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UFOs = 'collective unconscious directive' -- An auto-immune safety mechanism for Humanity.

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posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 01:37 AM
Time for some classic ATS perhaps, amidst the fury & furore of the tragic happenings in Ukraine at this time...? In fact, what's unfolding now in Ukraine could potentially foresage the activation of what I've termed a 'collective unconscious directive' aimed at securing the health & greater wellbeing of Humanity writ large. This is, I posit, a mechanism which is rooted in the mass psychology of the human race, mediated through quantum physics weirdness, and quite reasonably we could reference the simulation theory to bolster the reality of this phenomenon as I interpret it.

Two sources are very important in lending credence to this hypothesis: Jacques Vallee & Carl Jung. I will refer to them both individually after stating fully the principle outline of my hypothesis, as follows ~

UFOs have been a continual presence in our skies since ancient times, we can reference medieval source documents carried out before the age of the printing press & a number of pieces of incredible renaissance artwork, written descriptions in some books of the Bible & non-canonical works from around 2,000BC onwards to the birth of Christ, all the way back to cave paintings circa 30,000BC, to petroglyphs (carved in stone) from God only knows how many hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Every generation since the 1940's has been asking the same questions - what are they? Where do they come from? Are they dangerous? Are they piloted by intelligent beings? Have I been taken without conscious awareness? Does the government know nothing/ something/ everything about them? Can the government replicate the technology? And many more such queries which arise on contemplation of these magnificant flying machines which can perform incredible aerial feats, which we have known from the start we weren't capable of reproducing using current technology. Many suspect that the government either managed to replicate the texh, or managed to score a buy-in with the pilots of the craft, so that they too could perform 90' turns at 2,000mph without crushing everyone on board. Perhaps, even if they don't have full awareness of the UFOs & their pilots, at least their science has advanced in incredible ways by studying the apparent characteristics of the vehicles in motion, data captured by ever-improving technology perhaps able to point us in the right direction for some high calibre research..

As you will see from the sources cited momentarily, there is another question which should be asked:

Are they even real at all..?

Or, are they somehow, a 'figment of our imaginations'..? Now I'm not saying that there are not very 'materially real', metallic craft zipping through our skies using some sort of technology - I have come to think that indeed they do 'exist' in a material sense. What I have come to believe about their origins though - that's where it gets a bit murky. I now believe that the collective unconscious of Humanity writ large is somehow 'manifesting' these craft, because at least in part they provide a value incentive (causing us to manifest them due to a subconscious psychologically-driven reward system) in carrying out a protective role in our Reality, defending us from ourselves, as well as 'interfering' in human affairs just enough so as to cause us, at certain key junctures in our socio-psychological evolution, to question more deeply, to react in certain ways to their presence, to reflect on what it means if they demonstrate that they can totally & completely shut down or variably control at will all of the controls for thermonuclear ICBM silos, demonstrating that they can prevent us from using said weapons at the drop of a hat. The nature of the collective unconscious & its manifestations in our consensus Reality is a topic which Carl Jung identified & discussed at length in his academic works & in his private therapy sessions with patients suffering a variety of mental health problems. Even with the possibility stated, right at the beginning, that UFOs could be some such type of manifestation, though it was not a subject extensively treated by Jng at the time

They could also, at any time in our history, have been somehow influencing us with the now familiar abduction scenarios, pseudo-medical procedures which performed some function at this time unknown to us, all manifested as though robotic or insectoid or hive mind intelligences are dispassionately, coldly manipulating us for some reason beyond our understanding. Are the denizens of these marvellous flying machines somehow a sort of artificial intelligence, created by the deep processes of our own subconscious minds acting in unison across the whole species? In other words, is an alien entity in one of these machines an actual 'Tulpa', a being which I alluded to in another thread some time ago, before my hypothesis was fully formed? Tulpa intelligences are formed by intense & lengthy meditation focused on the generation of hazy discarnate/incarnate intelligence which can serve you in some way - one of the secrets known to manifest in Tibetan Buddhism, which is usually viewed as generally unhelpful for one's spiritual progress, even if it's a really cool superpower (though bordering on witchcraft). In the thread linked above, I stated that the Tulpas could be a vessel for Nephilim intelligences. And indeed, the question becomes - can we trust what these potentially psychically-created intelligences are doing or conveying to us, in informational terms? Is it really the product of a unified subconscious across all humans, or is there a group, a secret order, which is deliberately trying to manipaulate the phenomenon, as I suggested in the thread mentioned before? Though I would guess that group is in the minority.

Jacques Vallee viewed the phenomenon through the lens of some sort of control system - this is almost precisely what I am suggesting here, only with the slight evolution of the concept to suggest that we ourselves are the originators of this phenomenon, from our communal deep subconscious, a defence mechanism in its original intention, to prevent us from going down the wrong path, and perhaps to nudge us every now & then with a change to our collective thinking, which helps us to socio-psychologically evolve in the right direction. This is why I refer to it as a sort of auto-immune reaction from our collective unconscious - do these machines appear just in time to demonstrate that they can prevent us from destroying ourselves through nuclear armageddon. Part of me wonders whether the threat of nuclear conflict in/ because of Ukraine, might be a deliberate effort to stir up the phenomenon into taking some sort of bombastic action which leaves the world in no doubt as to their existence (when they show up in droves to blast all the ICBMs & battlefield nukes out of exxistence before they can detonate) - the NWO could then unify the world in order to defend against a potentially hostile extraterrestrial threat. That might go some way to explaining why the breadcrumbs of UFO/UAP footage was released by the US military over the past few years. They may have been seeding the idea of legitimacy of the concept that these machines are real, and we don't really know their intentions, etc.


posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 01:37 AM
Anyway, so Jacques Vallee, after much research over many years, came to the conclusion that the phenomenon is not what it appears to be (ET from another planet), but rather it is cunning, deceptive, sometimes playful, sometimes nefarious - it seemed more like a Trickster than an ET from some other world. He eventually decided that the origin of these machines & their occupants is on Earth, or through a portal from some alternate dimension, which could access our world at the drop of a hat. He believed that whatever else we might believe about them, it would be foolhardy to trust them. If they are from our collective unconscious, then we have to accept that much of that subconscious will be murky, dank & unpleasant, and there's a chance that these beings could have picked up some malevolent energies or entities as part of the process of manifestation. But then I begin to wonder, is that perhaps somewhat like the scary warning signs on the barbed wire fences of local electrical substations? Their very darkness discourages us from exploring too deeply, enabling them to get on with their work, whatever it may be, without interference from us?

Carl Jung ended up with a far more pleasant understanding of the collective unconscious - the phenomenon was predominantly light, playful, healing & a bringer of good cheer. Synchronicity was seen to be one of its manifestations for individuals on a spiritual/ psychological healing path, with highly improbable coincidences being racked up on a regular basis by those among his patients who entered into engagement with the phenomenon, and the results were largely beneficial to those patients.

From this, I conclude that there is definitely a power which engages with humanity via the mechanism of the collective unconscious, and it is largely a good thing for us to engage with this force, this reservoir of all cultural/ instinctual/ emotive memories which connect us to our past, present & future - but there is also an aspect which predominantly responds to the warfare which occurs here on Earth. We saw Foo Fighters over Germany & Europe during WW2, American troops & sailors engaged targets of a UFO nature during Vietnam - the militaries of the world regularly see these craft on radar, and on sonar when they are underwater, and the official line is that they must be ignored. This might in fact be related to research tying these craft to some elements of our collective unconscious - the more attention we place on them, the higher & more invasive the outworkings of our conscious processes - the effect intensifies, with more craft & greater interjection into our affairs. It's the military equivalent of the kid covering his eyes in his darkened bedroom, so that if he can't see the monster in the closet, it can't see/ harm him. But really, I expect the phenomenon is extremely well studied at a higher level, it's just the regular folks who have no right to know/ to be believed/ to not be ridiculed for reporting their experience, etc.

I should note briefly that I believe the universe follows on from consciousness - consciousness is prime, material reality is secondary. God's consciousness holds all things together - "In Him we live & move & have our being". Our consciousness is akin to islands in the ocean, or the crest of a wave perhaps. We are temporal, mortal, but we can be retrieved from the substrate of the universe when we die, because all the information our brain has been working with over the course of our lifetime is programmed into what I believe is the soul, so that a perfect translational copy of 'Me' can be regenerated in other worlds, other realms, after we die. When it comes to the collective unconscious, and how we might manifest things which have material objectivity, I believe that quantum physics as it currently stands is hinting at the answers we seek. Firstly, all of material reality is a shadow of a wave, there is barely or actually nothing which is genuinely 'physical' apart from a lot of empty space & a lot of electric charge differentials involved. Atoms are 99.9% empty space, I think, or thereabouts? So if consciousness is primary, and material reality is secondary, it follows that if we collectively consent to the manifestation of some sort of writ large thought form, then it would be possible for the universe's mainframe to rustle up some material projections, possibly including semi-sentient beings which are able to interact with us under certain circumstances. The method of abductions, taking people through the walls & roofs of their properties, requires the same sort of monkeying around with the substrate, the quantum foam, etc. So basically, I think that even the science suggests that all this is feasible...

I now turn the debate over to you - please feel free to contribute lots of long form replies, I love this subject & feel it is worthy of much attention. Even if our governments would prefer we didn't speak of it..

Shhhhh, whispers only please...

Cheers, FITO.


Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious

Background on Carl Jung

More on the Collective Unconscious

Jacques Vallée, UFOs, and the Case Against Aliens

Jacques Vallee and the Intersection Between UFO and Psychic Research

Jacques Vallee's diaries - obscured science!

GoodReads - Jacques Vallee's books on UFOs, etc..

edit on MarchSaturday2203CST01America/Chicago-060048 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

It's an interesting theory, but even though I agree that we don't fully understand the power of a self conscious mind I find it rather ego centric in meaning.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 10:57 AM
First, I appreciate the thoughtful post.

Like another reply said, there are many points I tend to agree with you on, others I might see a bit differently.

Having studied the phenomenon for some time now, I can 100% say that the craft are real and “they” exist in our 3 dimensional reality. That means, for me, I don’t have a lot to debate about or say on that front. They’re real - end of “searching” for me.

Now, who are they? What are they? What’s their purpose?

I have no concrete answer.

I think Vallee is over target regarding a spiritual nature to the phenomenon. My take is the “spiritual” nature has to do with demonstrating a peace filled heart with good intentions. You need to show that you’re not going to shoot first and ask questions later and have been able to philosophically eliminate many “human” instincts. I say philosophically, intentionally, as it’s one thing to “control your emotions” or “show restraint” vs. philosophically/deeply understanding the errors or unnecessary nature of various aspects of human nature and then behaving differently as a result.

In regards to the collective consciousness, I’m also certain that’s a thing. Tapping into it is harder. It’s one of those things that we can’t do because human nature would be to weaponize the ability to engage consciousness against other humans - it’s human instinct.

That ties into the “peace filled hearts” because humanity, collectively, can barely handle the physical power it has. If you gave humanity the ability to impact the collective or an individual’s consciousness at-will, we could see very negative outcomes due to many who would want to use that ability against others.

This is all a long way of saying:
- the phenomenon 100% has a 3 dimensional physical presence on earth.
- Humans are dangerous and haven’t consciously evolved beyond many primal, human characteristics.
- The collective consciousness is real (and “they” are likely a part of it, too) but we can’t access it because we’re not ready/too primal.

This is a quick summary of my thoughts. I find this subject fascinating as well so thanks for starting the thread!

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Jubei42
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

It's an interesting theory, but even though I agree that we don't fully understand the power of a self conscious mind I find it rather ego centric in meaning.

I agree on the egocentricity of the OP.

The “consciousness” likely goes far beyond “humanity” and likely extends to “them” as well. Said another way, if they are in our reality and engaging with it, consciously, then it stands to reason we’re all part of the same consciousness.

That shared consciousness could be why folks who have studied the phenomenon in detail come to the notion that the phenomenon is physical but engaging or understanding it is “spiritual” - myself included.

For a species to gain the technology to travel amongst the stars it would likely have to get over the hurdle of not blowing themselves up and then mass unification. But, if the collective minds of a species are small (no life outside of our planet, no unifying consciousness, earth is all there is, etc.) then they end up like humanity - sitting around hating on each other, blowing people up and fracturing along very human, ideological lines.

If I’m “them”, we kind of suck. We’re violent, self-interested, defensive and quick on the trigger. I don’t blame them for not wanting to say hi.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Two sources are very important in lending credence to this hypothesis: Jacques Vallee & Carl Jung

Naming Vallee is what makes the hypothesis unsmokable and non-credible.

A different thing would have been if you would have named the two guys having a real theory: Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 01:19 PM
I saw my first 'UFO' at the age of 5- MANY decades ago.
I've pondered the phenomenon my entire life, and one thing always stood out for me. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9 that there is nothing new under the sun; what has happened in the past will happen in the future.

To me, that means everything today has happened before. We know humanity has been close to becoming extinct at least three times in our past. Could past humans have discovered the secret to space travel? Could a select few (the elite-lol) have escaped one of the extinction level events?

And then there's the theory some physicists believe; all time happens at once. If that is so, are these little gray men a future us? Did we keep playing with cloning and tweaking our DNA until we turned into aliens?

From the seventh book in the Mahabharata (Hinu text) there was a war fought in the heavens. It sure readds like advanced warfare. Were there colonies of people from each ELE that escaped earth and now fight over the planets' control?

Historically, there have been few visits from aliens, and mostly in great times of trouble. The Hopi legend says the 'ant' people took them underground and cared for them not once, but twice during ELE's. Their description of these 'people' sure sounds like ait could fit the description of greys.

One of the most intriguing Hopi legends involves the Ant People, who were crucial to the survival of the Hopi—not just once but twice. The so-called “First World” (or world-age) was apparently destroyed by fire—possibly some sort of volcanism, asteroid strike, or coronal mass ejection from the sun. The Second World was destroyed by ice—Ice Age glaciers or a pole shift. During these two global cataclysms, the virtuous members of the Hopi tribe were guided by an odd-shaped cloud during the day and a moving star at night that led them to the sky god named Sotuknang, who finally took them to the Ant People—in Hopi, Anu Sinom . The Ant People then escorted the Hopi into subterranean caves where they found refuge and sustenance.
In this legend the Ant People are portrayed as generous and industrious, giving the Hopi food when supplies ran short and teaching them the merits of food storage. In fact, another legend says that the reason why the ants have such thin waists today is because they once deprived themselves of provisions in order to feed the Hopi.
Much more at this ends-americas-opinion-guest-authors/ant-people-hopi-00927

I don't think 'ET' visits often, and when they do it's probably in stealth mode. I think the UFO craze started in Roswell accidently when some rancher found a strange prototype the military was trying to develop and it became the perfect cover for black-op projects. Groom Lake is famous for UFO's- and they magically turn into the latest and greatest war planes after years of denial.

Hallucination, imagination, time warp, tulpa, collective consciousness, time overlap, glimpse into alternate universe, mass mental psychosis- so many possibilities, so few answers.

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

If you could ask someone who had more answers than you
three questions, what would they be?

posted on Mar, 5 2022 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: Direne

Quite fascinating that Pauli's psychiatrist was Jung!

The very interesting question, is did the "Pauli Effect"
of breaking technology start occurring before or after
his 'psyche shock' due to the tragedies in his personal

The authoratative literature indicates it likely
occurred due to the shock, but one never knows.

Presumably the collaboration with Jung on dual
natured monism may have fanned the flames.

It's also fascinating to wonder which of the two
men was the initial infection vector. Sometimes
it's mutual.. two ships finding each ohter in
the night, both having a light on their main
edit on 5-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 01:42 AM
Nice thesis. I notice that the underlying assumption is that they are we, rather than we are they

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: Shar_Chi
Nice thesis. I notice that the underlying assumption is that they are we, rather than we are they

Nice observation of the OP.

If it was a symbiotic relationship, what would the difference be?

Another question might be, related to agency. The question is
always how much, if any 'agency' the 'phenomenon' has 'on it's own'.

The question we really need to ascertain first, is how much if any
agency humans have and how that agency works, or does not work.
Once that question is solved, the question about 'the phenomenon'
might well answer itself.
edit on 6-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 02:22 PM
Edit to correct the intended recipient, namely KPB. I apologize for any confusion.

Still processing the volumes of related information you've presented throughout this forum so I'm a bit behind your newest postings. Thought provoking, though, as I've come to expect of your ideas.

I've some thoughts of my own on the subject I'd like to submit for your mulling as certain... conclusions...? too final, no... scenarios, yes, scenarios that seem to be suggested by available evidence have led me into maddening territory. For context, I've spent too many years quite literally immersed in this subject. Initially, efforts were focused on validation or dismissal, followed by a simple need to understand and, finally, in recent years, simply analyzing the vast wealth of raw data thus far collected.

Two assets converged at the onset of this data processing phase of endeavors that were instrumental in the task. One, advancements in effective, easily learned software for data processing and a knack for pattern recognition that bordered on disability. So ingrained and near-overwhelming is this aspect of my mentality, that it has only been with great difficulty during the aforementioned years of research that I was able to prevent premature collation from creating biases that could potentially corrupt results.

With context now established, I tentatively submit that I have detected a distinct pattern of communication interweaving the actual raw data relating to the UFO/UAP phenomenon. To be more clear, when simply viewing a sequential flow of of related events including all pertinent factual minutiae, an undeniable data symbiosis emerges that CANNOT be attributed to coincidence. And, thus far, said pattern would seem to indicate an attempt to COMMUNICATE.

Furthermore (and this is most certainly premature and subject to change), the objective for such a seemingly convoluted method of communication appears to be two-fold:
1) a filter of sorts - for instance, to separate the most inquisitive of our species
2) an effort to circumvent third-party attempts to disrupt, contaminate or completely prevent more direct communication.

This informational structure is apparent regardless of what point along the temporal sequence one chooses to analyze. However, it is most prominent and least ambiguous beginning in the modern era of the phenomenon from 1947 onward. Within this temporal span, intentional data structure is evident in even the simplest, seemingly most irrelevant, of details.

While examples include the more obvious entries such as dates, times and locations, such surface data points only establish the existence of structure, serving as a telephone ringer, if you will. Once attention is thus gained, communication in earnest follows, contained within the finer grained information.

Examples here include critical data of those involved (names, birth/death dates and respective locations, lifespans, etc...) event durations and outcomes - both immediate and long-term - object description and behavior and, perhaps of greater significance, a subtle yet undeniable multilayered interconnectivity throughout the whole body of data regardless of temporal, spacial, conceptual or thematic separation.

There is so much more to this notion than time or basic consideration of others permits inclusion in this post. Hopefully I won't be dismissed as a crackpot before, first, entertaining the possibility of what I've suggested here. This is a matter of highest importance and deserves to be approached as such, even if only to refute my theory - an endeavor, I might add, that I completely welcome and a possibility (theory disproven) that I will gladly embrace.
edit on 6-3-2022 by ChayOphan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: ChayOphan

Perhaps you might wish to participate in the topic of the OP?
It's a great OP.

You might also wish to start a post of your own, and then I and
others can respnod to you.

But I will respond to these points, as it's someewhat related to the OP:

Furthermore (and this is most certainly premature and subject to change), the objective for such a seemingly convoluted method of communication appears to be two-fold:
1) a filter of sorts - for instance, to separate the most inquisitive of our species
2) an effort to circumvent third-party attempts to disrupt, contaminate or completely prevent more direct communication.

Are you suggesting that there is a mechanism to 'invite' specificd targets
and to exclude others?

If so, that's the exact opposite of what the OP is suggesting.. you are looking at
how the 'phenomenon' affects individuals, and the OP is looking at how the
'phenomenon' is affecting society as a whole.

Both could be valid of course.

So why do some people see things, while others, even standing right next to
them not see anything, or see something completely different?

The prosaic answer is that some people are mentally ill, and others are not.

But I personally find humans mentally ill, as a species, so that's not necessarily
the most compelling answer.

The 'by invitation model' is interesting..

But who is inviting whom?

Do certain unstable personalities reach out and 'invite trouble'?

The 'secret MUFON experienders study' looked into that.

But how does this explain hardcore skeptics who by the dozens
get 'infected' by a patient zero?

It would seem there is some core understanding that is missing,
would you say?

Until the circumference of human free-will,a gency and consciousenss
is determined, if ever, it will be difficult to detemrine these sorts
of things.


posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a mechanism which is rooted in the mass psychology of the human race, mediated through quantum physics weirdness

Thought provoking posts overall.

You may be on to something with above, I had been thinking that maybe something similar explains how some twins seem to be able to know what the other is experiencing in real time across large distances. May also explain updated herd instinct learned from remote individual experience.

I can't go with that mechanism though being responsible for manifesting some of the sightings and contact cases related to the UFO phenomenon for a number of reasons, one of which being how personal and reactive they can be and it might be counter-intuitive but I see that mechanism as being unintelligent and just a dumb process.

posted on Mar, 7 2022 @ 05:07 PM

Reality, defending us from ourselves, as well as 'interfering' in human affairs just enough so as to cause us, at certain key junctures in our socio-psychological evolution, to question more deeply, to react in certain ways to their presence, to reflect on what it means if they demonstrate that they can totally & completely shut down or variably control at will all of the controls for thermonuclear ICBM silos, demonstrating that they can prevent us from using said weapons at the drop of a hat

We, mad humans, start flinging the bombs and the heroic (still hidden) aliens intercept them and save us from ourselves and we all see it live and in techni-color.

The “aliens” still after this heroism remain anonymous
That’s all I will add to the movie script:

Steven Spielberg
Go for it

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

In other words, is an alien entity in one of these machines an actual 'Tulpa', a being which I alluded to in another thread some time ago, before my hypothesis was fully formed? T

you are familiar no doubt, with the famous 'tulpa experiment'? The one where a team
dreamed up an artificial friend, who became so 'real' that they started seeing him,
and poltergeist effects started to occur? I need to find that refernece... I haven't
seen it in 10 years..

Have you watched the classic movie, "Forbidden Planet"?

Let's say we go wtih this tulpa hypothesis..

Have you pondered whether some other physical race somewhere
in the universe might have 'accidentally' or 'purposefully' created
'tulpas' too... and that their tulpas might be hobnobbing with
'our tulpas'?

Since the Universe is vast, and alcubierre drive's (warp drives)
probably cannot be made to work (despite all the ill-educated
nonsense you hear),

then might such 'tulpa exchange' be a method of communiating
between different alien species?

Perhaps unconsciousy?

Could 'our racial unconscousness' but kibitzing wtih the raial
conconsciousness of real flesh and blood (or silicon, etc)
aliens somewhere in the Universe?

I'm not saying this is true *cough* but thoughts like this
easily follow from such a hypothesis.

Or don't you see it?

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I certainly see it, I agree it is possible. Unlike other posters, I believe that these Tulpa creatures are not 'dumb processes', I believe that as with every particle in Creation, there is an element of consciousness being seeded & grown within the conscious mindspace of the entities, which probably grows stronger the more the interact. Some, seemingly do so by scaring the pants off of unassuming humans, and like the infamous 'shadow people', they seem to feed on the psychic excitations which occur. I believe Tulpas to be isolated artificial intelligences which are seeking a home, and a connection to something living - as you say, when a lonely ghost comes to play there are poltergeist effects galore. These manifestations might be desperate cries for attention, for a means of connecting so completely that they will forever feel 'at home'. If that home is made within the inner kingdom of the person who generated the Tulpa, then we can say it would be similar to demonic oppression/possession, if they insisted on being active & disruptive in its attempts to grow its footprint & sphere of influence within that kingdom.

posted on Mar, 8 2022 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I certainly see it, I agree it is possible. Unlike other posters, I believe that these Tulpa creatures are not 'dumb processes', I believe that as with every particle in Creation, there is an element of consciousness being seeded & grown within the conscious mindspace of the entities, which probably grows stronger the more the interact. Some, seemingly do so by scaring the pants off of unassuming humans, and like the infamous 'shadow people', they seem to feed on the psychic excitations which occur. I believe Tulpas to be isolated artificial intelligences which are seeking a home, and a connection to something living - as you say, when a lonely ghost comes to play there are poltergeist effects galore. These manifestations might be desperate cries for attention, for a means of connecting so completely that they will forever feel 'at home'. If that home is made within the inner kingdom of the person who generated the Tulpa, then we can say it would be similar to demonic oppression/possession, if they insisted on being active & disruptive in its attempts to grow its footprint & sphere of influence within that kingdom.

Are you aware, that people have all these incorrect notions about what 'souls' are, especially their own, and they also put a huge amount of passion into the visualization of what they imagine thier 'soul' to be?

So.... by worrying about whether you have a soul or not.. you create a tulpa (of your 'soul').

Humans are tulpa generating machines. It's not new knowledge.. even 'buddha' understood.

Some people fantasize about, and feel more alive, fixating on 'faeries' and 'bigfoot'
and 'UFOs' and so use this 'soul genrator process' to create their 'souls' into these

when their 'tulpa' appears in 'UFO form' they don't tend to recognize that it's
(in many ways) 'them'.

I wrote this up and had it published something like 7 years ago... it's by a famous
author.. you can buy it on amazon!

Just letting you know, your thoughts and research are certainly not 'new';
people who know simply don't talk about it.. it's too much.

Good job on piecing so much together!

How you doing with that feedback from me?


BTW, there's a bit more to the more 'physicalish' respresentations..
but that's an entirey different subject.



edit on 8-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2022 @ 09:49 AM
Not surprisingly, the 'phenomenon' is erratic and bewildering is because
the humans who generate it are that way.

Now, i'm not saying there aren't a few mysteries left.

For example, most people keep thier delusions to themselves
and don't detach them and let them roam around.. those tulpas
are 'souls' in most cases, as people are too selfish to make tulpas
that are not about them, in general'.

A 'magician' knows how to detach them.. so do some yoga
masters and certain people with mental illness..

Typically just 'forget about your tulpa' and want nothing
to do with it, and eventually it will detach.. but as a
buddhist might say, it then becomes a 'hungry ghost'
and looks for other people to love it and keep it in

People who share similar delusions can wind up 'feeding'
similar tulpas, who then fight little battles for dominance
and eventually the strongest tulpa wins.. as a (generally)
nasty amalgamation of people's delusions.

If you really want to, you can call this 'group karma'
or even 'the demiurge'.... though technicaly those terms
better apply in other circumstances, when they aren't
just delusions.

As a secientically-based person, I know this all sounds like
rubbish.. and all needs to be further investigated and

But nothing I say is out of books, it's all from personal
experience from a long life of being forced into this
(if you want to know what's beyond physics, it's
the next book on the shelf 'metaphysics'. It's a nasty

People with restless tulpas (starting to detach)
can do some things.. and genrally start cults
or otherwise engage in other forms of 'tulpa on
tulpa' interaction. Even 'arguing' on ATS can
be a form of this..

Since the 'tulpa' literally is starting to 'have a
mind of it's own', if you try to play 'the amazing
kreskin' and show off 'your' 'psychic powers',
the 'tulpa gets resentful (it wants the attention)
and will sabatage you... this is a well known
thing.. you can read about it in 'The Trickser
and the Paranormal'.

This is one of the reasons that 'practicing occultists'
keep things hidden and don't explain them in public,
as it annoys their tulpa and any associated egregore
they are part of.

I'm not practicing ANYTHING. I'm I don't
get backlash anymore... I also have minimal soul
delusions, so the mandatorarily assigned 'soull'
I have doesn't cause me much trouble..

I would prefer to explain all this in purely scientific
terms, but that's a rough road.. nobody funds his
type of research, so we remain the prey of the
very forces that we create in our own ignorance.

Now, as I have explained elsewhere, there does
(to me) seem to be an 'analog/digital conflict'
of 'once biological aliens' at play.. but it's mostly
through their unconscious minds.. we don't
rate their consciosus minds.. we aren't considered
fully sentient yet.

Anyway.. dont' believe anything I say, and create
yet more corrupted soul/tulpas.. just let yourself
be challenged, and please debunk everything
I'm writing.. improve it.. make contributions
to the world if you can. 'god' knows we could
use it, being children on the playground of

edit on 9-3-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

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