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Crossing the Blood Brain Barrier

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posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 08:02 PM
I've been looking into some of the cited patents in the Moderna patent.  I recently posted about the nanotube patents, but one of the nanotube attributes made me want to look into the brain patents.

Briefly, one of the cited patents, for the the single-walled carbon nanotubes, states that their length can be altered after entering their destination to prevent it from leaving the location.  So, if they pass the blood brain barrier, they could be there forever.  Multi-walled graphene accepts wireless frequency, amplifies it, and can retransmit in terahertz frequencies.

I'm not claiming that they used this on everyone; I have no idea what they put in the vials.  I'm just relaying the capabilities in the patent.  However, it is amazing that any world leader signed off on this vaccine.
Therr is also a patent cited by Moderna explaining the following for ribosomal binding: R.&OS=DN/20150030576&RS=DN/20150030576

Further, provided are nucleic acids containing an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). An IRES may act as the sole ribosome binding site, or may serve as one of multiple ribosome binding sites of an mRNA... Examples of IRES sequences that can be used according to the invention include without limitation, those from picornaviruses (e.g. FMDV), pest viruses (CFFV), polio viruses (PV), encephalomyocarditis viruses (ECMV), foot-and-mouth disease viruses (FMDV), hepatitis C viruses (HCV), classical swine fever viruses (CSFV), murine leukemia virus (MLV), simian immune deficiency viruses (SIV) or cricket paralysis viruses (CrPV).

Ordinarily, RNA needs to be capped in order to be translated by the ribosome, these viruses have a spot that can translate without the need for a cap.  So, by their mere action of translating their mRNA, they rob the neural cell of the materials it needs to function properly.  This alone is their viral state:

Each of the viruses will use up resources and interfere with different subsets of neuron cell processing, and that will result in possible signs and symptoms of the virus.  

But, spike proteins get the blame for myocarditis, and inflammation of the brain.

The patent has this to say about immune deficiency:

While it is advantageous to eliminate the innate immune response in a cell, the invention provides modified mRNAs that Substantially reduce the immune response, including interferon signaling, without entirely eliminating such a response. In some embodiments, the immune response is reduced by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%. 95%, 99%, 99.9%, or greater than 99.9% as compared to the immune response induced by a corresponding unmodified nucleic acid.

And this:

0284. In certain embodiments, provided are combination therapeutics containing one or more modified nucleic acids containing translatable regions that encode for a protein or proteins that boost a mammalian subjects immunity along with a protein that induces antibody-dependent cellular toxicity.

These are actually considerd therapeutic in some disease states, such as breast cancer, but in healthy adults?  

Again though, the spikes get the blame for ADE.  We were even well primed to expect that one.  ADE was probably the first warning I heard from celebrity covid doctors.

The spikes also get the blame for microclots, but the rosette nanotubes cited in the patent scavenge calcium, and decreased calcium causes platelet aggragation (microclots).  Additionally, the single wall carbon nanotubes in the patent are reported to cause clotting factors to adsorb to their surface, thus cause micro-clots.

The HIV insert in the spike gets the blame for the immune deficiency and low CD4 counts, but the patent above and the chimeric antibodies accounts for it as well.

One last note about the nanotubes, they have been shown in repeated studies to cause tumors and lung cancer.  There's a lot to say about nanotubes.  Here's a single-walled carbon nanotube biosensor:

And, here they are attached to a neuron:

edit on 4-4-2022 by Wisenox because: Fix long link

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: Wisenox
  However, it is amazing that any world leader signed off on this vaccine.

That's because we have no 'leaders' . We have WEF/muppets/dicators trying to slowly destroy the US , and the world from within.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

Good work detective, keep on it.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: ScrubCommander

I just posted my facebook frenz a friendly reminder today:

Please keep in mind, the actual warcrime vanished as quickly as it came, and even faster out of its victims minds as they never really recognized the crime in the first place.
Let us point some things out:
1) Clinical pfizer trials already had 3% deaths.
2) They 'sold' the vaccine (emergency approval) by stating that they 'safely administered over 1 million doses', no mention whatsoever to any side effects, and you know, when you got over 1000 deaths, you can be sure theres gonna be a #load of severe and normal side-effects.
3)How did the people make an INFORMED DECISION, considering the information needed to do so, and the actual scientific data (which should have been public domain from the start) was being kept from the public, if they had their way we would still be waiting another 75 years!!! Really people??? No questions asked? At this point you probably deserve to be killed by elites.. Well, ofcourse you don't deserve it, but well, this level of... well, can't exactly call it stupidity, but willfull ignorance needs to be punished, for some people that comes in the form of natural selection, kinda like this mass vax campaign, but that isn't really natural selection, because the whole operation was obviously of a more predatory nature.
4)Why do we need judges and court orders to get the data we are entitled to from the start? Why would they try to keep it for 75!!!! YEARS.
I'll tell you why, because now the documents are coming through, the 'conspiracy theorists' are EVEN MORE right, than any other previous wave of studies ever implied... And it's even worse than most thought.
5)Why are regular medication and covid-treatment options NOT being funded, ACTUAL scientists and doctors reporting studies go slow because no funding, not enough manpower and such... WHY???
Ofcourse the pharma don't want to research alternatives to vaxzzzzzeeenssss....
Theres legit people who wonna research it, don't get funded and might even face repercussions in reporting on certain findings...
Ivermectine appears to be a pretty good treatment after all, yea yea, we've sayin dat for ages; whilst most could just barely regurgitate 'H00rsee deeewoormeeeerrrrrxxxxx'
You already proved your cognitive capabilities in depth, adding horse dewormer is really overkill.
I could add so much more to this list, but, I'm le tired.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 08:40 PM
It sounds like that; Even though the cells re-write themselves to block various sorts of things that could block the cell from being infected with those things listed; that the cells dumping the virus out that were already infected with whatever it was really had no good place to dump it... normally it is white blood cells that have died from fighting the cell infection; not having to fight it the white blood cells weren't really sent into action to flow or sweep it away from the infected sites...

so it seems there should be some sort of white blood cell activator to seek out such sites and sweep or carry them away... in lue of that then it would as you said be a likely cause giving rise to those protein sites spoken of that show up as "micro clots"... of course over time the body would likely figure out what to do with all of the cell dumping of viral waste where white cells are not called into action; but since it is in the blood and passes through the heart in a circulation cycle like a mole on the skin being a waste dump of skin cells the dead viral that can't infect the cells will eventually accumulate somewhere or just keep cycling around in the system as tests would show positive for it but not any type that could be transmissible to anyone... the so called omicron variant was likely a surfacing of it in the quai could be can't be transmissible form of it as it was still circulating around the population in high numbers.

edit on 4-4-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

I don't really get it...
Not like other people...

I mean, the body tries to rid itself from disease as fast as it can. Why would you want to force your body to create an endless and continous supply of spike proteins, which do have some toxicity you know... I mean...

You're BEST option would be to try just not getting the disease, if you do you do damage-control in every verified way possible, and other options like some meds which could perfectly be used, sure you might need to sue a doctor and get a judge to command a hospital two times in a row, but yea, you gonna get yer meds. Either that, I go full tilt, enter berserker mode, I will forcefully get my hands on the meds, not by harming anyone.... When you see me, you gonna know to allow me to pass just nice and quite...

You will see it in my eyes, this is no time to go full gandalf and block my road to salvation you demon role-playing doctor leech parasite bodysnachter... whatever, I don't #ing care what you are... Feast on my negative emotions, go full power... Like yeah, make me usefull lol. You know, you don't realise the depth of my scrubbyness.... I mean, I'm not just a Scrub, as my name states, I am the Commander of the Scrubs.

I mean, I'm one of the lowest forms of life, but I excell in it and perform my role with a certain sense of pride and ofcourse, the proper shame, at the appropriate timings and situations.

But I am... more the role of the 'fool', or the 'jester'... I question everything, in some absurd way, either directly questioning it, or relating it to something else, which would sound absurd, and will signify the utter irelevance of the related matter, or does it... Not exactly... It just asks to spend some time thinking. I mean, I will always say some stuff, and they are certainly words, I am able to phrase them in a way that would imply intelligence and yet say so little with so many words, some of them even sophisticated to some standards...

At the end of the text everyone has some mixed feelings... Was this a complete waste of time? How mange cringes does it need to pull through this delusional self-righteous wanneba paladin... Look buddy, this is real life, we're not playing WoW, your no wizard, and the demons, they are, and they will destroy you, so don't go full hero you test-tube pleidian defective starseed, return to sender, coz full useless. Doubt your actual family would even accept you back I mean, you even fail as a human, nah mate, you have no business here in pleaide hotel...

# you judgemental pleaides wannabe lightbeing bastards... You know, the darkside just tell you, you #, and should die. More or less. I mean, what do these self-proclaimed holy warriors do? Chant weird occult 'new age' version, insert subliminal mind-hooks for easy acces (manipulation-hypnosis) later...

Save me beings of light, come aboard fellow traveller... So, how does it look where we're going? "Well, to become aware and enlightened, you must first learn to face your fear, fear comes in many forms, first, the most primal challenge is utter and complete darkness. For extended periods of time, leading to an inevitable feeling of desperation, doom and other emotions which would make you prefer just being dead, and just when you thought you have took your last breath, because the insane amount of these fearful emotions, really sucks all the energy from the top, all the way through your body, vanishing into the ground... You try to keep on your feet, but are forced to crawl on hand and feet, barely... With all remeaning energy.

While your squirming in agony, innocent bystanders are actually thinking you sorta overdosed on sometinng and are completely spacing out, hm, I wish I had that feeling...

The actual situation where this story is based upon is a certain psychotic episode, where I had the undeniably and overwhelmingly certain and emminent feeling that would soon experience every single possible way of dying the in the least painful to the most painful in consecutive order, fear not, we're quite creative in our illusions... We have some levels to beat you know...

Not the most pleasant thought, and it was the only time I ever exerpienced this insane draining of energy in just a few seconds by the fear of that certain thought...

I do not tell this to sound cool or something...

I just thought it might be interesting to know for people, as I didn't know this myself, that sort of fear causing this complete deprivation of energy.... And, it sorta felt more threatening to losing that vast amount of energy in such rapid time, like... It felt as if it was possible to die from that kind of release of energy... Coz it felt it course through my body, not in a good way, all the way down, out my legs, into the ground, gone... I was at a hospital, so I was sober and such, and they had to carry me to my room, they thought I was full spacing... I was going crazy, it looks similar I guess lol. Jezus...

That's a pretty hefty situation, you have to realise, I felt like meeting unimaginable doom every second, I was sitting in the chair waiting any moment just a needle to spawn out of thin air piercing my eye you know... In psychotic town anything is possiblle... I was pulling out my hairs... Yeah, when you start compulsively pulling out your hair and it feels like it isn't the worst action to be performing, you realise, the situation is pretty dire...

Anyway, I survived... So many of those stories.
But then you have those weird details in the story...

So they carried me to a bed, and this nurse a guy, was staying there keeping some watch... And I was like... What if we do it all at once - By which I meant, what if we cropped the entire experience of what I thought would be happening, in some weird extremely #ed up but probably a possible VR experience someday short instance of all the possible deaths, happenig simultaneously...

And even though, I had told nothing about what I was actually thinking... He replied: "As some form of solution for the situation?"

I nodded, he left the room... I was still scared #less, but already slightly stabilized, and slowly started getting out of the room and returned an hour or two after to a more relaxed and peaceful state, where I felt safe again...

It's weird, you go from full chaos storm wizard, to serene and peaceful lagoon crab. I mean, you're battling darkness that competely overwhelms you one minute, the next your kinda feeling cute, testing the bounderaries how far you are allowed off your room, like anyone cares, do what you want lol, good your getting off the room, it's not illegal... you know, get out, go sit in the sun, yeah, would love that, just making sure theres nobody wanting me dead here ya know, # gets weird sometimes...

These experiences... They are quite something.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 09:16 PM
My rant drifted and probably should of ended somewhere down the first paragraph, I'm sorry.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: ScrubCommander

During the lockdowns, occupancy restrictions, and distance between measures... I didn't limit myself from the simple pleasures of billiards and sitting and having coffee amongst the public; that had it or didn't have it... I noticed among the public that it was like the flu; whether or not anyone had vaccines they'd still have stories of themselves or someone else no matter what they did becoming infected with it.

Like buying a bomb shelter isn't going to prevent the bomb ya know? Getting the shot was probably the same sort of feeling as hey this bomb shelter was a good thing... then generations later that bomb shelter just sits and the threat of bombs still exist.

It is kind of an; It is what it is sort of situation. Either you maintain a modicum of normalcy and sanity in spite of whatever situation it is ...or you don't.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 11:22 PM
Both the virus and the vaccine can get through the blood brain barrier. For a vaccine to do that should be unacceptable in my thoughts though, because it is causing some issues and touting it as perfectly or completely safe should never have been done. A lot about this virus was not perfectly safe....those pushing this as completely safe from government agencies should be fired and held accountable for their lies...which they knew within a month of the vaccine approval.

That is my opinion and it is shared by some people who work with this kind of stuff in immunology and virology....but of course they have been discredited for their knowledge of this sort of stuff. They cannot discredit me because I have no official certifications....I just analyze evidence to make my conclusions and my conclusions are beliefs I hold.

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

It does a natural infection does not cause the spike protein to enter the cell nucleus, where vaccine induced does have this issue, which is certainly an issue, long told as not possible and doesn't happen, as so many promising advetising campaigns which were mostly falls and well, the lack of actuall data of EVERY single process that happens because of vaccination...

Because I feel people are like, yeah, I inject this #, my cells make spike proteins, poof, immunity... Lol I mean, how do you even come to think it's that 'simple'?

There is a whole bunchload of processes happening in your body... Can we confirm safety on those processes, for the time duration, etc.. I mean, it's way more complex, obviously they knew... They sold the public 'informed consent' by manufactering the constent in their head for them... I mean, just repeat safe and effective a few times, even the smartest and most responsible types full of common sense just walk straight into it, even promotes it...

I don't know what happened, I thought the lifting the veil would make the insane amount of evil surface, but first, you get hit with the actuall stupidity numbers, quite alarming if you ask me.

90% let them get them injected with poison, because, it's probably more related to poison than anything else?
Why? Not because they are too stupid...

Because they do no 'your own research' at all... Laugh at the notion of research, especially when you mention youtube films, even when it's videos by legit doctors who know stuff trying to explain certain vax processes in simple words, I take effort to watch it, then even simplify it even more and write the # down, because I know people are just not going to watch the video, yeah well, you got poisoned, and I feel sorry for you, but yeah, it's not like nobody warned you, but you felt you had to ridicule your fellow concerned citizens... Yeah well;;

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 12:08 AM
Good post,

It is tough, complicated science, microbiology and nanotechnology going on to make sense of the situation. With all the censorship and misinformation going on it makes it tougher. For the simple approach, do not comply with things that don't make sense. For a few comments,

1/ The reference to murine leukemia virus was interesting. This is the one that cost Judy Mikovits her job as she found a source of it in vaccinations. Fauci did not want to look at it so dragged her through the courts for about 5-7 years. She came out with no charges against her.

2/ Finding reliable data about the CD4 counts is tough. Appears like any studies linking reduced CD4 counts to the vaccination are getting restricted. Have heard of some individual reports about it, as for what is going on with this mass experiment? Chris Shy shares a few reports about it.


3/ Getting deeper with just what exactly is in these jabs does get crazy. On first impression it is like hearing that 9/11 was an inside job, just a bunch of idiots. Then when looking at the evidence, dame. What the hell?



To find some context for the situation, it looks like Earth has been targeted for depopulation by a more advanced species. Trying to coverup a program of this scale is tough, but with those behind 9/11 walking free not impossible with the centralized media control and human failings of greed and corruption.

Some exposed to this experimentation may still have a long life, but very likely to be gradually assimilated with the Borg and the AI systems feeding on the mass of data generated by these new systems. The biological internet of things. As with all symbiotic relationships, if you help the global AI system survive and grow, it will do what it can to keep you alive. If you turn against it, it will turn against you.

With the WEF aiming for a global central digital currency, it is the next step down the road for colonization by this new species. With a blackout on all things alien clarity is tough. From the current culture directing this, looks like some cyborg, transgenic, communistic being.


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