a reply to:
I honestly can not really see this causing as much harm as the corporations will obviously make out and despite there obvious and loud cry's against
it though they will go after those watching and downloading in the west even if they can not touch the Russian pirates if for no other reason than
there are plenty of very bored copyright lawyers that are itching to prove they are doing there job's and ensure there regular income from these
publishing houses and movie studios.
Here is why.
The Internet was NOT always monetized and filled with advertisements.
Data was always shared across it including games and back then if you really liked a game you played either via the free first level which was the
way that the creators of Doom dealt with piracy back then you then went and bought the full game.
Then there is the obvious terror this will strike into many gamers, already most cracked games and software are also full of malware and that means
that the same pirates copying the games and cracking them are often doing so for other reasons such as installing exploit's and back door hacking on
all those lovely gamers machines that the less scrupulous downloaders will have and that included malware designed to mine crypto and feed it back to
these same pirates.
But on the other side of the coin there are genuine customers that get sick of Steam, Origin, Epic and Uplay and indeed many other such virtual
stores that all want to be installed on there systems taking up room in there tray and idling in the background so many of them even if they bought
the game often later download cracked versions just so they can play them without all that crap on there systems.
I can not condone it but am of mixed mind about damning it as in my book the publishers are the bigger pirates but at least they don't (As far as we
know) install out and out malware such as most of these cracked games may do, don't believe me go and download a few into virtual machines then run an
up to date anti malware and anti virus on them, about half the time or more it will find something very dodgy included in the cracked game files.
So I buy mine, wait for them to go on sale on steam for example at the moment Assassin's creed Origins is going for just £9.99 on steam and yes it
want's to install the epic launcher but no biggie I have four launchers currently running on my system, Origin for some star wars game I never play
but can't bring myself to uninstall, steam, epic (they often give away free stuff and it's not all bad) and Uplay Ubisoft's version of a launcher and
online store portal app.
Now here is a point, some gamers regard these launchers as malware or worse and hate them with a passion, like I say the ethical buy there games but
then use the loophole that say's they can back up there software in many nations law's and download the cracked version as well (But most of them are
sensible enough to have good protection on there systems).
As for the movies, well some regions are blocked even in the free world and just can not see those show's they want to see desperately so there will
always be a back door market for watching those, the danger there is once again malware, hacking and virus as well as dangerous redirects.
Anyone from the days of the old 8 bit computers and there Phillips cassette tape programs will remember Splitters, tape to tape hifi's and how that
never stopped the game developers from becoming rich so piracy has been around for since someone first tried to copyright a piece of code and is not
going away any time soon.