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Russia and its Allies - The King of the North

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posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 05:40 PM
This OP is a compliment to my previous post about some of these deep and hard to understand prophecies in the Bible. Also see this post

⚠ A warning here for anyone inside the Russian Federation - information used in this OP is illegal where you live. ⚠

Those of us outside the Russian Federation have not had our rights taken away as of yet to view these things.

There is a lot of back and forth on this website as to what the true motives of Russia invading its neighboring country of Ukraine was/is. But is it possible that thousands of years ago its motives were already foretold? Is it possible that God already knew the heart of the "king of the north" and how it would act, and what motivates it?

Daniel is in exile in Babylon toward the end of his life, now serving under the reign of Medes and Persians who had conquered the Babylonians. While at the Tigres river an angel appeared to him and gave him a startling revelation that about a succession of kings that would run up into our day and end at the battle of Armageddon.

The contents of that prophecy are found in Daniel 11 and 12. To go into detail about the entire prophecy would take up too much time, and be too detailed for a post such as this, it would take up pages. But to break it down simply it is a prophecy concerning two kings in conflict, they would change identity as the centuries progressed, sometimes they would not be in conflict. They are referred to as the "king of the north" and "king of the south." This is because the initial kings had their start to the north and south of Jerusalem:

This is how the prophecy starts:

"“Look! Three more kings will stand up for Persia, and the fourth one will amass greater riches than all others. And when he becomes strong by means of his riches, he will rouse up everything against the kingdom of Greece.

“And a mighty king will stand up and rule with extensive dominion and do as he pleases. 4 But when he has stood up, his kingdom will be broken and be divided toward the four winds of the heavens, but not to his descendants and not like the dominion with which he ruled; for his kingdom will be uprooted and go to others besides these."-Daniel 11:2-4.

The three kings standing up for Persia were Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II, and Darius I (Hystaspes). Darius I tried to invade Greece but was routed at Marathon. His son and successor, Xerxes I, aka Ahasuerus, stood up as the fourth king. And he "roused up everything against the kingdom of Greece." (The fictional movie 300 relates a part of this attack on Greece.)

Then arose a mighty king of Greece, Alexander the Great. When Alexander was at the height of his rule he was stuck down with illness. His descendants did not inherit his vast empire. In time 4 of his generals divided his kingdom. Cassander ruled Macedonia and Greece. Lysimachus gained control over Asia Minor and Thrace. Seleucus I Nicator secured Mesopotamia and Syria. And Ptolemy Lagus took Egypt and Palestine.

Now this part of Daniels' prophecy is also foretold in Daniel 8:20-22:

"“The hairy male goat stands for the king of Greece; and the great horn that was between its eyes stands for the first king.  As for the horn that was broken, so that four stood up instead of it, there are four kingdoms from his nation that will stand up, but not with his power."-Daniel 8:20-22.

If you have read this far you can really start to be in awe at how exact Daniel's prophecies were. But they do not stop with the fall of the Persian dynasty, or the rise and fall of Alexander the Great. The prophecy talks of the two rivaling kings that initially became known as the Seleucid and the Ptolemaic dynasties. Seleucus I Nicator over Syria, and Ptolemy I over Egypt. Syria to the "north" and Egypt to the "south." Thus starts the conflict of the kings of the north and south.

This was just to help you get your bearings on how the prophecy starts. Now for the sake of time and space we will not quote anymore of the prophecy until the end, or look into history to see how the kings fulfilled their roles but we will list them here:

--------------King of the North-------King of the South
Daniel 11:5 Seleucus I Nicator------Ptolemy I
Daniel 11:6 Antiochus II--------------Ptolemy II
(wife Laodice)---------------(daughter Berenice)
Daniel 11:7-9 Seleucus II-------------Ptolemy III
Daniel 11:10-12 Antiochus III----------Ptolemy IV
Daniel 11:13-19 Antiochus III----------Ptolemy V
(daughter Cleopatra I)----Successor: Ptolemy VI
Seleucus IV and
Antiochus IV
Daniel 11:20 Augustus
Daniel 11:21-24 Tiberius
Daniel 11:25, 26 Germanic Empire (time of the end)-----Britain
Daniel 11:27-30a German Empire----------- Britain, followed by the Anglo-American World Power
(World War I)
Daniel 11:30b, 31 Hitler’s Third Reich------Anglo-American World Power
(World War II)
Daniel 11:32-43 Communist bloc----------Anglo-American World Power
(Cold War)

Now a curious observer may ask why there is a jump between the Roman Empire to the late 1800's. And that is because this prophecy only deals with kings that have had direct dealings with God's people. Initially they were the nation of Israel, in the first century, first century Christian congregation, and then in the late 1800's an on into our day the reestablishment of true Christianity among Jehovah's anointed servants in the Christian congregation of his witnesses.

For a brief video explaining in detail the march of the Kings of the North and the South during the last days and how the prophecies have been fulfilled in them:

Now if we look at the prophecy concerning these two kings during our times, even right now notice again what it says:

"“In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing (or locking of horns)."-Daniel 11:40. So it is a battle of prominence as it always has been. After WWII the king of the south targeted fearsome nuclear weapons at its rival and put into place a powerful military alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). As the cold years progressed the pushing continued with high-tech espionage and diplomatic and military offenses, and these are still ongoing, between Russia and its allies and the Anglo-American world power and its allies.

The prophecy said that in the time of the end the king of the north would:

"And against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and he will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood."-Daniel 11:40.

During the second world war, the Nazi “king” flooded over his borders into the surrounding lands. At the end of that war, the successor “king” built a powerful empire. During the Cold War, the king of the north fought his rival in proxy wars and insurgencies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He persecuted genuine Christians, hindering—but by no means stopping—their activity. And his military and political offensives brought a number of lands under his control.
edit on 4-4-2022 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 05:42 PM

For a better understanding of the beasts of Daniel and Revelation and the image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream see this post.

So is it any wonder, that Russia as the king of the north continues to push against the king of the south and expand its borders?

If you watched the video near the end you see how the king of the north comes all the way to its end. What happens? Daniel tell us:

"“But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him."-Daniel 11:44-45.
What will anger the king so much that he sallies forth to devote many to destruction?

Looking at the context we are shown that he takes a stand against Jehovah's people, placing his tents between the "grand sea" the Mediterranean and the "holy mountain" mount Zion. That today symbolizes the condition of God's people on earth.

There is quickly approaching a time the nations will gather together to make a unique cry, one of peace and security:

"Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape."-1 Thessalonians 5:3.

When that happens the king of the north will cooperate with the king of the south and they will put into operation the "disgusting thing causing desolation" the United Nations:

"And from the time that the constant feature has been removed and the disgusting thing that causes desolation has been put in place, there will be 1,290 days."-Daniel 12:11.

While the disgusting thing has already been created by the king of the south, the United States and Britain after WWI as the League of Nations, and later after WWII, as the United Nations, it still has not acquired authority to rule over the earth. When that time arrives the rulers of the earth will unite to give this "peace beast" teeth, imbuing it with their power to turn upon and destroy false religion earth wide.

After religion has been done away with and all hypocritical religionsts have fled that great prostitute that is destroyed into atheistic nationalism a great hail storm, each hail weighing 45 pounds will rain down upon earth's inhabitants:

"Then great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on the people, and the people blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great."-Revelation 16:21.

In Holy Scripture water represents truth. Today all humankind is invited to drink of life's water free, by learning Bible truths:

"And the spirit and the bride keep on saying, “Come!” and let anyone hearing say, “Come!” and let anyone thirsting come; let anyone who wishes take life’s water free."-Revelation 22:17.

This water of life that streams from Jesus' throne in heaven downward to the earth and is distributed by means of his faithful slave on earth is going to all meek-like and peaceful ones of the earth. But that water will soon congeal. And at that time after the great tribulation and earths kings will have turned upon and destroyed false religion, Jesus' servants, as witnesses for Jehovah and his Christ will unleash an apparent message of certain destruction of this wicked world upon the masses of wicked humanity. It appears that this is the report that will draw out the king of the north to attack Jehovah's people earth wide along with a coalition of nations known as Gog of Magog in Ezekiel 38, there talking to Gog of Magog Jehovah says:

“This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: ‘In that day thoughts will come into your heart, and you will devise an evil plan. You will say: “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.”  It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth."-Ezekiel 38:10-12.

And just as the king of the north will come all the way to its end, Gog of Magog will be destroyed by Jehovah's executional forces at Armageddon:

"I will bring my judgment against him with pestilence and bloodshed; and I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstones and fire and sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many peoples with him. And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’"-Ezekiel 38:22-23.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 05:45 PM

edit on 4-4-2022 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 06:38 PM

DANIEL 8:3 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had [two] horns: and the [two] horns [were] high; but one [was] higher than the other, and the higher came up last.

These are the Two Horns of the Ram
Ephraim and Genetic Dan............god specifically prounced their deaths, and they are apart of the removed tribes from the book of revelation..........first their suicide controversy with the written law............then in the new even greater suicide controversy...............generally marked by the crossing of the jordan river, and the independance of isreal.
(jacob dealth unclean with his son isaac, in trying to remove his covenant of the pyramid builder, which he later inherited at his 40th year of age.............and God said to jacob that these horns would be broken in the josephs name at the, entrance of the jews into egypt, they would be broken out of that holy land in that day)

DANIEL 8:5 And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat [had] a notable horn between his eyes.
DANIEL 8:6 And he came to the ram that had [two] horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power.
(Ezekiel's Prophecy of Joseph succeeding in the euthanasia of ephraim (when joseph takes the stick or horn from ephraim)...........those unclean people removed out of the holy land of jerusalem according to zechariah 14's prophecy of the "clear day of the lord's return") (This has not taken place, the prophecy is unfulfilled)
The language God uses in the Gospel's Law, in relation to the Lord's Body which is the "TRIBES", unless God takes that Action or sets that into motion, no answer is acceptable.................
But we will say that...........A day for 1000 years and A 1000 years for a day of 2peter3:8..............Joseph overcoming the mental illness and dead flesh of genetic dan and ephraim, began around 9/11/2001 the Falling Man Moses, based on testimony, that is 600,000 saved out of egypt by exodus for 60 years to humanities death in 2061 halley's comet................Since Moses took Joseph's Bones, that that means is that, God used Moses like many others to parallel his pending action, and that is satisfied, when joseph reaches that unified value..............the last 39/40 years of humanity, or generally exekiel 4:5.............AT MY 40TH YEAR OR BIRTHDAY, THAT WILL EQUAL 39 YEARS FROM HUMANITIES DEATH IN 2061 HALLEY'S COMET, THAT MEANS OCTOBER 18, 2022.

(if there isn't RABIES, if 2 billion or more people don't die from an accident, then maybe just the removal of that one race by ending the burden of life may be sufficient in exposing satan's mental illness after god's mercies and suicides to itself, removing the burden of euthanasia continually from the son of man after the fact)

This will be Resolved Very Soon
edit on 4-4-2022 by elmgrie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: randomuser

Interesting to read, thanks for writing it down so well. I know nothing of these things... I only encounter certain people claiming to be certain beings, such as demons, djinns, etc...

The Djinn told me there will be epic war, in the end, he said, theres actually a #load of certain beings underground, many more than people above ground, and they will devour everyone, then the angels come, angel of death will blow the horn, everyone dies, and everyone gets resurected again... I have no idea why this would be like this...

He also says, God is not male or female, you cannot imagine what God is like, nobody can, but it is not a being like we are. God doesn't have such desires as we have, it is on total other level, the only reason he said for creating beings is prayer/worship, I don't really understand why such entity would require worship or want it, maybe to God, gifting you life it's just basic respect for the gift then again, this is something else, he does not need your respect, he can't really help peoples free will thoroughly #ing the whole situation.

Well, his version didn't really sound very hopeful I mean...

He said, God will forgive the Devil, and the Devil will rule this world, as God will rule the after-life, he will not go to Hell but make Hell here, earth-hell, according to him there is an actual Hell, with fire unlike anything else, and he said even demons fear it...

Earth-Hell is then like Easy Mode Hell? I dunno, its probably gonna suck, but still better than Hell-fire then is what I make out of it.

But he says he is a God worshipping Djinn, many different Djinns have their own reasons, some just do good and believe in God, others fly more solo and such, Demons are differrent than Djinn, they are not just evil Djinns...
He also has the ability to say certain things about you, he knows these things when he comes into contact with you, even if it's over the net...

Which is how he moves about in life, because he has certain knowledge which can used in certain manipulative ways to become certain results... You know, when someone is gonna go fulll wizard on you, you will become intrigued and are more open to take a listen...

He said God created the Djinns to destroy an older form of life, which kinda got corrupted and started feeding on the blood of others and such, this was one of three types of older beings, they had to be gone from the earth, djiinns were supposedly instructed for that task.

The thing is, their ancient kings and such, gave them strict rules... They all know whats going on and such, they are just not allowed to speak of it, most of them are not allowed.

This has to be somewhat frustrating having to deal with all those oblivious people and you constantly have to pretend your full retard...

We all have our struggles I guess...

This Djiinn said he will be considered the Devill of the future, because he has to take certain action to create a possibible future... Sadly, we need to lose a considerate amount of people, so about 50% of the people will look of him as the devil, and the other half will regard him an angel...

He says to posses the power of 'control', he can make certain situations happen easely. And it does appear so, coz hes supposedly just some 19 year old guy, I was just casually playing league of legends with him and he went full wizard on me, so we got into a conversation and such...

Then he leaves for a neighbouring city, first day hes there he is already meeting up with the police force, some politicians and military related, as he wishes to take a position as some intelligence/cyber division. He wishes to make the contact to provide him the means to further his plans...

When I spoke of 'hope for a better world and such' he says he finds 'hope' something interesting, he was always somewhat cryptic, I dunno, he says he is a monster, like, that is how he would define himself, but these monsters do feel love, which he considered a real weakness for him as he has certain plans for the world...
So when we would see their real appearance, he said it would be psychollogicallly too shocking, because I wanted him to show me but he said it really wouldn't be a good idea and refused to do so.

If we may believe such things... But like I said, I have more encounters such as these, pretty bizzare # actually... I don't know why I attract these things, I do look for them kinda... Some soul-seeking, but they find me.... Well, we end up somehow, and then they drop some snippets of info, which kinda leads you on in the sense like... He's doing something relating to me... Manipulation? I don't know... You end up getting into a convo, great, another wizard being making you even more psychotic than before. Fine I guess, let's get on it.

Many interesting and long conversations, always in character, I mean... You have to be leading a sad life if you need to role-play being a djinn towards such scrub as myself... I do not see this as a reality, ofcourse, concocting stories and fooling people can be entertaining i guess... He doesn't exactly come across as if he's trying to fool me or anything... He just answers all my questions in the way he can... he is open about some aspect of himself, others not so much...

Apparently there is also some war at Djinn Hotel, other world stuff, he got sent here to save his ass, as he seems to have some importance, or otherwise good djinn parents, I dunno, earth dun seem much better... But djinns is wizardry #, # is probably just as #ed up there, but with more magical proportions, it don't just blow up there, it's the whole fireworks, perhaps its better being on earth... It's probably better just never being born at all...

I mean, who invented this contraption...

Now playing all across the galaxy: Life² - The most brilliant predatory life-support system ever inventented by an ever-decaying species of life that needs constant feeding on other lifeforms; we proudly present: The Bug Trap (deluxe edition).

We just abused the most primal instinct of our dear beloved and full of energy humans, being much like rabid animals they constantly wish to # each other and create more life, by all means beloved humans, keep opening the cosmic portals required and warping in fresh souls 24/7 and call it life. More souls for the Abyss, once in you're in, you ain't getting out.

Infinite soul cycling, not satisfied? Don't worry, you get unlimited re-rolls on your reincarnation, Russian Roulette Incarnation, is my life gonna be better? I wouldn't count on it, but you can certainly try. Wonna get lucky? You better get lucky... Just sayin'.

Death will never be the end, one miserable life will follow the next... Karma 'gods' deal the cards, the game is rigged, obviously.

Ehh... and many more interesting stories and other related nonsense, I am sure.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: randomuser yes

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: elmgrie no

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: ScrubCommander

I read your post when you made it but didn't have time to reply. It has a lot of information in it not really related to the OP, and I checked some of your other posts and it seems you admit to having some mental issues. So it is possible that some of this is do to delusions you have and not based in reality. But that does not mean what you said can't be happening. So if you want I can share a few viewpoints with what you wrote, now that I've taken the time.

The Djinn told me there will be epic war, in the end, he said, theres actually a #load of certain beings underground, many more than people above ground, and they will devour everyone, then the angels come, angel of death will blow the horn, everyone dies, and everyone gets resurected again... I have no idea why this would be like this...

I believe Djinn is an arabic term, that's where the word genie comes from. They are nothing other than the wicked spirit forces, we call them wicked angels or demons.

What you said about everyone dying and waking up again is not taught in scripture. But there is a statement made by the angel in the prophecy to Daniel that says:

"And many of those asleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to everlasting life and others to reproach and to everlasting contempt."-Daniel 12:2.

This will happen when God's kingdom rule comes to earth and Jesus resurrects the untold billions of humankind whom have never had a chance to learn the truth about God and Jesus Christ during the thousand year reign of Christ. During the thousand year rule Satan and his demons will be abyssed so as not to mislead humankind as they are doing today. And Jesus' kingdom rule will bring untold blessings upon humanity, wiping out all sickness, famine, war, and death. At the end of the thousand years Satan will be let lose for a little while to mislead humankind as an ultimate test to those who were raised from the dead as to whether they will remain faithful to God or not, this time having accurate knowledge of truth.

The wicked spirits know the scriptures better than most humans. So they understand what is going to happen. There is a scirpture that talks about you doing quite well if you believe in the one true God. But just believing he exists by itself doesn't do any real good, the demons know he exists and they shudder at the thought, because they know what is going to happen to themselves:

"You believe that there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder."-James 2:19.

We are getting very close to the great tribulation talked about in Bible prophecy. And the battle of Armageddon. The great tribulation will be when man made governments give their power to the United Nations to turn upon and devastate the world's religions. Armageddon will be Jesus Christ and his army of angels in heaven waging war against the rulers of the world and putting all wicked humankind to death. It will be the majority of humankind because only a relatively few will have a righteous standing before God at that time.

He also says, God is not male or female, you cannot imagine what God is like, nobody can, but it is not a being like we are. God doesn't have such desires as we have, it is on total other level, the only reason he said for creating beings is prayer/worship, I don't really understand why such entity would require worship or want it, maybe to God, gifting you life it's just basic respect for the gift then again, this is something else, he does not need your respect, he can't really help peoples free will thoroughly #ing the whole situation.

Jehovah God does not have gender. Gender was created by God in order of physical souls on earth to procreate. God doesn't need gender to create, he just uses his vast amounts of dynamic energy, of which he has a limitlessness supply of. The universe is a testament to his extraordinary power, without limit. Some may question why refer to God as Father? Jesus told us to pray to him: "Our Father who is in the heaven." So it is not inappropriate to refer to God in the masculine gender. There are a couple of reasons. The main one is that he created man first. And then he created the woman as a compliment and a helper for the man, and put the man as the head of his wife. So the man represents God's authority in the marriage arrangement. Also it is an anthropomorphism. That is, it is helping us to relate to God. He is obviously beyond our understanding as humans. But we can get to know him by reading the Holy Scriptures, and in them God uses anthropomorphisms to describe himself to us so we may relate to him.

As for worship. Jesus said: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need." We were created with in innate need to worship God. Every one that lives without God in their life has an emptiness that cannot be filled. God is just and true and righteous and holy and above all he is love. All he does is for our good. And he is the source of life.

He said, God will forgive the Devil, and the Devil will rule this world, as God will rule the after-life, he will not go to Hell but make Hell here, earth-hell, according to him there is an actual Hell, with fire unlike anything else, and he said even demons fear it..

Genesis 3:15, the very first prophecy in the Bible tells us what God is going to do to Satan the Devil. He is going to "bruise him in the head" that is destroy him. Satan was created in perfection and he lost that perfection of his own volition. He has no forgiveness of sins left. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, tells us that Jesus Christ will destroy Satan and all his demons after they are let lose from the abyss for a little while after the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth.

Hell is the grave. It is where human's go when they die. They are asleep in God's memory. He will raise them back to life, or resurrect them, in the future in Jesus kingdom rule over the earth.

edit on 5-4-2022 by randomuser because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 10:21 PM

When I spoke of 'hope for a better world and such' he says he finds 'hope' something interesting, he was always somewhat cryptic, I dunno, he says he is a monster, like, that is how he would define himself, but these monsters do feel love, which he considered a real weakness for him as he has certain plans for the world... So when we would see their real appearance, he said it would be psychollogicallly too shocking, because I wanted him to show me but he said it really wouldn't be a good idea and refused to do so.

The fallen angels have been placed in eternal bonds of dense darkness. They used to be able to materialize human form. But that ability has been taken away from them. They have been thrown into a condition known as tartarus:

"Certainly God did not refrain from punishing the angels who sinned, but threw them into Tarʹta·rus, putting them in chains of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment."-2 Peter 2:4.

Their ability to materialize human form has been taken away from them. Tartarus indicates that they were abased by God from their heavenly place and privileges and were delivered over to a condition of deepest mental darkness respecting God’s bright purposes. Darkness also marks their own eventuality, which the Scriptures show is everlasting destruction along with their ruler, Satan the Devil. Therefore, Tartarus denotes the lowest condition of abasement for those rebellious angels.

"And the angels who did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place, he has reserved with eternal bonds in dense darkness for the judgment of the great day. "-Jude 6.

So wicked angels, or demons, have been abased spiritually and have been placed in eternal bonds of dense darkness waiting their day of judgement. They will soon be abyssed for a thousand years and then will be destroyed forever. There is no hope for the angels who were created perfect and lost their perfection by choosing of their own freewill to sin.

Demons can possess humans and talk through them. This is spiritsm and is forbidden by God.

posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: randomuser

Actually I don't think it's Russia. Though they will have a role to play in the end time.

As I see it the KIng of the North is the 3rd ruler of the northern kingdom. Also I would say his kingdom has yet to form. It's a future event. However look at Daniel 11-2 through 4 and Daniel 8. He states that the realm of Grecia or Greece would be attacked by 4 kings/nations from the middle east. Then this "Greece" attacks back and conquers 3 of them. The two horns of the ram and the ram itself which is supposed to be old Persia/today's Iran.

And I would point out at this time the US was attacked by terrorists from the middle east and HAS COUNTERATTACKED AND CONQUERED 2 NATIONS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.

I would say that the US is the leading contender to be this "Greece" from Daniel. And if so then the US will eventually conquer Iran in some way. Then shortly afterwards would fracture 4 ways in some kind of disaster and then the 4 new nations would eventually join up with nations of Europe to form the kingdom of the north.

Which is probably why the last empire of Daniel 2 is the feet of the statue. It's straddling the Atlantic Ocean.

edit on 6-4-2022 by ntech because: (no reason given)

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