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The blood of vaxxed people.

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posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 05:49 AM

If true, what are those things in the blood samples?

Do we really know enough of these jabs to inject the whole planet with it? I don't think so, the fact that they tried to hide stuff is alarming on it's own. I think we should take a few steps back and stop jabbing people without knowing the long term effects.

I am highly suspicious about the jabs.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Sander1976
Anything is possible. But I am immunocompromised due to lupus and the accompanying meds and had the shot and two boosters. At the height of the last variant wave I came down with the “less severe of the virus”.
Let me tell you, there was nothing “mild” about it. I felt worse than a Bad case of the flu, and there is no doubt in my mind I would have kicked the bucket without the shots.
Personally, I’m glad that I received them,

But like I said, anything is possible.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 07:54 AM
There is another thread about this video

Australian Whistleblowers: Scientific Evidence of Nanotech in COVID-19 Injections

As for what it all means? I expect the people that have developed these shots know exactly what it means. These kind of things don't happen because of a mistake.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 07:57 AM
Sounds like you have an uncommon preexisting condition, hardly anything that others should take into account for themselves. How do you determine you had the “less severe of the virus” and we’re gonna die? Remember the vast majority who has the most severe of the virus didn’t die.... before there even was a vaccine period

a reply to: Spader

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

I've not heard of any sample coming back like this, it's something that even an intern should be able to find.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Sander1976

I've not heard of any sample coming back like this, it's something that even an intern should be able to find.

Do you handle a lot of blood samples?

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

I've got no way of proving to you that I do, but there are people on this board who can prove that they do, so maybe one of them will chime in.

But I can proffer you this, the claims that are being made can be easily debunked because any intern who saw a sample that was contaminated in the was that was claimed would be able to see it, and would raise the alarm.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
I've got no way of proving to you that I do, but there are people on this board who can prove that they do, so maybe one of them will chime in.

Ok thanks, I hope they chime in. I am pretty curious about these reports.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
But I can proffer you this, the claims that are being made can be easily debunked because any intern who saw a sample that was contaminated in the was that was claimed would be able to see it, and would raise the alarm.

But what if this intern was told to hush hush. I've seen multiple reports about this, if only I could check this myself, but I can't.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

But what if this intern was told to hush hush. I've seen multiple reports about this, if only I could check this myself, but I can't.

The problem is that there are hundred of millions of interns in hundreds of different countries, and tens of millions of people who'd need to tell them to keep quiet, and hundreds of thousands of people who'd need to tell the people in charge of the interns that they needed to tell the interns to keep quite, and tens of thousands of people who'd need to tell those people that they need to tell everyone in charge of interns to keep quite. The paper trail alone would be a mile wide. You'd practically be able to see it from orbit.

We're not talking about a handful of plucky biology grads in a horror movie who are the only people who can save the world because they're the only ones who have all of the pieces of the puzzle, you're talking well trained, well educated, and highly motivated people all over the world.

You'd need people are multiple levels, from the interns up to the senior executives to A) be aware that there was a problem and to B) Keep quiet about it.

That's simply not going to happen.

If only 0.01 percent of them had a conscience, or were simply be too stupid to keep their mouth shut, we'd be knee deep in whistleblowers.

Look at it this way, I don't have any involvement in vax research or anything even remotely similar, and despite what certain people have been saying I have absolutely no involvement with Pfizer or any of the other companies that produce vaccines, but we do have strict protocols to follow in regards to samples, and a strict reporting protocol. If a senior exec were to come to me and were to tell me to instruct people not to report something, or to break these protocols, I'd be on the telephone to report an ethics breach as soon as they'd stepped outside. And if I were to pass these instructions on, people would be straight on the phone to report me.

There is absolutely no way this wouldn't be reported, absolutely none. You could bribe, you could threaten, you could do anything, but there would always be someone moral enough to ignore the orders, or confident enough that they could survive any threat, or who would simply think that this must be some kind of anti-bribery exercise to see if people could be bribed or threatened into not reporting something. Someone would report it.

If I had proof that the vax was harming people I'd do my level best to find a way to get the information to Project Veritas or Wikileaks, or even Alex Jones if I thought that it would do any good. I've had the vax and so have my family. If there was something wrong with it, it would be personal.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: Spader
a reply to: Sander1976
Anything is possible. But I am immunocompromised due to lupus and the accompanying meds and had the shot and two boosters. At the height of the last variant wave I came down with the “less severe of the virus”.
Let me tell you, there was nothing “mild” about it. I felt worse than a Bad case of the flu, and there is no doubt in my mind I would have kicked the bucket without the shots.
Personally, I’m glad that I received them,

But like I said, anything is possible.

The shots weaken your immune system so you're lucky you didn't kick the bucket to be honest. I know lots of people who had the jabs and a real bad time with covid and lots of people who didn't take the jab and had mild symptoms.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Sander1976

I've got no way of proving to you that I do, but there are people on this board who can prove that they do, so maybe one of them will chime in.

But I can proffer you this, the claims that are being made can be easily debunked because any intern who saw a sample that was contaminated in the was that was claimed would be able to see it, and would raise the alarm.

There's this saying and it goes "I was just following orders" and you would not believe how many millions of people have died just because of that one saying.

Research The Milgram experiment it's an eye opener and it also brings into perspective the plandemic MSM etc...

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 12:50 PM
The only people I know, that had severe cases (or death) were vaxxed people. I don't know of a single UNvaxxed person, that had anything more than a headache or cough when they tested positive. Most UNvaxxed people I know didn't get COVID, nor did they test positive.

For reference, I'm a military brat and wife, lived in three counties and 8 states. I have a very large circle of friends and acquaintances, all over the planet.

Edit to add: my mother is also on this site and can verify

edit on 6-4-2022 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Sander1976

My cousin is a hematologist at a local lab and she has not seen any such blood issues. Either these claims are fraudulent or our region has been spared.

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Sander1976

I've got no way of proving to you that I do, but there are people on this board who can prove that they do, so maybe one of them will chime in.

But I can proffer you this, the claims that are being made can be easily debunked because any intern who saw a sample that was contaminated in the was that was claimed would be able to see it, and would raise the alarm.

And yet you've kept up w these narratives and now many of the facts are coming out proving they were mostly the opposite of what y9uve stated about this virus AND the vaccines...

But you keep talking like your an authority on the subject.....

Seems to me as often as you're wrong, if you work in the industry , then you're not very good at your job

Kinda like the times you've claimed the masks do work and there weren't any documented adverse reactions to the vaccine and that they def did NOT cause myocarditis........

Yet here we are April of 22 and know better..

So either you're being paid to do push thus narrative on Internet forums, your a troll, or you have the complete inability to know when you're wrong snd don't have the integrity to admit it or change course when it's proven

Either one really cares what you have to say anymore. You have absolutely ZERO credibility

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Sander1976

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
I've got no way of proving to you that I do, but there are people on this board who can prove that they do, so maybe one of them will chime in.

Ok thanks, I hope they chime in. I am pretty curious about these reports.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
But I can proffer you this, the claims that are being made can be easily debunked because any intern who saw a sample that was contaminated in the was that was claimed would be able to see it, and would raise the alarm.

But what if this intern was told to hush hush. I've seen multiple reports about this, if only I could check this myself, but I can't.

And that's the thing we know for a fact that doctors , nurses, and others in the medical and virology fields were told to keep their mouths shut....

There's all sorts of credible whistle blowers who have confirmed this AND undercover videos of such

We know they were told to play along or pay the price

That's why they try and destroy ANYONE that's in those fields and comes forward....

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Spader
a reply to: Sander1976
Anything is possible. But I am immunocompromised due to lupus and the accompanying meds and had the shot and two boosters. At the height of the last variant wave I came down with the “less severe of the virus”.
Let me tell you, there was nothing “mild” about it. I felt worse than a Bad case of the flu, and there is no doubt in my mind I would have kicked the bucket without the shots.
Personally, I’m glad that I received them,

But like I said, anything is possible.

I have long term Lyme was untreated for many years.
At the start of all of this they recommended immune compromised to NOT have the injections.
Then somewhere along the line they wanted the weak and ill to get them.
I honestly doubt it helped you and if as some Drs now suspect the covid itself is nothing it is all abut the injection you were ill from that.
Have a look at page 67

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: Member3877
a reply to: Sander1976

My cousin is a hematologist at a local lab and she has not seen any such blood issues. Either these claims are fraudulent or our region has been spared.

Does she regularly use a special microscope they talk about to look?
Take a lock at what these Drs say
edit on 6-4-2022 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

nd yet you've kept up w these narratives and now many of the facts are coming out proving they were mostly the opposite of what y9uve stated about this virus AND the vaccines...

For example?

But you keep talking like your an authority on the subject

I keep citing verifiable sources on the subject from people who have authority. You cited ... bitchute?

Kinda like the times you've claimed the masks do work and there weren't any documented adverse reactions to the vaccine and that they def did NOT cause myocarditis........

And yet I didn't. I cited sources that demonstrated that masks helped, not that they were magic force fields that would stop covid. The fact that msks nuked flu seasons kind of proves me right. I was also very up front about the vax having side effects, I cited the Faucci and Trump press briefings to say that they DID have side effects and that for the majority of people they would be no worse than mild flu like symptoms. Which is 100 percent true. I also didn't say that it doesn't cause myocarditis. In fact I cited the Israeli study that said that it DID cause it. But only almost exclusively among young men, and even then only in 1 in 50,000. Of which only 1 in 500,000 were considered moderate to serious.

Can you find any of the posts that in which I made these claims that you say that I made?

Go on, I can't delete them, surely you must be able to link to them?

Yet here we are April of 22 and know better..

You know better, I know the same, because I've been saying this all along.

I've seen who knows how many people like you who go around claiming that people said that the vax was magic and that it killed 100 percent of covid in the room and gave everyone boners for 6 hours, and whatever else. And yet I only have to cite the Faucci and Trump press brings to show you that it it was public knowledge that people were very open about how dangerou Covid was and to who, and what the side effects of the vax were, and that it didn't give you 100 percent protection and a mega boner.

What have I said that Trump himself wasn't saying in late 2020 or early 2021?

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: Sander1976

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
I've got no way of proving to you that I do, but there are people on this board who can prove that they do, so maybe one of them will chime in.

Ok thanks, I hope they chime in. I am pretty curious about these reports.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
But I can proffer you this, the claims that are being made can be easily debunked because any intern who saw a sample that was contaminated in the was that was claimed would be able to see it, and would raise the alarm.

But what if this intern was told to hush hush. I've seen multiple reports about this, if only I could check this myself, but I can't.

And that's the thing we know for a fact that doctors , nurses, and others in the medical and virology fields were told to keep their mouths shut....

There's all sorts of credible whistle blowers who have confirmed this AND undercover videos of such

We know they were told to play along or pay the price

That's why they try and destroy ANYONE that's in those fields and comes forward....

Credible whistleblowers who went to Bitchute, and not to the 100s of regulators and ethics bodies around the world?

If they had real evidence, why not submit it for public scrutiny?

I've seen who knows how many claims that there's graphene in the vax, yet not one person has manager to extract it.

The same with magnets, no one has held a gaussmeter up and measured the magnetism.

Ask youself why?

posted on Apr, 6 2022 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

If he works in the industry and the vaccines pay his wages, then it would explain a lot.

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