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Is The Surgical Mask Now A Pacifier For Adults?

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posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:10 PM
I wouldn't doubt it!
Because they have been, "trained/educated",... to "believe".
70% of "socialist/"Democratic"/society, are just a bunch of worthless/"educated"/"indoctrinators",.. need "to to be lead", sheep!.. They couldn't lead themselves, out of a wet paper bag! ..They have no self respect, or pride, In their own name, or existence. .. They don't even "know",... how to be "disrespectful", to their own "ancestors". Even if they wanted to!...
In their mind? They're just animals that need "leadership". They can't really help themselves.
They're,.. their own enemy. .. I personally?... Have no feelings for them now.
I've been trying to help them, unF themselves,... for many years!

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:10 PM
Most people I know do not wear mask anymore, but is a few that does mostly liberals, I guess they are waiting for Fascist fauci and senile crappy pants bidden to send them a personal letter that is ok to remove the diaper.

Really, they can glue the mask for what I care.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 04:33 PM
Fk-them!... "Educated", idiots!... If they ain't "adult" enough, to "lead",

There's nothing, you or I can, do about it now...

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33
I guess the bigger question is who are still running to get their booster shots? I have friends who will try to ridicule me because I am unvaccinated and also tell me they will be getting their 4th and/or 5th booster. They still can't properly articulate why they need another booster this year.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 10:24 PM

edit on Sun Mar 13 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: opethPA
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

If you choose to not wear a mask and someone else chooses to wear one unless you both know all the variables then how can you say either choice is good or bad?

Doesn't freedom of choice apply both ways or is it only applicable to the topics that ATS is fast becoming an echo chamber for?

For a very long time, freedom of choice did not apply both ways, and you damn well know it, so to ask it now is really rich.

Where was this voice of reason when some of us made the evaluation of the same variables and determined that there was no way to tell if the choice was good or bad so the mandates were bogus so we preferred not, and some of us had damn good reasons to prefer not, but we were told we were science denying granny killers.

You do not get to fall back on freedom of choice now that it actually exists and you have to stand strong for your actual choice and cannot negotiate from a position of legal strength to berate those of us who chose and argued otherwise all this time.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

I wore a mask to the grocery store today and somebody made a comment about it.

In response to them I lowered my mask and sniffed and explained that I wasn't feeling too well and I let them know that my nose was runny and then I spontaneously and uncontrollably coughed into my hand while I was facing them. Perfect timing, right? Needless to say the look on their face was priceless... at least I'm sure it would have been if any of this really happened. LOL.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:34 PM
Remember the old joke at school, where notes like "kick me" would be stuck on someone's back. Now people do it to themselves, by choice.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: opethPA
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

If you choose to not wear a mask and someone else chooses to wear one unless you both know all the variables then how can you say either choice is good or bad?

Doesn't freedom of choice apply both ways or is it only applicable to the topics that ATS is fast becoming an echo chamber for?

For a very long time, freedom of choice did not apply both ways, and you damn well know it, so to ask it now is really rich.

Where was this voice of reason when some of us made the evaluation of the same variables and determined that there was no way to tell if the choice was good or bad so the mandates were bogus so we preferred not, and some of us had damn good reasons to prefer not, but we were told we were science denying granny killers.

You do not get to fall back on freedom of choice now that it actually exists and you have to stand strong for your actual choice and cannot negotiate from a position of legal strength to berate those of us who chose and argued otherwise all this time.

I have never deviated from my stance on masks which was people have the right to gather info and make their informed decisions. As the pandemic continued and more information was gained I never deviated from that nor did I ever feel like I has to insult someone for wearing or not wearing one.

I would ask you to show me a single post on ATS where I do not try to be fair or moderate on any topic but since you can't I don't see much point in asking. Still if you look at my reply in this thread it wasn't about if wearing or not wearing a mask was the correct choice but rather what gives anyone the right to berate someone else for that choice.

posted on Mar, 15 2022 @ 03:28 AM
my wife made me wear 2 the other day, that lasted till i got outside the house. the blue surgical ones.

she got me some of the big ones, because i have
'a big face

i told her cool. now i can stick my tongue out at everyone that annoys me and they won't see it.

tried it out on her first. works fine.



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