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Russia, China, Brazil, India Call for Investigation Into US Biolabs in Ukraine.

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posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: elementalgrove

Seems strange that the BRICS leaders are taking the allegations seriously does it not?

Are they?

Was there a vote? If so, did it pass?
Who's going to do this investigation?

Russia demanded the meeting to spew their own propaganda accusing the USA of using Ukraine bio-labs to create bio-weapons, without any proof other than the fact that there were pathogens in bio-labs. Duh! That's what bio-labs do, study pathogens.

Did they call for an investigation yes or no?

If it is no big deal why did it go from "there are no biolabs" to "we really have to stop Russia from gaining access to our biolabs"

Like I said you are getting to the end of your propaganda train.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Madviking
I was half joking, apologies.

But, it's a bit suspicious that a general order went out to destroy the samples.

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Smigg

the Ministry of Health in Ukraine ordered the biological pathogens to be destroyed in a February 24 memo.

Sounds like the right thing to do. You wouldn't want deadly pathogens getting loose from enemy shelling or unwitting Russian soldiers rummaging through stuff.

I don't know. Sounds suspicious. "Attention non-Bio Lab staff for labs that officially don't exist, please destroy all non-existent pathogens ahead of investigations which are conspiracy theories. We disavow all knowledge of your participation. Thank you and sign your timesheets."

Who said that the labs didn't exist? Who said bio-labs don't have pathogens stored?

I don't think it's suspicious at all. A Russian invasion was imminent. It would have irresponsible not to destroy any pathogens being stored in the labs.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:32 PM
Since I'm supporting Ukraine in the war, I cannot in good conscience, even with facts, accept this or anything else I disagree with. Learned it from the Republicans. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: elementalgrove

Did they call for an investigation yes or no?

Nope. At least there is no supporting evidence of such a "call" or a vote. The only supporting evidence the article supplies is a Telegram post from some user named "Pepe Lives Matter":

Russia, China, Brazil, India, and Kenya seem to want investigations into the biolabs they tried to hide.

Doesn't seem too serious to me.

If it is no big deal why did it go from "there are no biolabs" to "we really have to stop Russia from gaining access to our biolabs"

Who said there are no bio-labs in Ukraine? Source please.

edit on 14-3-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:43 PM
Same people that pushed white supremacists attacking jucy smollyay.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Smigg
On Sunday, March 6, 2022, Russian news agency Ria Novosti released documents claiming that Ukraine was working on “biological weapons” near the Russian border. Ria Novosti accused the US of instructing Ukraine to destroy the biological agents before the Russian invasion.

According to the document obtained by the news agency, the Ministry of Health in Ukraine ordered the biological pathogens to be destroyed in a February 24 memo.

Lin k

Ria Norvosti needs to get it right... It wasn't the US, it was Biden and his cronies. A majority of the US hates Biden and his cronies and he doesn't represent us.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
Same people that pushed white supremacists attacking jucy smollyay.

I saw an article that said that mental case was now in the Cook County Psych Ward. Couldn't have happened to a smellier piece of sht.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: shooterbrody
Same people that pushed white supremacists attacking jucy smollyay.

I saw an article that said that mental case was now in the Cook County Psych Ward. Couldn't have happened to a smellier piece of sht.

Same team
Same tactics

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Obviously deduction is not your strong suit...

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Obviously deduction is not your strong suit...

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Terpene

It's a simple question. And, you're still not answering it.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: elementalgrove

And so the counter to western propaganda is to believe everything russia and china puts out?

That's retarded. Sone of you anti-westerners should live in china or russia and start criticizing the government openly. See how far that gets you...

And im all for criticizing western nations and our hypocrisy, but not when its to shove russian propaganda as the alternative.
edit on 14-3-2022 by CptGreenTea because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Obviously deduction is not your strong suit...

That is an accurate assessment.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: elementalgrove

And so the counter to western propaganda is to believe everything russia and china puts out?

That's retarded. Sone of you anti-westerns should live in china or russia and start criticizing the government openly. See how far that gets you...

Believe anything?

Nah, been following the Ukrainian color revolution since it happened, been concerned about these labs since globalist scum took them over, if you wish to stand with Ukraine and the neo-nazi regime installed after Soros's coup by all means go ahead.

What will you say if the evidence of biological warfare being conducted at these labs is confirmed?

Ah you might still be super concerned about all of that yellow cake Iraq had right?

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 02:43 PM
This kind of research has been going on for over fifty years all over the world, It is a major part of warfare tool creation. It is illegal to use these chemistries and microbes, it is not usually internationally illegal to manufacture and research them.

What is the problem here is that there is an agreement between the west and Russia that there should not be any of this happening in Ukraine or any bordering states of Russia. It is where these labs are located that is the issue. If it is the USA doing this, then the USA is at fault in this case, the labs should have been removed immediately and no diplomatic immunity should ever have been given to these lab people. Not even the Ukraine government could challenge these labs if what she said is the whole truth. I believe a minimum of half of what she says is true. That is enough to justify Russia's concerns.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Since I'm supporting Ukraine in the war, I cannot in good conscience, even with facts, accept this or anything else I disagree with. Learned it from the Republicans. Thanks.

Sure you did, you mean when media and Democrats were engaged in strident hysteria for all of 2016-2020, while engaging in #BlueAnon conspiracy theories from Jussie Smollett's hoax to Russian collusion (TM)?

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: Smigg

Russia and china good.

United states bad.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Madviking

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: elementalgrove

Seems strange that the BRICS leaders are taking the allegations seriously does it not?

Are they?

Was there a vote? If so, did it pass?
Who's going to do this investigation?

Russia demanded the meeting to spew their own propaganda accusing the USA of using Ukraine bio-labs to create bio-weapons, without any proof other than the fact that there were pathogens in bio-labs. Duh! That's what bio-labs do, study pathogens.

What I am about to say doesn't *prove* that these are bio-weapons labs in the Ukraine, but, almost every major power including the US has had bio-weapons programs at some point. Also, there is evidence that the Wuhan lab, which was funded by Fauci and Ecohealth, was a bio-weapons lab.

However, that fact also makes it ridiculous that China is joining the call for investigating Ukraine labs.

Is it not the Commie playbook, on page 1 I would bet, that you blame your target for the things that you're doing?

China is using that play from the playbook.

This has gone so far I can only hope the white hats are doing it right now. Everyday this goes on there are more and more people suffering from these fools.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: Smigg

Russia and china good.

United states bad.

Bruh, I'd agree you with IF, and I do mean if, we weren't being bombarded with the exact opposite narrative right now across virtually all mainstream media, corporate, and political sources.

You do realize this, don't you?

People trying to provide counter points isn't being "Pro-Putin."
edit on 14-3-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 08:20 PM
LMAO. I thought I told you to stop posting pics of H. Clinton without makeup.

originally posted by: elementalgrove

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Obviously deduction is not your strong suit...

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