posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 02:46 PM
Ok, the show on History channel and it's really interesting to me as it seems I grew up in a different America than most. It's all about the
rivalries that created some iconic food items but I never have come across some of these foods.
Recent episodes...donuts...Krispy Creme V. Dunkin Donuts. All I had here in Vegas as a kid was Winchells. Never heard of the others until somewhere in
the '90's and they really are few and far between to this day. They are there but they aren't huge. I think Starbucks ate up that market before the
others could get in. Although they don't have donuts but they got a foothold before Dunkin and KK, well, I just don't see them around but I will say
I don't get everywhere but my job is a delivery person so I do get out a bit and I just don't see KK or DD very often but DD much more.
Soft Serve ice cream...Carvel V. Dairy Queen. I did have a DQ not far from home when I was a kid. Tiny shack that has now been about 5 other
restaurants and now is a wing place. There's only two of them I have seen in my travels and I've never, ever seen Carvel ice cream in my life.
I knew as a kid that I was living in a different America, somewhat, but we had McDonalds, Taco Bell, heck, even a Whattaburger for a while, There's a
whole part of America that I haven't experienced though and that, to me, is fascinating.
Being a kid in Vegas in the '70's just has to be such a different experience than most kids of that age. This town...excuse me, city, is just
different than, well, everywhere else. I know there are KK's all over, probably in casinos which I never go to. There's probably a lot more of DD
than I see but then again there''s the Starbucks coffee competition there and I know damned well they have cemented themselves in the casinos.
The show is eye opening to me not just in the stories they tell but it's so weird to see this odd world that I grew up in. Winchell's donuts has
IIRC 170 shops, worldwide, that's funny, worldwide. Only 170, and how did they manage to keep those stores open? I do believe there's one still near
me, I'l have to check it out. The one close to home is now a Boost Mobile shop.
If I wan't regular donuts I usually go to a local shop. They are closer than any of the chains and heck, there's gourmet donuts like Pink Box chain,
I think, which is newer and doesn't play into the story but man, the Elvis PB & Banana is so awesome.
I just got done with my deliveries for this week and one place I go is a large shopping center that is all food. There's so much food in this town
that's awesome but yet it still seems that I live in a slightly different America than the rest of you. Am I getting real Cuban food? Or am I getting
the Americanized version that's recycled from Little Havana? Even if I went to Little Havana, is that "real" Cuban food?
Sure, we are a large city now and most of what's out there is here, but I've never had Tim Hortons, for example. Growing up here in those years
before we became a city, those are my formative years and this show is a real eye opener to what was going on food wise in the rest of the country.
Heck I remember getting Chinese delivered as a kid, now that's non-existent. Is that the same for you guys?
Heck, I could do an interesting thread about how different life was for me as a kid as opposed to other kids in the big cities back east or south,
wherever. Not just the food aspect. Maybe someday.