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The vaccine The Liver and PEGylation

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posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 06:37 PM
This post is a follow up to other posts I've made. I'll post links to them here, if readers need or want more background on the subject matter:
Capping and liver DNA uptake:
Wisenox Capping
Moderna patent 10703789:
Wisenox Moderna

In continuation, I believe I have found the mechanism of liver delivery, why the liver and spleen show high volumes of spike proteins, and why PEG is included in the vaccine.
One of the primary objectives of the vaccines is to evade our innate immunity. Moderna's patent spells out the capability they designed into it:

As described herein, a useful feature of the polynucleotides, primary constructs or mmRNA of the invention is the capacity to reduce, evade or avoid the innate immune response of a cell.

The process begins with mRNA capping.
In short, the mRNA is being capped as 'self' to purposely evade the innate immune system. Pfizer is using the LINE1 retrotransposon for reverse transcription, and Moderna is synthetically adding the capping mechanism. These are explained in more detail in the above mentioned posts.

Evading our immunity is essential for at least 3 reasons: 1. so the spikes survive by being capped as 'self'. 2. so the macrophages in the liver and spleen don't eliminate the vaccine nanoparticles, and 3. (from the Moderna patent):

In some embodiments of the invention, polynucleotides, primary constructs or mmRNA are provided to express a protein associated with human disease.

That's right, the Moderna technology is also designed to induce illness.

The Swedish study finding the spike proteins in the liver is well known by now, but the method of delivery to the liver and the importance of the organ are relatively unknown.

Quotes from here are from:
Therapeutic targeting of liver inflammation and fibrosis by nanomedicine

1) How does it get to the liver?

The Moderna patent explains how monoclonal antibodies are created to target chemokine and mannose receptors in the liver (also found in spleen). The process involves conjugating a targeting group to the monoclonal antibody.

In one embodiment, primary constructs or mmRNA disclosed herein may encode monoclonal antibodies and/or variants thereof.

The targeting group can be any ligand that is capable of targeting a specific receptor. Examples include, without limitation, folate, GalNAc, galactose, mannose, mannose-6P, apatamers, integrin receptor ligands, chemokine receptor ligands, transferrin, biotin, serotonin receptor ligands, PSMA, endothelin, GCPII, somatostatin, LDL, and HDL ligands.

Seratonin receptors are found in the brain, which is also disturbing.

2) Why the liver [and spleen]?

This is where it gets interesting:

Macrophages and especially the liver-resident Kupffer cells are in the focus of nanomedicine due to their highly efficient and unspecific uptake of most nanomaterials as well as due to their critical pathogenic functions during inflammation and fibrogenesis. The mannose receptor enables targeting macrophages in liver disease, but macrophages can also become activated by certain nanomaterials

Reason one for the liver and spleen: because they remove the nanoparticles efficiently. This is important because 90% of all macrophages reside in the liver. The spleen would probably compete were it as large as the liver.

Reason two for the liver, or more specifically the macrophages, is their "pathogenic functions":

Nanomaterial uptake was shown to alter the state of macrophage activation (also termed polarization) and thereby to affect the profile of their cytokine release in vitro and in vivo (16,23). Cytokine levels are important mediators of tissue injury and inflammation and can therefore also be considered as biomarkers for disease activity.

Reason two is to cover their tracks.

So, what other functions may these liver cells have?

Monocytes, macrophages, and specifically dendritic cells have an additional bridging function for the activation of adaptive immunity.

This is the second time the vaccine purposely evades our innate immunity, except this time they actually shut it down so it doesn't produce biomarkers that would raise alarms; very sinister. They shut down the macrophages by switching their function between restorative and proinflammatory responses.

3) Why PEG?

That's simple, to evade immunity...again:

To prevent the attachment with serum proteins, many nanoparticles including gold-based systems are PEGylated to reduce their unspecific uptake by phagocytes by evoking a neutral charge.

Macrophages are activated by positive charge. PEGylation increases the lifespan of the nanoparticles by evading our immunity.

There is a lot more to cover from the patent information. For example, they can add more than 30 sub-group RNA's at the same time.
Meaning, they can cause or induce just about any illness or cancer while also causing spike production. We would never know, and they can cause them simultaneously.

For an idea of what that could be, read Virtuoso's post about the CYP19 and CDKN1B gene modifcations: v1rtu0s0 CYP19/CDKN1B
CYP19 is responsible for steroid biogenesis (aromatase). Without it, female offspring will be sterile, get premature ovarian cancer, and may not even develop a uterus or vagina. Men will also be sterile. CDKN1B plays a role in prostate cancers.

In my opinion, this is a smoking gun that the vaccines are premeditated democide/genocide/murder. There is no chance on Earth that this technology was produced within the fraudulent warp speed lie. I also believe that this information should nullify any immunity given, but that's for a lawyer to look at.

Another grave concern is that this technology can be packaged into any recombinant vaccine.
In 2019, just a couple months before the planned pandemic Trump signed an Executive Order mandating that every state actively promotes 'Recombinant Flu Vaccines'. They're planning on doing more of this to us.
My advice, don't! You simply can't trust the puppeted murderers in office that will allow the elites to sterilize, murder and induce terminal illnesses in their citizens.
Shame too, because some really wonderful things could be achieved with the technology.

edit on 12-3-2022 by Wisenox because: General clean up.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 08:31 PM
Good post.
We won't find out till todays child reaches the age of puberty.
Just have to wait till then.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 08:45 PM
mRNA studies date back to the 1970's. It's my understanding they could never get past the animal trials so they could begin the 10+ year process of human trials.
I think all the data from the animal testing throughout the years should also be made public knowledge so we can determine if they were the same problems the vaccine is being exposed as having.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 08:46 PM
Although I agree that certain groups are concerned about the population size, I doubt that anyone is actually doing anything about it

For instance, if the eugenicist depoppers really wanted to take the population down they would be sending vaccines by the millions into Africa like in 2021

Here's 1.5 billion for 3 dose regiment to you India. Goodbye Here's 3 billion doses for you Asia Goodnight Here's a billion doses for you south America and Mexico, take care

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: nugget1

They need more than 10 years for this one. If the CYP19 stuff holds, those issues may not be realized until the offspring reaches puberty. Its lunacy that this stuff made to the shelves.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 09:30 PM
Pretty interesting material in this OP. But sadly, damage done can't be undone till the body somehow figures out how to heal itself. There is strong evidence that these vaccines can cause male infertility. The agencies avoid talking about that, instead they are focusing on female fertility. But that is for the woman who take the jab and they are not looking at future generations and of course the Federal government health and chemical/pharma agencies are picking and choosing what evidence they will accept as real. They use mis-evaluated research from NIH which is specially designed to get the result they desire by setting parameters of the research.

So it is hard to find out what this is doing to women's reproductive systems. I guess we will have to wait and see. This vaccine not only effects male gonads, it also effects the prostate.

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Wisenox

We were all told that the vaccine components would stay local to the injection site;  that they wouldn't travel to other parts of the body.

Moderna referenced technology from a patent literally named for delivering mRNA to the liver in their vaccine patent:

A method of delivery of messenger RNA (mRNA) for in vivo production of protein, comprising administering systemically to a subject in need of delivery a composition comprising an mRNA encoding a protein, encapsulated within a liposome such that the administering of the composition results in the prolonged stable expression of the protein encoded by the mRNA in the liver.

20190192690 Liver Specific Delivery of Messenger RNA

posted on Mar, 13 2022 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: Wisenox

There is a section in Moderna's patent listing various proteins that the invention produces. They list 1670, I believe, but we can't really be sure what is included with the vaccine.

The importance of the proteins lie in the fact that the patent also includes technology that produces variants of protein sequences that mimic activated ones:

In some embodiments "variant mimics" are provided. As used herein, the term "variant mimic" is one which contains one or more amino acids which would mimic an activated sequence.

Pretty clever how its done. They simply replace, remove, or rearrange amino acids and voila, a mutant sequence or gene is created.

So, I was looking into the proteins. I simply searched for a couple fertility related terms and Parkinson's. Here's a short list I found within 30 minutes:

The patent also includes technology that creates monoclonal antibodies to reference sequences.

I'm not saying that this is occurring, but the technology is there to target locations in the testes and ovaries for nanoparticle delivery using antibodies, create antibodies against the listed proteins, and also to create gene mutations and insert them so that the offspring experience the effects.

Moderna is also the vaccine using the SM-102 lipid, but it has been rebranded 'Lipid H'.

The list can be viewed here:

edit on 13-3-2022 by Wisenox because: (no reason given)


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