posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 06:16 PM
At school today, we were shown a video about this GRAV program. Its supposed to be anti-violence and to teach kids to not fight. However, ithad many
fake numbers such as "A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder" and "Gunshot wounds are the leading cause
of death in boys," in addition to other stuff about gun ownership and how bad guns were. I know these are not true. It also showed Hitler and Nazis
immediately after pictures of shootings and robberies, as if to associate the guns and Nazis. I think all violence is bad unless its justified.
However, I dont think that ALL violence is bad. The video made self defense sound wrong, and that using guns for it is even worse. It seemes a lot
like the Two Minutes Hate from the book 1984, except this was directed against guns and their owners, and lasted 15 minutes. It's a sad thing,
because it was forced on us by our public school and most kids thought self defense and guns were wrong, the other students actually watched the
video, probably because of the blood and gore. Also, why should a school be showing 14 year olds this stuff? Should they really show videos of store
robberies and shootings, or pictures of peaten people? It makes me sick, that our government is trying to make its citizens think this way.
would the government influence children?! They have a right to believe whatever they want, and its up to them to decide, what they want to think. I
have no problem at all if some kid thinks guns are evil. But to have the government make them think that?