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9-11 is Jesus' birthday. Not by coincidence did the WORLD TRADE center COLLAPSE, on 9-11

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posted on Apr, 5 2022 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: dontneedaname

All numbers mean different things according to the perspective of the context. 8 does mean what you say in that context you refer to, but it also means other things in other contexts.

The context I speak of has to do with the fundamental matrix of the human consciousness that in a religious context is called the Fall of Man.

In this sense, the numbers are shockingly accurate therefore I have to consider that act on 911 in 2001, is more or less the true 2012 date.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Fundamental Matrix?

You either spit it out or keep it to yourself.

as for 2012.... the Revenge of 2012

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