trick people into being cannon fodder in another countries war. (Check)
Keep a war going as long as possible while pushing even more people to go, with more deaths occuring from said war (UK is very very guilty).
Support countries who genocide (check - china has 46)
Starve a nation of a billion people, for the crimes of 1(check)
Try and force a nuclear war (check)
Have nuclear war succeed (pending)
Explode thousands of nuclear bombs (over the years)in the atmosphere, enough radioactive material in the air to give every person on the planet cancer 10 times over.(check)

Track medical treatments in a database of everyone who got the vaccine, even though no one accesses said database to prove status. (Why? Every American is already in the most recent census and social security database.. - check)

Those are just a few of many examples, to which thousands are injured, dead or disabled. Leaving many unanswered questions.

You do realize how many people were killed during the BLM riots don't you? It all adds up. I won't even get into the fact male infertility is sky high, and pregnancy rates are down over 450%

There is still a lot more pieces that can be moved into play. Those are only some examples of what has been done this far.

Something to ponder: why does California's palm springs wants to become a zero growth city - on purpose.

edit on 7-4-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I have a very, very small friend group. As I hate people in general. But 6 out of 8 friends I have kept over the years are dead all within a very short timespan after vaccine rollouts, not including two children in those numbers. So either I am very, very, very unlucky to be friends with ages 20-42 from all walks of life. That just happened to die, magically even though every single one of them was healthier, and more active then I. (THEY ALL got the vaccine - I did not). Or they were targeted.

I ain't going down the friend-friend or acquaintance road either or that number would be way way higher. The most recent was 4 days ago. So please don't belittle their memories by the insult of a few. They were one of millions who died prematurely. Her death was a collapse and gone before she hit the floor. That's why I have been comparing it to lethal injection. The pattern is the same.

The others were known side effects they denied for months, full body, brain clots, enlarged heart, etc. She was the first to just "drop".

I have a bad feeling we will be seeing more of that..

My 1 friend who is still alive is experiencing "razor vein" sensations. I just can't take it anymore myself.. losing everyone is maddening. Do you even get what that is like? To watch everyone you know just die. It is literally the equivalent to immortality. The one reason why people don't want to live forever.

I can't even hang around D.. because I know it's not going to end well. Shortly after he got the vaccine he collapsed, in the bathroom while taking a crap. Suffered a concussion which lead to brain damage and has a failing liver. He was unconscious for an HR, before his wife found him.

Since then his symptoms progressed further to razor vein - like veins on fire or a million cuts on the inside as he described it.

DRs can't do squat for him. You wanna know what they told his wife? "If you didn't find him when you did, he would of been dead."

I want to be there for him. But I can't handle any more grief. It is a crappy place to be, and I pray you never have to go through this.

He already put his affairs in order, he knows he isn't going to be around much longer. Took out the most expensive life insurance he could afford to support his wife and many kids.
edit on 7-4-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2022 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

Hope that helps.

You are keeping the debate open and getting to the point of what covid is really all about. I know we cannot live of land alone, a lot of it is pretty barren and wont sustain much by itself. Fresh water is also critical to sustaining a population, why all cities are built around rivers.

I have worked on the farms and seen what happens as overcrowding occurs. Agree with a lot of your conclusions there. There is a lot more than land required for a successful civilization, roads, trade, schools and much more. Having the space is just a starting point.

For your other posts, expect things look bleak. I have not been hit that hard yet, but it has started here as well and preparing for it to get bigger. It is a big job trying to kill everyone, know they won't get all of us. Nature already has death sorted out, for all these globalist to push this quicker, just looks like they are suffering from an anxiety attack.

posted on Apr, 8 2022 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Yes, even a grad student using the proper tools and possessing the necessary knowledge could recognize graphene in the blood, but if the grad student keeps his mouth shut under duress, how is the public to know about it?

You might not have noticed, but the MSM and AMA and the rest of the Medical Industrial Complex have suppressed any information and facts that contradict the mainstream media.

As the Pentagon does with their disinformation and propaganda regarding our state of endless war, the Medical Industrial Complex practices the purposeful witholding and distortion of facts.

You haven't, but I and others have seen the blood samples in question because of the brave actions of whistleblowers around the world.

The Scamdemic has been seen by all, acknowledged only by the honest.

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