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Occult Practices and Military Bases?

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posted on Mar, 28 2022 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I did not call Wiccan's, Satanists.

They are two distinct groups.

My neighbor was a Satanist, not a Wiccan. He had an alter to Satan in his home. Wiccan alters are out of doors normally in a wooded area. The dead animals in the wooded area in our neighborhood, I feel were connected to a Satanist group, definitely not the Wiccans. Satanists are known to be active on military bases and absolutely engage in occult practices.

Most Wiccan's are harmless, I agree. However, some people would call their practices "occult" since they are pagan in origin, and they openly engage in casting spells.

However, I have encountered a group that called itself Wiccan, but definitely was not and engaged in very Satanic practices. Practices involving human blood, something not found in truly Wiccan practices.

Both Wiccans and Satanists were active at one military base I was at and they kept separate from each other.

At the other military base I only knew of Wiccans.

At a third military base was the Wiccan group that definitely engaged in Satanic practices and I don't think really qualified as Wiccan even though that was what they called themselves. This group attempted to keep themselves secret from the military, unlike the other truly Wiccan groups on military bases. Real Wiccan groups don't keep themselves secret from the military and freely and openly worship on designated grounds.

Just like other religions the majority of Wiccans are nice people who wouldn't hurt anyone. But just like other religions there are those who call themselves Wiccans and do harm and engage in harmful and lean toward satanic practices. Which just like in other religions does harm to the vast majority of peaceful and nice people. These groups should not call themselves Wiccan, but some do, just as some crazy groups who call themselves Christians and Muslims (but in reality are not) do great harm to their religion and the very nice and peaceful people who believe in those religions.

edit on 3/28/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: ElGoobero

The Pentagon itself is an occult symbol LMAO.

I dont believe you guys are real conspiracy buffs. This is the most common knowledge. You guys act like you dont know .. Pleeease.. you guys prob a bunch of occult shills yourselves.

edit on 29-3-2022 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 12:57 AM

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

It just appeared so because you brought up both Satanist and Wiccans and made no clear distinction. That's like positive and negative or the difference between water and fire. Why I felt the need to make it clear to the rest of the readers, not especially to you.

I have no issues with it being called occult, as I put no judgement into that word. If it is to describe Pagan practices then I can live with that. Most however think occult = blood and satanist, slaughtering goats and similar. If you ask 10 people on the street, most will come back with the wort Satanist.

Yes of course there are always exceptions. That was what I meant with people coming into Wiccan faith and think it is the same as Paganism, when it isn't. The saying "do what you want but harm none" was perverted by many, by shaking the definition of what "harm" is. I am not Wiccan in faith but I acknowledge the mindset and have a very similar one.

Generally a Wiccan practicing curses isn't following the Rede actually.

These groups should not call themselves Wiccan, but some do, just as some crazy groups who call themselves Christians and Muslims (but in reality are not) do great harm to their religion and the very nice and peaceful people who believe in those religions.

Agreed, it's not my place to tell anyone what they are or are not practicing in faith but like you say such people exist, "perverting" the true natures of these faiths and religions.

It was just important to me that others that are less into the topic, do not get a false impression about Satanist and Wiccans being the only thing they have in common is the descriptor "occult" from externally.

Besides the fact that Christianity lent a big chunk from Pagans anyways. It's almost cynical that there were witches burned on stakes, what is actually a different word for "cross" and the cross or T is a important symbol in Paganism that was integrated into Christianity.

That's why I do not put much into the word occult, because if I think about how people light candles on their birthday cakes and blow them out while making a wish, is comically not seen occult, when it is nothing more than what some refer to candle or fire magic.

Or blowing the seeds from a dandelion into the wind while making a wish is actually a Pagan blessing ritual for nature. Also not seen occult.

Most people have no idea how "occult" they really are in their daily life, I could bring a dozen more examples.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
He and Kenneth Anger probably get together for bridge & S&M on the weekends.

Doubtful, considering he died awhile back.

edit on 29-3-2022 by AugustusMasonicus because: Cooking spirits since 2007

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

It's the same picture.

posted on Mar, 29 2022 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: ElGoobero
I don't think the OP is talking about individual religious practices, but organizational ones.

not unusual for units to have mottos and logos reflecting the supernatural, especially spec warfare types.
examine squadron badges for instance.

intriguing to think of some occult temple in the basement of the Pentagon full of changing generals and admirals appealing to some dark powers
but I don't think it happens.


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