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Nanotubes and Leaky Gut Theory

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posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 10:34 PM
Microclotting is considered to be the result of excessive spike S protein production in the vascular endothelial system.
I wanted to see if there were any other explanations for the clots, I looked to the Moderna patent for possibilities and I came up with a theory for the fun of it.
Before we begin, I think it is improtant to realize what sensible international bodies think of carbon nanotubes:

The International Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec) announced on November 14, 2019, that it added more chemicals, including carbon nanotubes, to its Substitute It Now! (SIN) List. ChemSec describes carbon nanotubes as “one of the more well-studied nanomaterials” and notes that “they are used to make durable, lightweight materials, for electrical conductivity, ...” Dr. Anna Lennquist, Project Manager for the SIN List at ChemSec, states: “Several studies have shown that carbon nanotubes cause lung cancer. The small tubes induce inflammation in a somewhat similar way to asbestos."

In the Moderna patent there are quite a few references to nanotubes. Two of them read:

The polynucleotides, primary constructs or mmRNA of the invention can be attached or otherwise bound to at least one nanotube such as, but not limited to, rosette nanotubes, rosette nanotubes having twin bases with a linker, carbon nanotubes and/or single-walled carbon nanotubes...
As a non-limiting example, the length of the nanotubes may be altered to hinder the nanotubes from passing through the holes in the walls of normal blood vessels but still small enough to pass through the larger holes in the blood vessels of tumor tissue.

These are a few of the cited patents in Moderna's patent:
US 8,246,995: Hydrophobic nanotubes and nanoparticles as transporters for the delivery of drugs into cells
US013025118: Method for Making Semiconducting Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
The rosette tubes also possess the unique ability to act as guides for neuronal growth:

These results show that functionalized biomimetic RNTs provide a support for neurite growth and extension and have the ability to modulate neuronal morphology. These results also pave the way for the design of injectable RNT-based nanomaterials that support guided neural regeneration following traumatic injury.

Although,  I get the sense from reading the material that the rosettes would most likely be used as membrane pores:

What purposes do the semiconducting tubes have? Biosensors:

Corona phase molecular recognition (CoPhMoRe) is a phenomenon whereby a polymer or surfactant corona phase wrapped around a nanoparticle selectively recognizes a particular molecule. The method can potentially generate non-biological, synthetic molecular recognition sites, analogous to antibodies, for a broad range of biomedical applications, including new types of sensors,... In this work, we utilize near infrared fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubes wrapped with specific single stranded DNA sequences to explore the (n,m) chirality dependence of CoPhMoRe.

This MIT .pdf slideshow further explains how this works:
Nanotubes are interesting enough for a post of their own, for now its suffice to know that nanoparticles initiate clotting

Absorption/binding of coagulation factors onto nanoparticle surfaces may have two consequences: inactivation of the factors or reduced availability to other components of the coagulation cascade; or contact activation of the factors. The former may cause prolongation or deficiency in coagulation reactions, while the latter may cause undesirable coagulation. Nanoparticles’ physicochemical properties determine their effects on coagulation. For example, coagulation factor XII can undergo self-activation after interaction with an anionic surface.

The FDA themselves, in 2011, noted the same:

Previous work by OBRR scientists (Semberova J. et al., NanoLetters 2009) provided the following insights into CNT activation of platelets: Various CNTs induce human platelets to aggregate and release of platelet membrane microparticles. CNT-induced platelet aggregation is dependent on the influx of extracellular Ca , a process that is sensitive to Ca entry inhibitors.

So, the carbon nanotubes can activate clotting factors absorbed to their surface, and the rosettes do so by interferring with the calcium ion exchange, which induces platelet aggregation. Officially, the spike S proteins get the blame for the microclots. Nonetheless, aberrant clotting functions have unwanted effects in that platelets release VEGF during clotting:

Calcium-induced clotting of platelet-rich but not platelet-poor plasma induced VEGF release with a proportional response between platelet count and VEGF level and isolated platelets released significant quantities of VEGF.

VEGF is a growth factor which induces proliferation and migration of vascular endothelial cells, and is essential for both physiological and pathological angiogenesis, such as in tumors and cancers.
As convenience would have it, "The levels of VEGF are increased during infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)" as well. Diseases associated with VEGF include POEM'S Syndrome, Microvascular Complications of Diabetes, Retinopathy to include color vision loss, and more recently, increased production of VEGF by intestinal mucosa of patients with inflammatory bowel disease:

The present study identifies the intestinal mucosa as one of the origins of the elevated VEGF serum levels in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease and verifies the findings of recent studies about the importance of VEGF in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Continued next reply.

edit on 2-4-2022 by Wisenox because: Condensed wording.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

I hit the word count, here's the rest:

This brings us to 'Leaky Gut'. Leaky gut is a relatively new illness, so its cause and symptoms are mutable. In fact, a short search on the topic will lead to phrases such as Does leaky gut really exist?, or Is LGS a cause or a symtpom?.
In other words, the condition is largely seen to preexist under other names. A comparison of symptoms with VEGF dysregulation shows a good deal of overlap:
irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, chronic liver disease, diabetes, food allergies and sensitivities, polycystic ovary syndrome

Officially, the spike S proteins get the blame for leaky gut.

It goes without saying that inhibiting VEGF would be necessary. This then leads to the necessary question does the patent address VEGF over-production?
The answer to that is they have included a few possibilities in their peptide list. I found these with a quick search of the spreadsheet, but there are undoubtedly other avenues as well:
Multimerin 2 (MMRN2): a gene that inhibits endothelial cells motility and acts as a negative regulator of angiogenesis; it downregulates KDR activation by binding VEGFA.
Discoidin Domain Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 1 actually codes for a tyrosine kinase receptor. Induce mutations and VEGF binding may not be possible.
C1q And Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Protein 1 negatively regulates (inhibits) platelet aggregation. No aggregation, no VEGF explosion.
Chymotrypsin-like Elastase Family, Member 2A circulates in plasma and reduces platelet hyperactivation.
As one might expect, attempting to mitigate VEGF production does come with side effects:

Because of its importance in tumor formation and survival, several medications have been developed to inhibit VEGF and reduce blood vessel formation in cancer. ...they have been shown to cause side effects such as hypertension, artery clots, complications in wound healing, and, more rarely, gastrointestinal perforation and fistulas.
And with that background, we can formulate a theory:

edit on 2-4-2022 by Wisenox because: Spacing

edit on 2-4-2022 by Wisenox because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 10:52 PM
All covid vaccine manufacturers deny using nanotubes, and the list of ingredients they admit to is pretty limited. Is there a way for them to include these other ingredients without having to list them because of patent rights?

Example:' Nucleoside-modified mRNA encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein ofSARS-CoV-2'

Is it the patented processes in 'modifying' things that hides some of the actual ingredients that may cause problems?

If this sounds like dumb questioning it's because I'm really dumb when it comes to trying to understand HOW they're hiding the poisonous side of the vaccine.

Here's an ingredient chart for three of the vaccines- they don't show much.
[] accine-ingredients.pdf]
edit on 60000001010America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: nugget1

A lot of the patent technology is done inside the body. The patent has the capability of packaging a DNA/RNA strand and creating a variant by modifying a couple amino acids, then insert it.
It can create antibodies to any reference peptide included, can use said antibodies to target locations in the body, can create antibodies to hormones/genes/or cells for inhibition, start self assembling nanotubes going, actively express genes, and/or suppress gene activity.

The patent is a one stop shop. Finding the actual coronavirus parts is hard. In some ways, its as though covid was created to provide plausible deniability to actions of the patent.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: nugget1

There are ingredients in vaccines that are not listed in the ingredients. There was some discussion on that in some of the science sites, if they are not considered a threat by the FDA or governing agency at the amount in a medicine, they do not have to be listed. This has to do with adjuvant chemistry that is supposedly inert and GRAS. This applies to all medicines, only things that have been shown to be a problem have to be listed. It appears that the FDA can request this information under the patent rules if something dangerous is discovered, but that requires evidence to be present for them to get this info....and if listed in research conclusions it can be redacted before the info is given to the public.

Some of these chemistries actually make the medicine work better or stop side effects....that is protected information. It keeps an edge on someone making as effective of a generic version of a med, because the patent for the main active ingredient can expire yet the adjuvant chemistry is a trade secret and it is used in multiple medicines by the manufacturer under new they renew that patent on the adjuvant mix.

So basically they could put some nanotube technology in the mix if it is considered safe at the concentration by the governing agencies without listing it. Just because there is no evidence it is a problem does not mean it isn't for some people though....but that takes many years to prove it is a problem and this technology being used is not that old to be proven a problem at the concentration it is used at I suppose.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Wisenox
So, the claim it doesn't contain nanoparticles is correct; it manufactures them once inside the body?

I'm sorry if I'm being a pain; I'm trying really hard to understand. lol

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: nugget1

No, the shots are packed with nanoparticles. Those are just very small things. With the carbon nanotubes, they just need the seed I believe, then they self assemble using atoms in the body. I read somewhere that the rosettes work with calcium scavengers in some uses, but I don't remember where.
They can send in completed nanotubes as well, packaged with drugs, more RNA or DNA, and even other sensors.
The scary thing with the nanotubes is that they've already put them in practice. They have pictures:

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:50 PM
Thank you rickymouse and Wisenox!! That helps me immensely in understanding how they could be hiding all the ingredients in the vaccine- sort of. lol

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Here is Jane Ruby's explanation of the small black disks releasing other forms developing in the body.

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: BelleEpoque

Here's a couple marks from the video:

9:00 She talks about transports into cells;  that would be the rosettes.
9:20 She talks about the HIV proteins included to shut down the immune system.  I think they are doing that through chimeric antibodies and PEGylation.  The patent is very heavy on avoiding the innate immune response.  I've seen it in multiple places, but I have not come across anything touting the HIV proteins as the method of inactivating the immune cells.  Conversely, I have seen where the chimeric antibody crosslinking of antigens is done to mimic HIV glycoprotein 120.  G120 is large and can cover 2 or more antigens (crosslink) at the same time.  Chimeric antibodies do this with the 'v' portion of the 'y' shaped antibody.  The stem (Fc) can activate apoptosis when it binds to a receptor while being crosslinked.  Both actions stop the immune system.
They have to shut down macrophages because they will filter out their nanoparticles.
10:00 Boosters.  These are necessary to keep the immune system down, replace the particles lost through cell death and immune responses, and load whatever new crap they are putting in.
13:30 Self assembly and picture of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNTs).  There are also multi-walled nanotubes (MWCNTs). 

The SWCNTs in the patent can conduct a charge, and the rosettes can guide neuronal growth.  This has the implication that neurons can be controlled through wifi waves.  This is because graphene will absorb the wavelengths, use it as energy, and re-transmit signals in terahertz wavelengths.  So, it can amplify wifi signals and affect the neuron its attached to. 

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 07:26 AM
So it's been over a year. Almost a year and a half, and yes, I'm still here. Just like I said I would be. I was told I'd be dead in a couple weeks, then a couple months, then a year, and now, MOVE THOSE GOAL POSTS AGAIN.

I'm healthy and feel GREAT!.

Had both vaxs shots and the booster.

I'll be here for a while to let you know that I'M STILL HERE.

Eventually, I will die, and THEN YOU CAN BLAME THE VAX.

Incidentally, EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNOW who has been vaccinated, and that's 95% of everyone I know, ARE FINE.

So again, believe what you wish, and I'll believe my eyes. Something Trump supporters won't do.

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 08:09 AM
Self righteous much? It’s amazing to watch the hot mess of folks like you obsessed with trump. I suggest you take off those Democrat issued rose colored glasses and see the world without filters. You are the very definition of ignorance.

a reply to: MiddleInsite

edit on 3-4-2022 by Skepticape because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

I never posted that the patent capabilities are employed on every vaccine recipient. It would be foolish to think that they did everything they could to each person; there's over 570 peptides listed.
The people in my family that took it are fine as far as I can tell, but if anything does appear, then it holds value to understand what the underlying cause could be. Otherwise, my family could get treated with the wrong medication, which kills them or does nothing to remedy their illness.
There is a measure of safety in assuming that they would follow through with patent capabilities that align with their Great Reset agenda.

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Sad to see somebody publicly tell us how little he understands about what is happening.

Do some research instead of puffing your chest as though competing for some Virtue Signalling prize .

You are like someone who runs across the road every time without looking and then --- ignoring the piled dead bodies of the others who employed

the same method--- tells us how smart he is .Not .
edit on 3-4-2022 by Juicer66 because: typo


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