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Should everyone forgive Will Smith?

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posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

that joke was in the worst and most insulting taste imaginable

The joke wasn't about alopecia.

Jada had a buzz cut like Demi Moore in GI Jane.

Anyway, in what universe is it okay to walk up to a comedian and assault him on stage, in an international televised event, because you didn't like his joke?

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

...he acted like a MAN and did what a MAN is supposed to do...

...But personally Good on Will for acting like a PROPER MAN...

...You do not insult someone's wife and you don't insult there mother or there sister...

Thanks for that example of male toxity at its finest!

So, we can't insult women. Got it! Although, I fail to see how comparing Jada to Demi Moore is an insult.

...insult them fine but there are places you should never go...

Like calling Heidi Cruz ugly or Michelle Obama a man?

edit on 2-4-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:04 AM
Soon expect a film staring both Smith and Rock. They don't call it the biz, for nothing....
Early hype of a project that hasn't even been written.

edit on 2-4-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:08 AM
I really do not give two rats butt what smith does anymore, he crapped all over the Oscars and turn a once very special occasions to reward true talent, into a tasteless ghetto place, this what the woke is doing this days, true terrorist against, anything that is of value to other Americans.

edit on 2-4-2022 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:10 AM
I can think of a joke that would actually call for me to be slapped.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 11:14 AM
That Tool song is one of my all time top favorites.

originally posted by: dandandat2
I never understood why the entertainment community felt the need to give themselves trophies.

This made me laugh out loud, idk why. But thanks for that.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: bastion
There's pictures of it falling out in lines and creating bald patches due to allopecia hence why she went for the buzz cut. An old housemate had it and looks like typical alopecia to me.

Those pics are from 2018 and alopecia can be temporary. My sister had it in her mid teens. Lost a patch from the back of her head about 2 inches in diameter. She went in for treatment with what I remember looking like a UV wand every week for about 6 months and her hair grew back in and she has not had the problem since.

The pic from february 2022 shows Jada's was also temporary. I remember it being tied to a period of heavy stress in her case.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 05:43 PM
I can see why the world is in the state it is today just from some of the reply's to my point.


I seriously spoke from my heart if someone insulted my wife I would not be as forgiving BUT I would have taken the mike instead and made my point that way instead of falling into the anger trap we guy's all have (Well those of us whom are still men that is).

I see word's like Toxic Masculinity what a load of cods wallop.

Seriously is this thread about HATING MEN, I mean do you really believe the brainwashing and propaganda.

Get the woman out of the house and into the slave workforce and make them think it is THERE idea?, talk about being manipulated.

Here is another point LADY'S, WILL was NOT beating up a woman he was DEFENDING ONE now seriously I know that some country's have gone crazy were a man being a gentleman and holding a door open for a woman is even seen as insulting by some nut jobs out there but thankfully may nation has not yet fallen down that topsy turvy rabbit hole just yet though we are indeed on that slippery slope.

HERE is my honest appraisal,. SOME woman can be MORE toxic than men and are more adept at manipulating than men are BUT there are bad men that like to control woman out there.

Will Smith and his wife Jada are neither of these thing's.

Men and Woman are equal, men are stronger in some areas and woman in others.

Usually this mutual balancing makes a good team.

But we are living in a crackpot age were WOMAN are saying and being told they can do ANYTHING a man can do and some of them can, sadly this goes the other way as well and our society is full of men that want to be woman these day's.

This is not without harm to HUMANITY, our birth rates are on the verge of cataclysmic collapse and we have already passed the danger point that will tip western society's into Chaos in as little as twenty to thirty years and definitely within fifty years were our society will simply not have enough children to sustain our economy's and they will then face collapse because of this, the problem is NOT and never was an aging population the problem is taking woman out of Mother hood, reducing men's wages so they can not support there family's and breaking apart the family unit all of which was done by an elite of ridiculous morons that think they can reshape society in the aftermath into there own ideal form - BUT WHAT SOCIETY there wont' be one after there bloody crackpot scheme comes to fruition.

WAKE the hell up will you and smell the ashes and stop wallowing in your misguided self righteous judgemental attitudes like SHEEP.

Oh and before someone tried to make out I am a chauvinist STOP, I had one parent a MOTHER who was all the parent I needed and she suffered her whole life and worked despite being disabled AND had nine of us and two abusive scum bag husband's, SHE was stronger than them and one of the best, most decent and honest people you could ever meet, she was a better driver than most men as well AND had a far stronger will than any man I have met so before you even try that one sorry I am NOT I am merely speaking about the societal ramifications and making an observation on how brainwashed some of you seem to be, we are all entitled to our opinions I get that but still you either did not understand me or we are on different planets or something and everything is all pink and fluffy on yours and a lot less pleasant in my world.

But honestly come off it.

I have always been a gentleman, give up my seat for the elderly and indeed woman or anyone whom even looked more tired than me, Lived from a generation were woman mostly raised there kid's and went back to work AFTER raising there family's or even During raising there family's but still had more than two and a half kid's (men were paid more because they worked for there family's to raise there kid's and support there family that is gone and rather than being equal rights it is actually a complete undermining of society since most single men were actually paid less and married men with children often got paid more for the same job back then) to a generation were woman are having kid's later in life (Unhealthy kid's as well because of that) AFTER pursuing there careers, having at most one and a half kid's and today broken family unit's are the norm which is also bad for the kid's psychology, what a bad generation it is, selfish entitled and whittles moron's, the ONLY investment that matters is FAMILY.

Once again Will was just defending his family and didn't he used to be friends with the comedian guy once upon a time or was that just a screen relationship.

edit on 2-4-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 06:10 PM
Anyone believing this was real and not acting really needs to look in the mirror .

They are ACTORS.

If his actor wife was that bothered about her bald noggin ,like most women would be I am sure she could have wore a wig

The swearing was not cool though,. Watch the slap again very slowly , I used to do the same trick to a workmate in the pub when I was young by pretending I headbutted him .all slight of hand or in my case a foot stamp .

But I am no actor and never won a Oscar for my performance ,just for lolz

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Actually good point, there was a YouTube video analysing the body language were they believe it was set up, I actually think it was genuine however but that is just an opinion and your point is very good and shared by very many out there.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767
Much ado about nothing.

The pic I posted near the bottom of page 1 shows Jada doesn't have a hair loss problem at the moment. Will wasn't defending that, he even laughed at the joke before seeing her roll her eyes at what was a pretty tame joke.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I am shocked that people are buying this as real. Smith could hardly keep a straight face after the event .if not for this happening the Oscars would have passed unnoticed by the world .yet the writer of father Ted,and little Brittan gets cancelled by the woke mob for standing up for women's rights ,his story was in the mail online today he lost everything ,wife kids work and friends all for a online spat

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: wdkirk

Nero allegedly played the violin, while Rome was burning.

I am sure it didn't happen this way in reality, but it's still a good metaphor.

Celebrities slapping each other is trivial compared to what BIG things are happening in the world. What the governments and shadow governments are doing to people, how people are suffering before starving to death, how children are working in sweatshops, how animals are systematically and brutally murdered so other animals can eat (I can't call anyone eating flesh a 'human being'), actual WARS are being waged, homeless people are living in the streets, people are committing suicides, many live in depression, anxiety, horrible diseases, constant pain, comas, paralyzed, paraplegic, insane, feminist... the list goes on.

So some guy slaps another guy makes the headlines everywhere, and everyone must comment on it, while all this and more (crime gangs, triads, mobs, street fights, riots, volcano eruptions, people losing their homes) is going on.

This tells a lot about people and the whole 'celebrity' phenomenon, as well as the superficiality of people's attention span, and how manipulatable people have become. The unwashed masses are like malleable clay that can be pointed to any direction TPTB wants, so they can do their evil business in the shadows.

Violence is always wrong - I am sure you can come up with 'extreme case' where I would have to disagree, but I still think it's always wrong. I mean, pushing someone to avoid someone else being stabbed seems morally correct, but violence should never be considered a solution to anything.

There are many layers, a lot of hypocrisy and confusion about this whole event with the celebrities. Chris Rock kept laughing like a maniac while Will approached him, when he should've instead tried to take control of the situation, done something surprising, at least protected his body with his hands instead of keeping them behind his back, at least ask him what is he doing walking towards me, something. But nope, he just kept laughing, which would of course just irritate Will more.

It's weird, how Will seemed to just enjoy and laugh at the joke, while the woman had a 'if looks could kill' on her face. Then suddenly Will became violent.

If a poor man did this to a rich man, the poor man would be in jail. If a white man had done this to a black man, the man would be in jail. Women are strong and independent, need men like fish need bicycle, can do anything man can do and better and in high heels, are not the weaker sex, and gender is just a social construct; and YET, women need a man to slap another man if that other man DARES to compare her to someone generally regarded as 'strong and capable woman', jokingly.

Women are stronger than men, but they can't be roasted like men, they can't handle being joked about like men can.

What would have happened, if Chris Rock had been a woman, although gender is just a social construct; would Will be in jail?

I mean, so much hypocrisy about this whole thing, I can't even list it all.

When one considers the woman's behaviour and 'boyfriends' and 'open relationship' and all that, it's really peculiar how Will doesn't react or slap any guy for a much heavier involvement, but a 'mild joke' makes him actually get physically violent.

There are so many perspectives to this, so many ways you can think about all this, it's hard to put it all to words. I watched a documentary about a man's legs being blown off by a drone, seemingly an innocent man, doing nothing wrong. Can you imagine that happening to you? Minding your own business, and BLAM! suddenly you're half deaf and your legs are somewhere else.

The picture of the lobotomy victim still haunts me - how she looked so normal, nice and happy in the 'before' photo, and she looked like a robotic ghost with a forced grin and empty eyes afterwards. I can't forget that picture no matter how I try, it's scary and the most disturbing image I have ever seen.

I have watched documentaries about how cows are poked in their EYES with sharp sticks just to get them moving, although they're exhausted and have no muscle power (after all, 'meat animals' do not get much exercize).

I have seen a video that was so horrible, I can't even tell here what it contained, but let's just say it left me quite traumatized and I wish to this day I had never seen it.

I saw a documentary about young, homeless kids sniffing glue and fainting in Manila traffic in the exhaustion fumes and danger of being run over by cars, and no one helped those kids.

The child deaths and injuries from the fireworks factories, where third-world country kids assemble your 4th of July fireworks and all that, are also something to worry about in my opinion.

A rich celebrity slapping another rich celebrity doesn't seem that big a deal, contrasting with other things we can know about what's going on in this world.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

To answer the actual question (kinda forgot)..

..I don't think it's 'our' business to 'forgive'. The Christ told us that if Will Smith slaps us on one cheek, we should turn the other. Chris Rock handled the situation very admirably and professionally, didn't even verbally attack or ask 'what's wrong with you', like I probably would've done. I could not have handled the situation as well as he did, I respect him tremendously for his patience and ability to restrain his reactions; I know I would be in 'red zone' at that kind of a situation.

However, only he can forgive or not forgive what was done to him. We can only observe.

We shouldn't judge, though, as we were told to 'judge not, lest thee be judged', or something like that. We don't know what's going on in these rich celebrities' heads.

This incident proves one thing, though; wealth, fame, money and celebrity status, oscars, awards, being a film star - does NOT make you happy.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Actually good point, there was a YouTube video analysing the body language were they believe it was set up

Why would they bring in BELIEFS, if they're trying to ANALYZE something? That's a false premise right there, to start analyzing something, expecting a certain result.

I have seen a video analyzing the woman's body language, and the analyst there was convinced she did NOT know that joke was coming, her body language changed so drastically and realistically. Will DID look like he was about to burst to laughter afterwards, but that can happen for multiple different reasons, one might be that he was about to burst to tears, or he was feeling cocky and victorious after all that adrenaline rush, finally being able to do something 'badass' for real instead of always pretending, like in the movies.

I don't think it was staged, because Chris looked so unprepared. However, I would like to see the slap in slow motion to see if Chris started moving backwards a bit just before the slap started to happen, as if anticipating something like that, 'rolling with the punch', in a way.

It is a weird thing, but also, probably the most trivial 'big news' we could have, thinking of all the things happening in the world right now.

Yeah, the joke was pretty lame, but we've seen comedians deliver much lamer and more insulting jokes - it was nothing special, and definitely didn't deserve a slap. Of course in my opinion, no joke deserves a slap, as no matter how 'heinous' a joke seems to be, ultimately, it's just sound waves in the air, while violence can always be dangerous and life-changing. You can't know if even a slight slap can somehow cause nerve damage or how someone will react, perhaps they will get startled and accidentally dislocate something or jerk in a weird way that causes some kind of spasm or whatnot.

Chris could've fallen and damaged his head or his heart could've reacted in a weird way. He could've fainted, which might have lead to a coma or he could've broken his leg and lost a lot of blood. His system could go to a shock after something unexpected and violent like that.

You don't know, so don't slap anyone!

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

If my husband had done that, I would have been mortified.


Let me be clear. There is a time and place for my husband to defend me, and I know perfectly well he is fully willing to. But to rush the stage at a public ceremony like that? Over a mild joke, even if it's one that was unintentionally hurtful, that isn't the place or the reason to do it. And if he ever did, I would be terribly embarrassed.
edit on 2-4-2022 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2022 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Now I agree with you in the way you have put that, it was idiotic and probably fuelled by either already being inebriated or possibly high on something as when you point it out like that it really was not rational.

(Also while I don't publicise it I am a bit of a pacifist myself albeit one by nature not by choice and would likely have spoken to the guy sternly rather than hit him).

edit on 3-4-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
Like calling Heidi Cruz ugly or Michelle Obama a man?

If Ted or Barry are feeling it, they're either one welcome to go mano e mano. A significant point that has been (probably intentionally) neglected by most folks discussing this is that most of us knuckle draggers who didn't see anything wrong with the idea of Will Smith going five across the eyes on Chris Rock also wouldn't have seen any fault in Rock defending himself like a man.

posted on Apr, 4 2022 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

It would've been so much more epic if Jada had been the one to march up n the stage and slap the # out Chris Rock, and yelled "Keep my name outta your #ing mouth!"

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