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Aliens are man made

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posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 12:50 AM
Theories will enslave us. Consider this one: If, as is now widely supposed the 'aliens' or Extratestrial Biological Entities EBE's are creations specifically designed for space travel, could they not be earth-made?
Phillip Corso's book is one nicely crafted piece of work. Anyone here read it? His theory is the Roswell crash aliens, lacking any digestive and excretory systems were creations.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 12:56 AM
A good twist on things.

Did you find his book to carry good evidence of research?

I find the term 'creations' interesting, rather than 'manufactured products'. Sounds more God-like.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 12:58 AM
Hmm, I strongly believe that aliens and humans have thousands of years of contact, until maybe around 34,000 years ago, when something happened, there's enough evidence to support this , but no one is coming forward.

[Edited on 7/18/2003 by FoxStriker]

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 01:02 AM
that's an interesting turn on the old 'humans are made by aliens' idea. I can't think of anything that can directly argue against that, as human scientists routinely create new species from genetic material gathered from various animals... So it seems 'doable' for them to take human dna and make a 'humanoid' who would be more comfortable in space (let's say it's more resistant to the effects of zero G or uses less air/food, etc.).

My only objection is that, if you're not going to send a human somewhere, why not use a robot instead of creating a super-human? Even the best bio-engineered creature will not be able to withstand the environmental rigors that a robot can... and robots don't cause the public unease that bio-engineering does? Even a 'creation' who needs to breathe once a minute will still need to breathe... he'll still need a cockpit plus life support systems... whereas a major advantage of robots is that they don't need all that.

So far as alien digestion goes, it has long been rumored that they metabolize through skin contact with nutrients. Even a bio-engineered creature wil still need to replenish its energy from time to time.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 01:03 AM
Not that bad of an idea. If we cannot withstand the hardships of space... why not create things that can.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by GiantsFan
Not that bad of an idea. If we cannot withstand the hardships of space... why not create things that can.

Spirit, Opportunity, and Beagle2 are en route to Mars right now...

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 03:22 PM
Existing computers cannot make the independent decisions that an organic brain is capable of. It is necessary to have a self-aware thinker with experiences and a need for self preservation to conduct missions out of contact with some sort of ground control. Hence, a human brain, operating with much more efficiency than millions of transistors is optimal for long distance travel.
I hope that's clear.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 03:23 PM
WOO HOO!!! I'm not a newbie anymore!

(just noticed that)

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:40 AM
Does that mean the Greys are gathering dna for the purpose of some black project. to help us enter space travel? Greys seem to use women for genetic breeding, a better self aware computer? I understand what your thinking but I'm thinking that would make who ever is in charge then worse then the Nazi concentration camps experimentations. But would be backed up with knowledge of past crimes our government has done in the past of using civilians for their own reason without consent. It would also perhaps explain the presence seen by those Taken of military people.



posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 05:26 PM
Michael G- Computers may not be as incapable as you think. I read a great deal on AI and at MIT there is a computer that actually makes decisions and thinks. This one I read about has the mind of a 6 month old baby, however it gets smarter and learns quicker all the time. This may not seem like much, but the simple fact that the computer is thinking for itself is a huge step forward. If we are told about a computer capable of this, I wouldnt be surprised if there are computers out there that can think like humans or even better. I will try to find a link to that computer I was refering to.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by MichaelG
WOO HOO!!! I'm not a newbie anymore!

(just noticed that)

OOO!! Free posts!!


Well, the thing with biological useage in this case is that they have a much better thinking capibiltiy. As for still needing energy, it wouldn't matter because of the speed of the craft (UFOs). They would be there and back without needing the amount of energy you must be thinking of. Then to add to that, I would say that UFOs are ours once again....

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by who
Michael G- Computers may not be as incapable as you think. I read a great deal on AI and at MIT there is a computer that actually makes decisions and thinks. This one I read about has the mind of a 6 month old baby, however it gets smarter and learns quicker all the time. This may not seem like much, but the simple fact that the computer is thinking for itself is a huge step forward. If we are told about a computer capable of this, I wouldnt be surprised if there are computers out there that can think like humans or even better. I will try to find a link to that computer I was refering to.

Not within a hundred years will a mechanical computer begin to think and process information like a human. Good software and a couple of fast processors can produce a nifty facsimile, but the immense cognitive ability of the human brain is staggering. The best mainframes and super-computers cannot withstand the amount of information input a human brain deals with constantly. We are not aware of this input due to a function in our brain that filters data, otherwise we would go nuts. The human (and for that matter animal) brain can respond to stimulus our consciousness is not aware of, ie: intuition and instinct. Serious deep space exploration by computers and machines is limited to snapping some photos and transmitting back to Earth, and eventually, the time-lag gets to be a problem.

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Trader

Theories will enslave us. Consider this one: If, as is now widely supposed the 'aliens' or Extratestrial Biological Entities EBE's are creations specifically designed for space travel, could they not be earth-made?
Phillip Corso's book is one nicely crafted piece of work. Anyone here read it? His theory is the Roswell crash aliens, lacking any digestive and excretory systems were creations.

Not, Naught, Naw't, Knot,
It is much more likely that Man is Alien Made.
Look at the stamp on your butt!
It reads Made in Aliena

tut tut

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 12:53 PM
Theres not much i believe in but , i know that aliens are man our minds tho( well in mine anyway)
but i do love a cool movie about being from other planets


posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 04:47 PM
I didnt mean that computers will surpass all abilities of humans, however there are ways they already are smarter than us. Take math and the calulations needed for takeoff and landing. No person can calculate as quickly as a computer. Although this isnt intelligence and is programming, it shows that machines are getting smarter and will surpass humans. I dont think it will take 100 years or more, I think it is much closer than that.

I dont mean to sound like the terminator movies are about to come true, that wasnt my intention.

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 07:33 PM
BTW, here's an interesting article where it's argued that Aliens might in fact be more like cyborgs.


Aliens more like Arnie than ET

By Leigh Dayton, Science writer

July 24, 2003

IF extraterrestrials exist they look more like the steely Terminator than cuddly ET, say scientists on a cosmic quest for smart aliens.

"The rise of the machines? There's a lot of Hollywood in there, a lot of crashing and smashing about, but it's possible," astronomer and science historian Steve Dick said of the Terminator movies.

According to his new view of ET, intelligent aliens long ago dispensed with weak flesh-and-blood bodies in favour of steel-hard sinews and silicon brains.

Dr Dick, of the US Naval Observatory in Washington, based his argument on the "intelligence principle" - when a species can improve its intelligence it will do so.

"If you don't get smarter you get left behind," Dr Dick said yesterday at the International Union of Astronomy conference, meeting in Sydney.

He said the earliest that "post-biologicals" could have evolved in the oldest and most distant galaxies was 7.5 billion years ago.

That's a mere 6 billion years after the big bang that created the universe 13.7 billion years ago.

According to Dr Dick, such superior beings would have begun existence as dim-witted primordial life, evolved into intelligent but biological lifeforms, and then made the evolutionary leap to brainy machine life.

Seth Shostak, an astronomer with the SETI Institute in California, yesterday agreed with Dr Dick, who will publish his ideas in an upcoming edition of the International Journal of Astrobiology.

"It's an idea I've been pushing for 10 years, Dr Shostak said.

"It's fairly obvious that the assumption the aliens would be soft and squishy little grey guys ... is clearly provincial. They might be grey, but they won't have big almond eyes."

Instead, Dr Shostak speculates that machine life would have a utilitarian appearance because "they don't have to appeal to mates".

As well, he predicted the machines would be compact, because their intelligence would be limited only by internal connections, running at the speed of light.

And if and when we find the new ET, will he, she or it be dangerous?

"Well, I have some goldfish, and I'm a lot smarter than they are, but I don't wake up thinking I've got to kill those guys," Dr Shostak said.

"I don't think we need to worry about the machines."

The Australian

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 08:30 PM
Let me start by apologizing,
I am very sorry but sometimes I can't stop myself.

There now that thats done. Wecome aboard! You most certainly are photogenic, if that is indeed you? I especiaaly like the shot with the Cascading Matrix over your shoulder.

I really have a hard time beliving in a Dr. Dick from Naval Research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gotta go i'm laughing to hard again

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by tututkamen
Let me start by apologizing,
I am very sorry but sometimes I can't stop myself.

There now that thats done. Wecome aboard! You most certainly are photogenic, if that is indeed you? I especiaaly like the shot with the Cascading Matrix over your shoulder.

I really have a hard time beliving in a Dr. Dick from Naval Research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gotta go i'm laughing to hard again

No no. That's not me. See my post in Introductions for my disclaimer.

Anyhow, somebody by the name of Jan Hodges will be the guest on Coast To Coast AM tonight and amongst other things, will be discussing UFO's. He/she claims to be a technologist and robotics expert.

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Darkweaver

Originally posted by tututkamen
Let me start by apologizing,
I am very sorry but sometimes I can't stop myself.

There now that thats done. Wecome aboard! You most certainly are photogenic, if that is indeed you? I especiaaly like the shot with the Cascading Matrix over your shoulder.

I really have a hard time beliving in a Dr. Dick from Naval Research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gotta go i'm laughing to hard again

No no. That's not me. See my post in Introductions for my disclaimer.

Anyhow, somebody by the name of Jan Hodges will be the guest on Coast To Coast AM tonight and amongst other things, will be discussing UFO's. He/she claims to be a technologist and robotics expert.


It was a good talk. I couldn't sleep and was up all night, I enjoyed the show. The previous night was better though, a fellow named Atwater


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