Count Six hundred threescore and six, and you get 3 identical incestuous sisters, because it's 3 making up Six hundred threescore and six. But of a
man or of the beast or of his name, means you get Quadruplets.
The answer to all 6 of these questions is QUADRUPLETS...
1. a mark?
2. the mark?
3. the name of the beast?
4. the number of his name?
5. the number of the beast?
6. the number of a man?
^"name" implies implicate.
For it (incest) is the number of a man. What number is of a man? 3. But 3 of what? Or 3 of Whom? He has 3 identical incestuous sisters of him. 3
female Goddesses + 1 male God = Quadruplets.
And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the number of a man in their right hand, or in their foreheads...
One God and three Goddesses = Quadruplets. Quadruplets run the show.
The biggest clue in Rev 13 was the small word "of." It causes you to put things together. 3 of 1... 3 Goddesses of 1 God... God is the two beasts in
Rev 13. The first beast is his earthly human form, that blasphemies against his other Self. The second beast is his Godly form of ultimate reality.
So who would have thought that we have four Gods instead of two, or four Gods instead of one? No religion has four Gods in it to my knowledge, but
four Gods is the truth, and I am a mystic, that has revealed the OBSCURE. That is something I am supposed to do. The first beast's soul gets absorbed
into the second beast's soul. This is known as the absorption into God. My religion (mysticism) did not tell me plainly that it is four Gods. No, I
had to reveal what was kept obscured from plainly noticing.
This is also why it is in Revelation 13. 1 and 3 make up 13. 1 God and 3 Goddesses revealed at the top of the chapter from the start.
Rev 13 is the only sacred text for the mystic to read and go by. It is put in the book of Revelation, because the rest of the chapters in this book
are to act as an improvise. The rest of the chapters are fiction, but chapter 13 is the only chapter of truth.
edit on 27-3-2022 by
Claymation213 because: (no reason given)