posted on Mar, 10 2022 @ 12:37 AM
Any student of globalism must also watch the moves of the Bilderberger Group, formed in 1954, and named after a Dutch hotel in Oosterbeek, at which
the first meeting of this global-international international elite. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, at the time an important figure in the oil
industry who held major positions in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil), and in Société Générale de Belgique, a powerful global banking
corporation, was the key European sponsor of the Bilderberger idea. The Rockefeller family, whose Standard Oil and its offshoots was technically a
competitor of Shell, co-sponsored the idea from the American side.
It was at the Bilderberger’s 1996 meeting at a resort near Toronto (King City), that the fate of Kosovo was sealed, according to John Whitley, a
British-born political analyst and Bilderberger watcher who now makes his home in Toronto. Whitley said that that’s where the German government was
given the lead assignment of creating, training and equipping the Kosovo Liberation Army, of which no one had heard before.
No wonder, therefore, that right from day one, the Bilderberger agenda reflected first and foremost the interests of the oil industry.
The four individuals who are members of all three leading globalist organizations – the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergers.
David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton and Lou Gerstner, IBM chairman.
Its holy shrine: Wall Street. Its motto: “Perpetual commerce through perpetual war.”
Most of these right-wing groups were conceived and are controlled by Government agencies. It’s all part of what Is called peasant management. They
create false flag rightist groups to stampede leftists into the ranks of their false flag leftist groups, and they create the false flag leftist
groups to stampede rightists into their false flag rightist groups.
Russia and China and some neighboring states have formed a military and economic bloc called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to fight off the
NWO. It has long been the military doctrine of the London Banking Cartel that the Eurasian landmass is the key to the military control of the globe.
The clock is ticking against the London Banking Cartel and the only solution to fulfilling both their military and economic blueprints is pedal to the
metal all-out war. Nothing but all-out war will suffice, and that means nuke warfare. The London Banking Cartel has to get the American nuclear
arsenal to attack. They have to get America into a nuclear shootout with both Russia and China, and the sooner the better.
The LBC has to sell global war to the American airheads, hence the 911 terrorist attacks. Dictatorships cannot stampede the people into giving up
their property and their liberty without conjuring up both foreign AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES. A civil war in America is not only possible – IT IS
ESSENTIAL. It’s all part of the plan. Flood the Southwest and big cities with millions of Mexicans and Afghans and then trash the economy so the
starving and ticked off Mexicans and Afghans will burn an entire geographic region right down to the ground. This should be sufficient to stampede the
rest of the peasants into accepting anything the LBC pukes up and presents as a solution to the resulting mess.
Ordinary infantry such as our current army and marine divisions are obsolete. Ordinary infantry are useful only for fighting other likewise obsolete
infantry, and for suppressing uprisings of lightly armed domestic peasants … and for pure theatre. So a secondary but also necessary objective is
the total destruction of our current and obsolete military machine to transform it into one more useful to insure the destruction and dismantling of
the American Republic. Picture armies of Blackwater mercs composed of mostly non-Americans recruited from all points of the globe. They will gladly
slaughter everything in their path including any remaining American military units who might oppose them. Hence what Ukraine is doing now.
The coming tribal/civil war in America will be roughly proportional to the severity of the economic collapse that sets it off and the recession that
starves most after. California will be the canary in the coal mine.
“The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For
money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. . . Wherefore of all modes of getting wealth this is the most
unnatural.” Aristotle. Money is dead, and only evil can grow out of the dead. Interest therefore brings evil upon the world.