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John Campbell dives into Pfizer documents and is shocked: 'This is a major scandal'.

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posted on Mar, 11 2022 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: NickK3

originally posted by: joejack1949
a reply to: Sander1976

Campbell is pandering to his audience now. He knows that a meaningful risk assessment is impossible without the missing (b4) reference in the post-market document. Yet he still feigns outrage. Yawn. Wake me up when someone stumbles upon the risk-benefit analysis.

The general public looks at the daily case count. In my state, Pa, that went from more than 30,000 at peak in January to less than 1000 now, more than a 30:1 reduction.

I'm sure there were people hurt by the vaccination, always were and will always be in any mass vaccination.
But the risk-benefit analysis will always rule public opinion.

Same amount of testing?

When Omicron came to Denmark, already at dec 8th 73% of the cases were doubled jabbed. 14% were boosted, 10% unvaxxed.
I got pfizer jabbed in july, got sick in november, and then again in febuary.

But cases will automatically go down in the combo of less testing and Omicron being mild as #

posted on Mar, 11 2022 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Media will not cover any of that and you will not find out by them either.

The media is already downplaying and still saying well you still have the benefits that outweigh the risks despite that people who had been vaccinated were still exposed to covid despite been boosted.

Not much of a benefit if you are able to be exposed.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 08:52 AM
I don't fault anyone for taking it, I just feel bad for them. Although there are detox protocols but there are a lot of unknowns in regards to gene edits and long term side effects. At the very least things like quercetin and black seed oil can help stop the spike proteins from causing inflammation.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Sander1976

What's the difference between a report and a confirmed incident?

Deny ignorance.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Pfizer's CEO a fourth dose is needed and its coming.

posted on Mar, 14 2022 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Campbell is an audit guy, he looks at studies and clinical trials to make an informed assessment. His big mistake was trusting the early stuff he believed the narrative. He was upsetting the narrative by showing that Ivermectin looked good along with D3 and zinc. Everyone trusted their doctor, as they believed the narrative, or get the sack. The media pushed the propaganda and the sheeple lined up for it without a question. This is the sign of civilization with nowhere to go.

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