posted on Mar, 31 2022 @ 01:32 PM
I am easily irritated, but on the other hind, easy-going in personality. This kind of inner conflict is the reason for a lot of inner turmoil
There seems to be increasing amount of people, corporations, media and other entities that always go for the 'current thing', no questions asked.
Everyone is told to wear masks, every time you hop on a bus, you have to listen to the opressive drivel, 'passengers are required to wear a mask in
public transport'.
Yeah, 'required', what does that mean legally speaking? Nothing. It's just empty rhetoric. I can require every ATS user to wear a clown nose, but
it means absolutely nothing, as it doesn't create an obligation. Also, things like 'passenger' being very specifically defined should raise an
eyebrow, as well as how some 'audio notification' can create obligations (it can't), and so on. People tend to be sheeple, so they believe whatever
some audio message in a bus tells them - thankfully, I see many rebel faces, who do not care, and when you look at bus drivers, 90% of the time (if
not more often) they are not wearing any mask on their face whatsoever.
No bus driver has ever stopped me because I am not wearing a mask, and I can only recall ONE 'mask-enforcing-incident' throughout these annoying
years, where a librarian came to me and timidly said, holding a mask, "the order came from the top that we're supposed to tell you to wear these".
It was such a weak, roundabout way of 'asking me to wear a mask', I almost felt sorry for the guy that was clearly not used to telling people what
to do (librarians are usually not the most commanding people you can meet). Of course, I just nodded and told him I will only be a short while,
returning some books, and took the mask and put (and left) it on a table. It never even came near my face.
Now, the world has gone crazy, as it was supposed to during ending times - if these are not the weirdest and the most 'ending times' in this
planet's history, I don't know what are. I don't mind it as long as I can just be an observer, as long as I can just look at the crazy river go by
from some nice river bank (I hate that this word has so many connotations).
But when they start using MY wallet to virtue-signal, it goes too far.
There's a corporation that sent me a letter that they're going to raise prices because of Ukraine, because they no longer deal with Russia (so they
can't buy a cheap thing, so they have to buy something more expensive, so WE, the clients, customers and users, have to pay!)
These prices are not going up a few cents or a dollar, they're a confusing, hard-to-calculate system that probably makes me have to bay even around
50 dollars more every time, if not more.
So now, suddenly, 50 dollars is GONE from my wallet for getting NOTHING in return but a corporation an opportunity to virtue-signal!
I mean, if I have to listen to some non-legally-binding rhetoric on a bus, and see sheeple obey that crap, that's one thing.
If I have to start PAYING ACTUAL MONEY just so some corporate entity can say "our hands are clean, because we support Ukraine and we don't buy from
Russia", it's going too far!
Why can't I, the customer, the paying, god damn customer, have a choice in the matter? Why can they just raise prices, just like that, without any
consent from the customer?
Sure, I can end the contract, but then I would have to go through the hassle of finding another corporation, which would probably just end up doing
something similar, if not exactly the same, anwyay, and as we ALL should know at this point, there IS no 'competition' in the modern world, there
are only CARTELS and TPTB that dictates everything from the top down.
There's no honest choice anymore, there's no 'If Jill is being a c*nt, I will buy from Jack's store'-type choice anymore.
The old 'cell phone mess' from the early 2000s was a good example; instead of HONESTLY COMPETING and bringing the prices down, cell phone
corporations and operators started selling _REALLY_ convoluted and confusing messes that almost NO ONE could figure out the cheapest prices of, so
everyone could keep prices high and profit, because customers were CONFUSED and couldn't calculate the cheapest option.
It's the same thing with everything, so just changing corporations wouldn't really be the answer, it wouldn't help, and since there are
corporations that have monopoly on certain structures and 'infrastructure' type things, it would be useless anyway.
Damn I hate these modern times; at least in the past, you could just have your political (or any kind of) opinion and it wouldn't matter in your
everyday life, it was separated, it was a 'political discussion' and 'personal life', completely separately.
Now they force us to mix things, and I really don't like it. I have to now pay and pay actual money just so they can keep spewing the completely
opposite opinion than what I have, and I DO NOT want to support anyone or anything that loudly screams: "Look, I support the CURRENT THING!!11", no
matter if that 'current thing' is right or wrong, because it's not only a dangerous, but a stupid and expensive path to walk on.
I wouldn't want anyone to give me money for my political opinion, either, I want every political opinion to be FREE of bribery, money, virtue
signaling and all that, but when our EVERYDAY payments are being HEAVILY affected, and we are being forced to pay for their virtue signaling, the
world has gone too far.
I am so angry about this, I don't know what to do, but there are so many OTHER annoying things going on in my life, my energy and patience are both
stretched incredibly thin.
In any case, this was my RANT about the current world's most irritating symptom; HAVING TO PAY FOR THEIR VIRTUE SIGNALING!
I hope someone else sees the insanity of all this as well.