posted on Mar, 3 2022 @ 02:51 PM
So in the last few nights I have met Rasputin , his face came to me then he was in a bath tub and he said to me we can heal our self's and took out a
knife and began cutting himself but he couldn't heal himself and his eye looked "help me" That's all i can remember of that one .
The other really weird one was I was chased into a bunker of sorts by Zombie looking humans one grabbed me but I only had a short weapon and had to
fight it worrying that I might catch the whatever it had but pulled it's jaw off and ran down deep into the bunker where we came to a room we were all
sitting there and panicked because someone said the supervisors are coming so we all grabbed our head sets and began watching tv monitors .
That's about all I can remember but dude what the hell I didn't even eat beans I got no clue where Rasputin came from lol
edit on 3-3-2022
by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)