I will say that over here in the US not very mamy Libertarians like Rand Paul or Tulsi Gabbard.
A lot of Libertarians, especially those who like to believe they are socialist Libertarians are gatekeepers and purity testers. They will 100% refuse
to vote for someone who is Democrat or Republican to the point where even if a politician used to be a
Democrat or Republican, they
will refuse to ever acknowledge that a former Democrat or Republican could ever be a Libertarian. They don't like Justin Amash either even though he
is now a Libertarian, he used to be a Republican. Or even Ron Paul for that matter because he's a Repiblican.
They complain about ballot access laws and then get pissy when someone runs as a Republican because it's easier to get into office as a Republican
than it will ever be anytime soon as a Libertarian.
We are making strides in local and state elections though.
The Libertarian Party is supposed to be a cause pushing to reduce authoritarianism and move closer to Minarchy or as close to Anarchy as is
reasonable, but the amount of squabbling you see between the "left" and the "right" is still visibly apparent in the Libertarian Party.
The socialist Libertarians like to view themselves as continuing the socialist leftist ideas that are common in Europe, tend to push for globalism,
and as much as they like to say they are anarcho-communist or anarcho-socialist they do a hell of a lot of simping for authoritarian measures
regardless of how much they deny it.
They see the people who are Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Austrian economic supporters as conservative trash, Neo/Nazis, racists, homo/transphobes, and
bigots in general, but for the most part they are baseless accusations and they will do anything to hold on to whatever useless or potential power
they've wasted.
They've turned the party into a social club, and are mad that people who actually care about liberty are "taking over."
They dom't even put up a fight. They just make loud, egotistical departures.
Nick Sarwalk famously said the LP belongs to those who show up. Well, people started showing up and putting in work and they aren't the socialist
The socialist Libertarians here just complain and do nothing and then fail to try and understand why people are disastisfied with the stagnation and
circle jerking over nothing really being done.
Those who are in the Mises Caucus or "Mises friendly" are showing up, actually putting in work, and putting their money where their mouth is.
There is a lot of hypocrisy coming from the "left-leaning" Libertarians. They accuse the MC members and those associated with them of all these
terrible things, of violating the NAP, and yet they turn a blind eye to their own bad actors and things they do.
edit on 22-3-2022 by AutomateThis1v2 because: typography