posted on Mar, 31 2005 @ 03:16 PM
I asked this in the "A serious question"(or something like that) thread, but I decided to start a new thread.
Anyway, I Googeled for Area 51 and found this site that said:
"The facility and surrounding areas are also associated -- with varying levels of credibility -- with UFO and conspiracy stories. In 1989, Bob Lazar
claimed on a Las Vegas television station that he had worked with alien spacecraft at Papoose Lake, south of Area 51. Since then, "Area 51" has
become a popular symbol for the alleged U.S. Government UFO cover-up."
Now, if this is what the aliens-at-area-51 theories are based on, they aren't really that credible are they, since Lazar doesn't seem to have much
credibillity? Is there anything else, besides eyewitess(people who worked there) accounts that supports the aliens-at-area-51 theory?