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Cloth face masks ‘lousy’ as protection against COVID-19, other viruses, warns study

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posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: joejack1949

Is your sock puppet showing ?

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I criticized fox as a source and it looks like you're agreeing with me. No idea what election you're talking about. I also don't care about fauci as I'm not american and don't get my news from the TV.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
No one ever said that masks would protect you. They said that they would deter some of the respiratory droplets coming out of your face (that's how this virus spreads, along with the flu, common cold, etc...)

The last time I went to a doctor was 2018. I had flu symptoms, so they made me wear a mask while I was there. Try to keep up.

This isn't even science, it's common sense. Moisture comes out of your face. If there's something in front of your mouth and nose, it's going to catch some of that moisture.

It's not even common sense. When the mask mandates came out they were also pushing the 6 feet of separation rule as well. The stated concern at the time was small particles hanging in the air. A cloth mask is a diffuser, it creates the very small particles that they were worried about. It also keeps the virus that the mask stops, in a warm moist area that allows it to survive longer.

I said this here when the mask mandate first started to gain traction. I was called every name in the book because I'm not a Bio Science guy. That's right. I'm a Physics guy who had a side business doing the very flow modeling that they discuss in the article. Masks were and are Political Theater. Look at how fast they were dropped when the Democrats were told that it was going to be a major issue in the November election.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: joejack1949

It's been about 24 years since I had Fluid Dynamics. One thing that I noticed when I read the study was that on inhaling and exhaling there was a pressure drop. On the inhalation the drop was between the mask and face. On exhalation the drop was outside the mask. A pressure drop means that the gas on the high pressure side tends to increase it's velocity to balance out the drop. On exhalation the air leaving the mask accelerates and any particles in that air will accelerate as well. This would project them further away. At the same time the water in the particles is evaporating, making the particle smaller and lighter. On inhalation the air and particles outside the mask will accelerate to even out the pressure drop inside the mask. This would tend to project them further into your mouth or nose and into the lungs.

If that's true and I believe it is, the worst thing that you can do is to wear a mask.
edit on 7-3-2022 by JIMC5499 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 03:27 PM
Masks were only pushed so that the slaves would fight among the themselves. The masks only value was to further push division.

And like clockwork, it worked like a charm.

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