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Military all cause death through he roof.

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posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: captaintyinknots

Is there something wrong with the data?

There’s absolutely no proof in the data that it is vaccine related or intentional. So in that way, yes.

You didn’t answer the question.

I'll answer your question with another question: Why would One World Government need a military?

In other words, you won’t answer the question.

To get to the point of being a one world government, a military would be a necessity.

And after it had been established, it would be imperative to squash dissent and rebellion.

Pretty obvious stuff, tbh.

For a one world government to work there can not be any super powers. Their people wouldn’t stand for it. The USA Russia and Chinese will have to be significantly weaker.


Regardless of what you read here a crap load of conservativeS are vaccinated. So the vaccinations are attacking everyone.

The places that are not vaccinated are going to be culled with a food shortage.

Deaths are up births are down. Believe why you want but until that reverses it’s happening.

The vaccinations don’t work as claimed but they were forced.


posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: captaintyinknots
Answer me these two simple questions:
Why would the government want to kill off it’s own military?

Why would the government want to kill off those that comply with their mandates as opposed to those that refuse?

Seems simple logic does not apply to these claims any more.

I've been asking this for who knows how long. Most of these depopulation conspiracies fall apart because they involve killing of the wealth makers, and leaving the earth to be inherited by people who wouldn't be able to keep any of the institutions that the country depends on running. Let alone to run factories and infrastructure.

You apparently do not understand how this whole thing works.

Imagine that while still in elementary school your career choice was made for you. All your education from that moment on was geared toward making you the best (whatever) they can make you become. They know what jobs they will need filled and they pick and choose who will fill them. You have no say in the matter. Now understand this: the system I just described is already in use as we speak, just not here in the US...yet.

The wealth makers are the elite, not the hourly morloks drudging their days away. While I was at Honeywell CEO Dave Cote said in a company wide meeting that the reason he and the other officers of the company get such large bonuses compared to the rest of us is because the only "real work" happens at their level. What the rest of us do means nothing on the bottom line. He said that in response to a question regarding a promised bonus we never received. The prior year we made record profits. Instead of getting a raise and/or a bonus, we were told a very small raise would be given and the remainder would be held over as protection against downturns in the market which would allow another raise to be given even if business conditions would not warrant a raise at that time. The very next year there was a downturn in business. Instead of getting the other half of our raise, we got no raise, no bonus, and a two week unpaid furlough. That is what happens when you accept a promise for future security in exchange for what you have already earned.

Government will expend the least effort and expense killing off the percentage of the population it needs to rid itself of. If you have half your population willing to kill themselves for you, you take advantage of it. The rest will do what they are told, or else. Why waste the bullets and destroy your image when half your people will commit suicide for you and you can claim you had no idea it was going to happen? Face it, if you saw your government kill all the people who refuse to comply with their mandates, what exactly would your response be? Would you cheer for them? Would you trust them? Would it matter? No. When they show up at your door and tell you where to go and what to do, or else, you will do it because that is who you are. You went along with all the ridiculous mandates. They already know you will comply.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: captaintyinknots

Some are more perceptive than others in life...

For those with curious and suspicious minds, when General Milley, Chairman of Joint Chiefs I think, called the Chinese to advise them if we were planning any military actions (or however he worded it), that set off red flags regarding to whom he is loyal....

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: captaintyinknots

You said

Please show me ANY solid evidence that the US plans to lie down to Chinese rule.

"The US"? It's not "the US" , it's the greasy, CORRUPT traitors that have infiltrated the US gov't, and it's not like they are going to hold a press conference to tell you what they are doing. You have to look, beyond the MSM, if you're willing.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: captaintyinknots

Some are more perceptive than others in life...

For those with curious and suspicious minds, when General Milley, Chairman of Joint Chiefs I think, called the Chinese to advise them if we were planning any military actions (or however he worded it), that set off red flags regarding to whom he is loyal....
Actually, it’s fairly normal. It’s known as diplomacy.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: captaintyinknots

You said

Please show me ANY solid evidence that the US plans to lie down to Chinese rule.

"The US"? It's not "the US" , it's the greasy, CORRUPT traitors that have infiltrated the US gov't, and it's not like they are going to hold a press conference to tell you what they are doing. You have to look, beyond the MSM, if you're willing.

That is not evidence. Please provide some.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

They know what jobs they will need filled and they pick and choose who will fill them

But they've already killed off most of the people capable of doing those things. In the 20 or so years that it's going to train the new people to do them the elite will have starved to death in their rundown mansions that are devoid of power or water because everyone who knew how to do anything is dead.

the system I just described is already in use as we speak, just not here in the US...yet.

Where, and please don't say red China, because I just came from there and it's very much not the case?

The wealth makers are the elite

No, the elite are the people who own stock in the companies that the wealth makers run. When was the last time you saw Hillary Clinton or George Soros actually create a product for sale, or set up a small business?

What the rest of us do means nothing on the bottom line

Without "us" there is no bottom line. Unless Hillary Clinton wants to flip burgers and run the register you're looking at a future with no retail food outlets. That alone could collapse a sizable portion of the economy. And whose going to make the shiny cars that she likes to ride around in? Some illiterate gang banger from downtown whose to lazy to get themselves vaxxed?

The rest will do what they are told, or else.

But you've just killed the productive half of the population, the people who are left are lazy and stupid, and even if you were to put a gun to their head they wouldn't know where to start when it came to firing up a power plant or how to turn grain into bread.

The form of depopulation that you envisage would leave America populated by people who simply couldn't keep the country going, they don't have the education or the experience, or even the will to do it.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Salander
a reply to: captaintyinknots

Some are more perceptive than others in life...

For those with curious and suspicious minds, when General Milley, Chairman of Joint Chiefs I think, called the Chinese to advise them if we were planning any military actions (or however he worded it), that set off red flags regarding to whom he is loyal....

This is standard practice. In fact it's part of several different treaties.

You tell them what you're doing and when so that they know that it's not targeting them.

Both America and Russia regularly inform each other over things like space launches so that the other knows that it's not a missile aimed at them.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: captaintyinknots

Umm, the military is used for international disputes, dissent in a one government scenario would be handled by the police. No guns allowed for us, so who needs missiles? There will be no need for a Navy or Air Force at all, except for an alien invasion. Either way the numbers needed would be vastly smaller. Pretty obvious stuff, tbh.

So, in this scenario, the government murders the entire military PRIOR to establishing a one world government, and still succeeds. How does that work?

Nobody said the ENTIRE military is going to die. It will be weakened substantially. Do you really think that the U.S. government, OUR government, is going to be the one to establish the NWO? Ever heard of China? That far off place that owns Biden and the entire left? The one that owns Fauci and the CDC? A weak U.S. military is step one.

Just came form there, China doesn't want to rule the world, China doesn't think that it's worth the hassle of being responsible for so many squabbling people.

China's aim is to stand on the outside and to sell things to the rest of the world.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

China doesn't want to rule the world. "China" told you that? That's some impressive access you've got there.


posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Your entire response is a whole bunch of assumptions, nothing more.

I don't know what you do for a living, but most on the job training now is a few weeks at best. Most production jobs are computerized, which means you teach the monkey which buttons to push and in what order. I have been in R&D nearly my entire career, and I have seen the trained chimps come and go by the dozens. The lower level jobs are a few hours of training, and a manual to follow. Having been in charge of the plant safety program I can tell you with absolute certainty that on most of the lower level jobs the biggest part of the training is on the safety procedures and equipment.

Sorry, but China among others, is guilty as charged. See the attached article for more information.

Specifically, education was called upon to produce, on the one hand, zealous revolutionaries ready to rebel against the old society and fight to establish a new order and, at the same time, to bring up a new generation of skilled workers and technical personnel to take up the multitudinous tasks of development and modernization.


Without "us" there is no bottom line.

Wrong again. Without 'someone' there is no bottom line. If you think any individual is important you are seriously wrong. "Who" means absolutely nothing. Your name is Anonymous Buttonpusher. Your only value is in the idea that there is a shortage of trained monkeys. There is always another anonymous buttonpusher in line hoping for a chance to do what you do. You aren't special, you are just ahead of the next guy in line.

But you've just killed the productive half of the population, the people who are left are lazy and stupid

No, we killed off the democrats. The productive part of society is still there. And when the free stuff stops coming even the laziest of the lazy will do what he is told. You are under the impression this is all voluntary. Its not. Not at that point. You do what you are told or you get eaten, gang banger or not.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: captaintyinknots

You said

Please show me ANY solid evidence that the US plans to lie down to Chinese rule.

"The US"? It's not "the US" , it's the greasy, CORRUPT traitors that have infiltrated the US gov't, and it's not like they are going to hold a press conference to tell you what they are doing. You have to look, beyond the MSM, if you're willing.

That is not evidence. Please provide some.

Here's a good place to start - Biden is in the White House now and, barely a year and a half after the fact nobody in the administration will talk about Tony Bobulinski. His story was smeared as "Russian disinfo" - a lie perpetrated by dozens in federal agencies and the democrats in Congress. A FACT admitted recently by the New York Times.

That's just one - you're on your own if you care enough to look around. Otherwise you're welcome to remain in the dark. Your choice.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: captaintyinknots

You said

Please show me ANY solid evidence that the US plans to lie down to Chinese rule.

"The US"? It's not "the US" , it's the greasy, CORRUPT traitors that have infiltrated the US gov't, and it's not like they are going to hold a press conference to tell you what they are doing. You have to look, beyond the MSM, if you're willing.

That is not evidence. Please provide some.

Here's a good place to start - Biden is in the White House now and, barely a year and a half after the fact nobody in the administration will talk about Tony Bobulinski. His story was smeared as "Russian disinfo" - a lie perpetrated by dozens in federal agencies and the democrats in Congress. A FACT admitted recently by the New York Times.

That's just one - you're on your own if you care enough to look around. Otherwise you're welcome to remain in the dark. Your choice.

The bidens are crooked. Like all politicians.

That is still not evidence of your claim.

Keep trying, though. If you ish hard enough, maybe you can manifest some.
edit on 23-3-2022 by captaintyinknots because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

I made a mega thread on this a while back, about 3 seperate whistle blowers coming forward with the DMED data.

The dod changed the data to make it look better, but that won't hold up forever, since they new data makes it look like the military is the sickest group of people in the world, when the truth is it's the opposite, at least until 2021.

After all our discussions you are still using the same old disinformation lines word for word? lol

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: captaintyinknots

I've no interest in connecting the dots for you, it's glaringly obvious that you're afraid of what they would show.

Stay comfy my friend.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: captaintyinknots

I've no interest in connecting the dots for you, it's glaringly obvious that you're afraid of what they would show.

Stay comfy my friend.

And as such, you’re admitting that you cannot provide that which you claim.

Fringe theory.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: captaintyinknots
Answer me these two simple questions:
Why would the government want to kill off it’s own military?

Why would the government want to kill off those that comply with their mandates as opposed to those that refuse?

Seems simple logic does not apply to these claims any more.

The order to vaccinate the military came from a Chinese operative.
Maybe that's why.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: VinMan

originally posted by: captaintyinknots
Answer me these two simple questions:
Why would the government want to kill off it’s own military?

Why would the government want to kill off those that comply with their mandates as opposed to those that refuse?

Seems simple logic does not apply to these claims any more.

The order to vaccinate the military came from a Chinese operative.
Maybe that's why.

Dare I ask for proof of this claim?

Such requests tend to go unrequited around here…

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: underpass61
a reply to: captaintyinknots

You said

Please show me ANY solid evidence that the US plans to lie down to Chinese rule.

"The US"? It's not "the US" , it's the greasy, CORRUPT traitors that have infiltrated the US gov't, and it's not like they are going to hold a press conference to tell you what they are doing. You have to look, beyond the MSM, if you're willing.

I honestly don’t think this person would get it if there were a press conference.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: watchandwait410

originally posted by: pronto

originally posted by: watchandwait410
a reply to: anonentity
"It's vaccine aids" ...give me a break.

G,day it was never a vaccine, or was it.
it was/is in effect a dna modifier
so to follow that line of reasoning
yes it is a vaccine
a vaccine designed to cull the population by
public consent
no one else can.

Do you really think that little of the Government that you think they would kill the people that took the vaccine on purpose? With Capitalism you need people to buy your crap. Yes we are sheep but the Shepard is nothing without his flock.

Absolutely they will. It's called thinning the herd.
Just history repeating itself.

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