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On next door was a recruitment announcement for veterans and police to aid Ukraine

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posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:50 AM
On my local next door there was a person who posted a recruitment announcement for veterans and police to aid Ukraine. I don't know it's authenticity, but feel this is a good place to post it for all to see. I know we have many people who feel very strongly that Ukraine is a testing ground for the world. Will we resist totalitarian socialism/communism or will we let the world fall to the bullies of The New World Order? China appears to be preparing to invade Taiwan and I think watching this will either cause them to charge ahead and take all the land they want, including part of India that China says is theirs by right, or back off.

Well here it is:

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has requested veterans worldwide to apply for service at their Ukrainian embassy. For US Veterans and police you can volunteer to find and extract US citizens. However, no one would fault you if, on the way, you happen to render medical aid or teach militia how to use the stingers, mortars, and shoulder mounted AT that they are receiving.

Failure to stop Putin here will embolden China to take Taiwan, which will cause Japan to retaliate and will drag our Navy into what is highly likely to become a nuclear conflict. China will not pursue this course if the Russians fail. The only way to stop Russia without causing a tactical nuke trade-off is with boots on the ground.

If you are a combat vet or policeman you can volunteer. Teach the militia, keep your head down, and come back. Then run for Congress, because you're a badass and we need people of honor running our country. You are expected to fund your own way over there. There's some talk about receiving $20k a month once there, but you'll need to talk with the Ukrainian embassy about that. Legally, you can go and volunteer without losing citizenship, so don't worry about that.

If you can't afford travel and equipment expenses, send a direct message to the President of the international corporation DocGo, which is like Doctors Without Borders. He's volunteered to fund anyone who wants to go:

Contact the Ukraine Embassy to be guided through the process (You'll need to contact them by phone. Their embassy website is getting so much traffic that it has crashed):
Phone: (202) 349-2963
Address: 3350 M St NW, Washington, DC 20007

Every response on my next door page was positive. Most were furious with Biden for being so internationally weak that Russia felt free to invade Ukraine. They are also furious that Biden is still funding Russia by purchasing Russian oil and not resuming oil production in the US to 2019 levels in order to be self sufficient and to be able to sell oil to the EU so they don't have to depend on despotic socialist/communists or countries that fund Islamic terrorism.

Putin has bombed kindergartens, schools, homes, civilians. He has committed war crimes and needs to be stopped.

So this old lady who yes is a conservative, yes voted for Trump, yes thinks Putin is evil, yes thinks this would not have happened if Trump were President.

You libs can whine all you want about me being a racist white supremacist (even though I have a multi racial family) because I supported Trump when he was President.

This weird over the top obsession of Democrats only makes me more certain that liberals are so obsessed with Trump they can't see the danger they have put the world in with their over the top ending of a large percentage of US oil production to the point where it has aided Putin to be emboldened to start this horrific and evil war.

Plus liberals/progressives/Democrats voted in the weakest President in the history of the US who emboldened Putin to start a horrific war, put the US on a path to economic destruction through rampant non-stop inflation, allowed the US to increase the murder rate and crime rate exponentially through not stopping Democrats from "unfunding" police and Democrat DA's not prosecuting criminals. Democrats have also allowed terrorists like BLM to destroy cities and refused to prosecute them for burning businesses and destroying neighborhoods. All this under Biden, your savior from Trump, the one you preferred over someone who sent out mean tweets. The father of a coc aine addict and mob like criminal son.

Remember Biden has said publicly that none of the sanctions are to be expected to work right away and it takes time. Meanwhile, little children are dying. Mothers are huddled frightened with their children. Russian troops are shooting families in cars. AND Biden said "We never expected sanctions to work." and then backtracked and said "they won't work right away (while thousands die needlessly) and it will take time."

Maybe it is time the citizens of the world

turn thumbs down to the world leaders

and fight TPTB to stop the killing of innocents

that are nothing to world leaders but pawns

in a chess game played by a bunch of very old men,

senile and demented old men, running the world right now.

edit on 3/1/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

It's weird watching this play out. Russia is breaking international law, but that doesn't mean the USA, and other sympathetic demoncracies are at liberty to break international law to intervene. So, we see Ukraine putting out a role call for Soldiers of Fortune. Soldiers of fortune aren't part of any government and don't give a darn about international law. They're basically paid hit men.

Which brings me wonder, where's Mossad? I can't believe that they aren't ninja-ing something up over there.

edit on 1-3-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:18 AM
People need to make up their minds-do you want a global police force or not? People want the US to intervene if they feel like something happening is bad-but bad things happen everywhere. How can we choose where and when to intervene?

The answer is: we don’t have to-it is chosen for us.

We really need to start getting more mature and stop falling for the same crap before it is too late. This happens all the time and we are on repeat.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: AcrobaticDreams
People need to make up their minds-do you want a global police force or not? People want the US to intervene if they feel like something happening is bad-but bad things happen everywhere. How can we choose where and when to intervene?

The answer is: we don’t have to-it is chosen for us.

We really need to start getting more mature and stop falling for the same crap before it is too late. This happens all the time and we are on repeat.

The US should not intervene, we are not the worlds policemen.

We do need to stop funding Russia by buying their oil however.

What is befuddling Putin and world leaders is the fight that "the people" are putting up.
It has startled Putin and the world.
It probably has TPTB terrified that average people are putting up such a fight for freedom.

TPTB will lose their power if citizens all over the world stop putting up with their chess game and said "no, we won't return to totalitarian oppression socialist/communist style, you can't have us as your serfs" like the citizens of Ukraine.

edit on 3/1/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

When the citizens of the world stop putting up with the
evil chess game of demented and senile
very old men;
that ends up killing innocents
maybe that will put a dent in their
plans for a totalitarian freedom oppressing New World Order.

No, the US should not do it as a nation, we are not the worlds police.

But if "the people" rise up against TPTB and their chess game
that would do more damage to their plans
than a nation joining in their evil to the core, chess game.

Mercenaries or freedom fighters? we look at it two different ways.

Freedom fighters, the people, scare the world leaders like they
did in Canada, like they are doing in the US, with DC putting back up fences
and walls for when the Freedom Truckers arrive.

The senile and demented old people in charge are terrified by the
thought of freedom. There was even a liberal newspaper who
said that "the fight for freedom is a white supremacist idea."
They always use racism or another ism/ist when they are
terrified of "the people". It is a dead giveaway of their terror
of "the people" wanting freedom to run their own lives and
making their own decisions.

I am NOT advocating violence in the US ,
don't mistake this as a call for that.
War on innocents is far different than
"demands for freedom" (i.e. truckers)
when innocents are being wholesale
bombed by world leaders.
The DC truckers freedom ride is meant
to be peaceful and I expect it will and should be.

However, when TPTB
run by demented and senile old people
start bombing innocents for their chess
game, the people, world wide, have a right to fight back
and to help each other fight back.

edit on 3/1/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

I'm not advocating either, but observing. It's like when a 4th grade playground bully has the upper hand, and the school administration won't do anything to intervene. Hiring a 6th grade bodyguard might be understandable. Mercenary troops fighting for Ukraine might fit the bill, for now, until our inner Soldiers of Fortune starts "marching, one foot in front of the other" and change the world.

edit on 1-3-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: The2Billies
This brings up a 1930's analogy that I had forgotten about;
Mixtures of volunteer help and oblique official help.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 10:29 AM

Putin has bombed kindergartens, schools, homes, civilians. He has committed war crimes and needs to be stopped.

Did the MSM tell you that? I remember the same MSM telling us Assad idiotically gassed his own people, seems Putin's an idiot too, doesn't he know the world is watching or are we to believe he's now suddenly an out of control mad man.
edit on st03581010 by Smigg because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 10:40 AM
Exterminate the brutes! It is the only way this will ever end.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 11:15 AM
The old chess players?

a reply to: americanbuffalo1

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 02:29 PM
Isn't there a Book somewhere with a prophecy about the entire world being in chaos and turmoil, then some guy comes along and offers a solution that mesmerizes the masses with the promise of solving all the worlds' problems? Everybody thinks he's great and boards the 'peace' train.

I don't see any world leader that fits that description yet, but the 'world at war' seems to be drawing closer to being a reality.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: The2Billies
Which brings me wonder, where's Mossad? I can't believe that they aren't ninja-ing something up over there.

posted on Mar, 1 2022 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Isn't there a Book somewhere with a prophecy about the entire world being in chaos and turmoil, then some guy comes along and offers a solution that mesmerizes the masses with the promise of solving all the worlds' problems? Everybody thinks he's great and boards the 'peace' train.

I don't see any world leader that fits that description yet, but the 'world at war' seems to be drawing closer to being a reality.

“Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disturbances,* [Or “disorders; uprisings.”] do not be terrified. For these things must take place first, but the end will not occur immediately.”
Then he [Jesus] said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.” (Luke 21:9-11)

“And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

edit on 1-3-2022 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2022 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: nugget1

“Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace’ and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.”​—1 Thess. 5:1-3.

When Men Say “Peace and Security,” Then Sudden Destruction! (Awake!—1972)


Nation rises against nation in global warfare (Matt. 24:7; Rev. 6:3, 4)


Massive food shortage, spiraling prices and famine (Matt. 24:7; Rev. 6:5-8)


Deadly plagues reaching epidemic proportions (Luke 21:11; Rev. 6:8)


Earthquakes in one place after another (Matt. 24:7)


Increasing of lawlessness (Matt. 24:12)


Good news of the Kingdom preached in all the earth (Matt. 24:14)


Hundreds of millions of homes in over 200 lands have been visited not once or twice but dozens of times by these Kingdom proclaimers. The result? Not world conversion, for that is not what the Bible foretold. Instead, Jesus’ prophecy says: “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”​—Matt. 24:14.

Destruction of What?

As the rest of the Bible shows, the “end” refers not to the end of planet Earth nor of all the inhabitants on it. It refers to the destruction of a world system of things that has been unrighteous from its start.

Refusing to be guided by God’s law and to settle their differences by it in peace, for thousands of years men have made this earth a battlefield in which, not justice, but ‘might makes right.’ They struggle to gain or retain commercial advantage, political influence and power, or expansion of territorial rights. They give vent to religious prejudice, nationalistic pride or racial hatred. And to accomplish these selfish aims they have not held back from ruthless killing, almost invariably accompanied by looting, raping and other acts of cruelty. Can we believe that the Almighty God will never require an accounting for all this? Could he merit our trust and worship as a God of righteousness if he did not?

The ‘day of Jehovah’ of which the apostle wrote is God’s time for just such an accounting. But there will be survivors. And for all those who have repudiated the godless way of the nations and who love righteousness and want to escape the “sudden destruction” coming, these encouraging words spoken to ancient Israel will apply:

“Go, my people, enter into your interior rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for but a moment until the denunciation passes over. For, look! Jehovah is coming forth from his place to call to account the error of the inhabitant of the land against him, and the land will certainly expose her bloodshed and will no longer cover over her killed ones.”​—Isa. 26:20, 21.


Speakers roundly called for an end to violence and a start to constructive peace talks. Some drew attention to the conflict’s origin. The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said the root cause of the current situation rests with the United States and other Western countries. These States have systematically undermined the European security environment by defying the Russian Federation’s reasonable demand for legal security guarantees and pursuing the eastward expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Recalling the violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya by the United States and the West under the pretext of international peace and security, he said that it is “absurd” for such countries to mention respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity in the context of the Ukrainian situation.

Some delegates representing small States decried the “might makes right” concept, which many agreed must be replaced with the guiding principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

“This is a crisis for all of us, and we all must speak out for diplomacy and support this resolution,” said the representative of Antigua and Barbuda. The international community has the responsibility to speak out, “lest our silence be misconstrued as consent”. As such, he called on all countries — especially small island States — to affirm that “might is not right”.

Source: As Russian Federation’s Invasion of Ukraine Creates New Global Era, Member States Must Take Sides, Choose between Peace, Aggression, General Assembly Hears | UN Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
edit on 2-3-2022 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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