"Dead Microbiologist Kelly
Was Chief At Porton Down
From Nico Haupt
Global Free Press
As GFP found out (last week), ...Kelly was more than just an "adviser to the Foreign Office". From 1984-1992 he was Head of Microbiology at the
Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment, Porton Down.
Kelly was also among the hardliners who claimed that Iraq had WMD. In October 2001, Kelly claimed, that in 1985, Iraq obtained Anthrax through a mail
order of Virginia-based American Type Culture Collection.
It was not obvious if Kelly was indeed the BBC Source.
Kelly took also part in all trilateral visits to the former Soviet Union, Russia, the US and the UK. He was Senior Advisor on Biological Weapons to
UNSCOM from 1994--99, and led and participated in many inspections in Iraq from 1991--98.
From 1984-1992 Kelly was Head of Microbiology at the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment, Porton Down.
Porton Down, controversial for their Chemical Warfare Experimental Stations from the 20s to the 50s, was also able to obtain the Anthrax Spores, which
had been used in the October 2001 attacks.
Porton Down, directly, and the CIA, indirectly, received their samples of the particular anthrax spores used in the attacks from the US Army Medical
Research Institute of Infections Diseases at Fort Detrick, about 50 miles north of Washington.
Since the First World War, the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment at Porton Down carried out experiments on volunteers to understand better
the effects of chemical agents that might be used against British troops in warfare and improve protective measures.
In the 90s, Porton Down's cooperation with the British Government became stronger again and ended basically in a merger:
By 1991 the Chemical Defence Establishment of Porton Down became the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment and was one of the six new Defence
Support Agencies. In 1995, the Establishment became part of the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA), an executive agency of MOD evolved in
1994 from proposals of the "Front Line First Defence Cost Studies.
In 2001, DERA split into two organisations: QinetiQ, a private company, and DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory), which remains an agency
of MOD. Porton Down is now known as DSTL, Porton Down.
Today, Dstl delivers defence research, specialist technical services and the ability to track global technological developments.
In July 2002, the Carlyle Group took a 34% stake in QinetiQ."
A conspiracy just isn't the same these days if it doesn't involve the Carlyle Group.
Copied from a message board:
"David Kelly's death is consistent with a modified version of the anthrax cover-up theories purveyed by banned freeper "The Great Satan". Kelly
was head of microbiology at Porton Down in August 1988, when Iraq tried to acquire the Ames anthrax strain there. Officially, those requests were
refused. But who knows what happened off the record?
That was the year in which the Iran-Iraq war finally ended. It seems that in 1987 Iran was winning, so the West decided to back Iraq unreservedly. The
war turned around for Iraq, and on 8 August 1988, Iran agreed to a ceasefire, partly out of fear of Iraq's unconventional weapons.
So here is the scenario. The decision was made by someone - I won't guess who, or how many were in the loop - to covertly assist Iraq's nascent WMD
programs, going so far as to allow Iraq to acquire some of the leftovers of Western biowarfare research. At the time, this was seen merely as
"playing hardball" with Iran. No-one imagined how much trouble *Iraq* would go on to cause, and certainly no-one imagined that thirteen years later,
those same leftovers would be showing up in the mailbag at Capitol Hill. So the anthrax letters had to be dissociated from 9/11; and David Kelly had
to be killed before he give away the reason why."
"Kelly left Porton Down in 1992. What the Telegraph fails to mention is that in 1993, according to my notes, Porton Down's anthrax defense program
was privatized by Speywood Holdings, Ltd., and ultimately controlled (through shell companies), by a Saudi (Citibank) investment banker, Fuad El-
Hibri, who is believed to have supplied anthrax "research" samples to Saudi Arabia after Britain refused to do so. El-Hibri also later gained
control of the sole U.S. anthrax vaccine manufacturer, Intervac."
"Kelly's link to Porton Down is interesting, but, like Piasa, I believe it's unlikely that Iraq got the Ames strain with the blessing of either
Britain or the US, but there are certainly many other possibilities.
The interesting fact is that the year after Kelly left Porton Down, the anthrax research facility passed into the hands of a Saudi who is believed to
have furnished anthrax to Saudi Arabia, who was known to be seeking it, purportedly to create a vaccine to defend against Iraq's bioweapons. Given
the Suaid/Wahabbi/Al Quaeda connection, and the fact that many in the House of Saud support terrorism, I can't help thinking that Porton Down is the
key to the anthrax puzzle that the Feds have so busily not solved to date.
I really don't know too much about Kelly, but from a link posted yesterday, he was apparently warning about Iraq's bioweapon program (specifically
anthrax sprayed from planes) in 1998, and yet he admitted to the British inquiry board last week that he "could have said," as the BBC quoted, that
there was only a 30% possibility that Iraq had WMD. Something doesn't jive here -- unless, like other government bureaucrats, he was simply ensuring
his job security with worried comments about Iraq in 1998. (A safe bet, since the U.S. launching war against Iraq under Clinton was almost a
non-certainty under any circumstances.) It's also possible that he sold out to one of Saddam's minions, either recently or long ago."
None of the above is my own opinion, i just thought they raised some interesting points.