posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 05:52 PM
Those who pay attention know I keep aquariums and find fish fascinating to watch. Generally, I prefer cichlids because they tend to have more complex
behaviors than the tetras and most bread and butter tropicals, but those have their place too.
Since becoming a mom, I haven't had the time to devote to taking care of a cichlid tank like I'd like, so my tanks are mostly just standard
tropicals. Right now, I have a 55g with 1 gold gourami (a big guy - he survived a summer outside in the pond, so he's Ausome [see what I did there])
and several schools of smaller fish - cardinal tetras, white clouds, and I used to have lemon tetras.
That's a lemon tetra. Mine had maybe a bit more yellows blush to the body which happens. I was just looking for a schooler when I got my original 10,
and I didn't expect much, but as time went on and I started noticing them. I really got to like them. They were active and engaged and turned a
pleasant subtle yellow with the black striping and yellow streak on the fin. But I never, ever saw them anywhere else after that day when I got the 10
on a whim. Over time, they dwindled down to 6, and then a bad water change axed those down to 2 lonely guys.
I've been looking and looking for more lemon tetras all over town since then because I felt bad for my poor lonely duo. They've been just two for at
least a year, if not longer now.
But today ... it happened! My husband returned from the same pet store I got the original group from and excitedly told me they had another tank full,
so off I went and back I came with eight more little lemons.
When they hit the water after acclimating, it was so amazing to watch the two react to suddenly have eight more companions! They darted all over! They
bumped their new buddies (gently). They displayed like I hadn't seen in forever. They were so, so excited to see others.
Don't tell me fish can't feel joy and excitement. These two clearly felt something beyond the ordinary.